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儒林外史 - The Scholars

[Qing] 1750 Library Resources

说楔子敷陈大义 借名流隐括全文 - In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book

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6 说楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
So three or four years quickly passed. Wang Mian studied and began to see things clearly. One sultry day in early summer, tired after leading the buffalo to graze, he sat down on the grass. Suddenly dense clouds gathered, and there was a heavy shower of rain. Then the black storm clouds fringed with fleecy white drifted apart, and the sun shone through, bathing the whole lake in crimson light. The hills by the lake were blue, violet and emerald. The trees, freshly washed by the rain, were a lovelier green than ever. Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake, while beads of water rolled about the leaves.
As Wang Mian watched, he thought, “The ancients said, 'In a beautiful scene a man feels he is part of a picture.' How true! What a pity there is no painter here to paint these sprays of lotus. That would be good.” Then he reflected, “There's nothing a man can't learn. Why shouldn't I paint them myself?”

11 说楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
One day Wang Mian was sitting in Old Qin's cottage when a man wearing a bailiff's cap and blue cloth gown came in. Old Qin welcomed him, and after an exchange of courtesies they sat down. This newcomer's name was Zhai. He was a county runner and also a bailiff, but since Old Qin's son was his godchild he often came to the village to visit their family. Old Qin hastily called his son to make tea, kill a chicken and cook some meat to entertain the bailiff, and asked Wang Mian to accompany them.
When Bailiff Zhai heard Wang Mian's name, he asked, “Is this Mr. Wang the flower painter?”
“Yes,” said Old Qin. “How did you get to know of him?”
“Is there anyone in the county who doesn't know him?” retorted the bailiff. “The other day the county magistrate commissioned me to get twenty-four paintings of flowers to send to a superior. Knowing Mr. Wang's great reputation, I've come straight here; and now I'm lucky enough to meet Mr. Wang himself.” Then he turned to Wang Mian and said: “I must trouble you to do some paintings. In two weeks I shall come to fetch them, bringing the payment from Magistrate Shi.”
Old Qin pressed Wang Mian to consent and, to please the old man, he agreed.
He went home and took infinite pains to paint twenty-four pictures of flowers, each with a poem appended. Bailiff Zhai reported his meeting with Wang Mian to the magistrate, who gave him twenty-four taels of silver. Of this sum Zhai appropriated half, giving twelve taels only to Wang Mian. He took the flower album away with him, and then the magistrate sent it with some other presents to Mr. Wei.

22 说楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
During this conversation the magistrate's chair had come up. Bailiff Zhai knelt before the chair and said, “I asked for Wang Mian and found he is not at home. Won't Your Honour go to the local office to rest for a little, while I make further inquiries?” Then he escorted the chair past the back of Wang Mian's cottage.
Behind the cottage were a few strips of arable land and a big lake, its banks thickly grown with elms and mulberry trees. Then more fields could be seen, stretching to the horizon. There was a hill too, covered with fresh green trees, only a few hundred yards away. If you shouted, your voice would carry there. And round the foot of this hill, as the magistrate's chair advanced, came a little cowherd riding back to front on a water buffalo.

王孝廉村学识同科 周蒙师暮年登上第 - Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. Zhou Meng passes the examination in his old age

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3 王孝廉村... :
Provincial Graduate Wang meets...:
Old Mr. Xun was the first to speak.
“How much do we each have to pay for the lantern dance in the temple this year?” he asked.
“Wait till my relative comes,” said Shen. “We'll discuss it together.”
As they were speaking, a man walked in. He had redrimmed eyes, a swarthy face, and sparse, dingy whiskers. His cap was cocked to one side, his blue cloth gown was greasy as an oil-vat, and he carried a donkey switch in one hand. Making a casual gesture of greeting to the company, he plumped himself down in the seat of honour. This was Xia, the new village head for Xue Market.

25 王孝廉村... :
Provincial Graduate Wang meets...:
Presently the monk brought in tea, and when they had drunk it Zhou Jin said, “I read your examination essay over and over again, sir. The last two paragraphs were particularly fine.”
“Those two paragraphs were not by me.”
“You are too modest, sir. Who else could have written them?”
“Although not by me, they were not by anybody else either,” said the scholar. “It was the first day of the examination, on the ninth, getting on for dusk; but I had still not finished the first essay, and I said to myself, 'Usually I write very quickly. What makes me so slow today?' As I was racking my brains, I dozed off on the desk. Then I saw five greenfaced men leaping into the cell. One of them made a mark on my head with a big brush which he had in his hand, then darted away. Then a man in a gauze cap, red robe and golden belt came in, who shook me and said, 'Mr. Wang, please get up!' I woke up, trembling, bathed in icy sweat, and taking the pen into my hand began to write without knowing what I was doing. From this one can see that there are spirits in the examination school. When I made this statement to the chief examiner, he said that I ought to pass the very highest examination.”

