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Scope: The Scholars Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "怜" Matched:25.

In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book1
Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news3
The Wang brothers deliberate how to make a concubine of the mistress of the house. Yan Ta-yu dies1
王觀察窮途逢世好 婁公子故裏遇貧交1
婁公子捐金贖朋友 劉守備冒姓打船家1
魯翰林憐才擇婿 蘧公孫富室招親1
葬神仙馬秀才送喪 思父母匡童生盡孝1
大柳莊孝子事親 樂清縣賢宰愛士1
冒姓字小子求名 念親戚老夫臥病1
牛浦郎牽連多訟事 鮑文卿整理舊生涯1
鮑文卿南京遇舊 倪廷璽安慶招親1
諸葛佑僧寮遇友 杜慎卿江郡納姬1
祭先聖南京修禮 送孝子西蜀尋親2
郭孝子深山遇虎 甘露僧狹路逢讎3
蕭雲仙救難明月嶺 平少保奏凱青楓城2
公子妓院說科場 家人苗疆報信息1
野羊塘將軍大戰 歌舞地酋長劫營1
添四客述往思來 彈一曲高山流水2