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Scope: The Scholars Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "青" Matched:80.

In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book3
Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. Zhou Meng passes the examination in his old age2
Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news1
In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble2
The Wang brothers deliberate how to make a concubine of the mistress of the house. Yan Ta-yu dies1
范学道视学报师恩 王员外立朝敦友谊1
王观察穷途逢世好 娄公子故里遇贫交3
鲁小姐制义难新郎 杨司训相府荐贤士1
名士大宴莺脰湖 侠客虚设人头会1
蘧駪夫求贤问业 马纯上仗义疏财2
蘧公孙书坊送良友 马秀才山洞遇神仙4
匡秀才重游旧地 赵医生高踞诗坛1
匡超人幸得良朋 潘自业横遭祸事3
匡超人高兴长安道 牛布衣客死芜湖关1
冒姓字小子求名 念亲戚老夫卧病2
认祖孙玉圃联宗 爱交游雪斋留客3
牛浦郎牵连多讼事 鲍文卿整理旧生涯2
鲍文卿南京遇旧 倪廷玺安庆招亲3
向观察升官哭友 鲍廷玺丧父娶妻3
诸葛佑僧寮遇友 杜慎卿江郡纳姬1
爱少俊访友神乐观 逞风流高会莫愁湖1
圣天子求贤问道 庄徵君辞爵还家3
萧云仙救难明月岭 平少保奏凯青枫城11
萧云仙广武山赏雪 沈琼枝利涉桥卖文8
庄濯江话旧秦淮河 沈琼枝押解江都县1
汤总镇成功归故乡 余明经把酒问葬事4
敦友谊代兄受过 讲堪舆回家葬亲2
三山门贤人饯别 五河县势利薰心3
徽州府烈妇殉夫 泰伯祠遗贤感旧1
翰林高谈龙虎榜 中书冒占凤凰池1
假官员当街出丑 真义气代友求名1
国公府雪夜留宾 来宾楼灯花惊梦1
病佳人青楼算命 呆名士妓馆献诗3