周学道校士拔真才 胡屠户行凶闹捷报 - Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news

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41 周学道校... :
Examiner Zhou picks out...:
True enough, many people came to Fan Jin after that and made him presents of land and shops; while some poor couples came to serve him in return for his protection. In two or three months he had menservants and maidservants, to say nothing of money and rice. When Mr. Zhang came again to urge him, he moved into the new house; and for three days he entertained guests with feasts and operas. On the morning of the fourth day, after Fan Jin's mother had got up and had breakfast, she went to the rooms in the back courtyard. There she found Fan Jin's wife with a silver pin in her hair. Although this was the middle of the tenth month, it was still warm and she was wearing a sky-blue silk tunic and a green silk skirt. She was supervising the maids as they washed bowls, cups, plates and chopsticks.

荐亡斋和尚吃官司 打秋风乡绅遭横事 - In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble

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6 荐亡斋和... :
In which a monk...:
They were enjoying their meal when they heard a violent knocking on the gate.
“Who is it?” called He Mei-zhi.
“Go and have a look, Mei-zhi,” said the abbot.
But no sooner had He opened the gate when seven or eight men rushed in. At the sight of the woman and the abbot drinking together at one table, they shouted, “Having a good time, aren't you? A monk carrying on with a woman in broad daylight! A fine abbot you are—knowing the law but breaking it.”
“Stow that nonsense!” cried He Mei-zhi. “This is my landlord.”
Then they all swore at him. “Your landlord, eh? Does he have the run of your wife as well as your land?”
Without listening to the others' protests, they took a hempen rope and tied up the abbot, half-naked as he was, with the woman. Then they haled them off, together with He Mei-zhi, to Nanhai County Court. There, the abbot and the woman, still tied together, were pushed up to a stage in front of a temple to wait for the magistrate, while Ho was thrown out. The abbot, however, had asked him in a whisper to go to Mr. Fan's house to report what had happened.

20 荐亡斋和... :
In which a monk...:
Just then an attendant whispered something into the magistrate's ear, at which he got up and excused himself, saying he would be back presently. In a few minutes they heard him give the order, “Put it there!” Then he came in and sat down again at the table, apologizing for his absence.
“Mr. Zhang, you have held official posts,” said Magistrate Tang. “I would like your opinion on this. It's in connection with the prohibition of the sale of beef. Just now several Moslems got an old man to bring me fifty catties of beef and to plead with me saying that if I stop the sale of beef they will be forced out of business; and begging me to be more lenient. They want me, in fact, to shut my eyes to an illegal transaction. And they have sent this beef here. Should I accept it or not?”
“I should say certainly not, sir,” replied Zhang. “We officials owe allegiance only to the emperor, not to friends of the same faith. This reminds me of Mr. Liu in the reign of Hong Wu.”
“Which Mr. Liu?” asked the magistrate.
“Liu Chi. He passed the palace examination in the third year of the reign, coming fifth on the list.”
“I thought he came third,” put in Fan Jin.
“No,” Zhang contradicted him. “Fifth. I read his essay. Later he entered the Han Lin Academy. One day Emperor Hong Wu went to his house in disguise, just like the emperor in the old story who called on his friend one snowy night. But that same day Prince Zhang of Jiangnan sent Liu a pitcher of pickled vegetables, and Liu opened it in the emperor's presence only to find that it was full of gold. The emperor was very angry and said, 'He seems to think that scholars can control the state.' The next day he degraded Liu Chi to the post of magistrate of Qingtien, and had him poisoned. No, no, you can't accept the beef!”

王秀才议立偏房 严监生疾终正寝 - The Wang brothers deliberate how to make a concubine of the mistress of the house. Yan Ta-yu dies

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15 王秀才议... :
The Wang brothers deliberate...:
The next day, accordingly, Wang Ren and Wang De came to Mr. Yan's house and wrote scores of invitations to relatives from the various branches of the family. And all of them came, with the exception of Senior Licentiate Yan's five sons from next door. When the guests had breakfasted, they went to Mrs. Yan's bedside to witness her will, which her brothers drew up and signed. Meantime Mr. Yan put on a scholar's cap, a blue gown and red silk sash, while Concubine Zhao dressed herself in crimson and put a gold chaplet on her head. As they worshipped heaven and earth and the ancestors, Wang Ren drew on his vast erudition to write a most moving announcement of this marriage to the Yan ancestors. And having informed the ancestors, they left the shrine.
Then Wang Ren and Wang De sent for their wives, and kowtowed together to the new husband and wife. All the relatives congratulated them in order of seniority, after which the stewards, menservants and maidservants did reverence to their master and mistress. The new wife went in alone to bow before the dying mistress, calling her “Elder Sister.” But Mrs. Yan had already lost consciousness.
These ceremonies at an end, the guests crowded into the great hall, second hall, library and inner chambers to sit down to more than twenty tables.

范学道视学报师恩 王员外立朝敦友谊

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16 范学道视... :

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