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儒林外史 - The Scholars

[Qing] 1750 Library Resources

說楔子敷陳大義 借名流隱括全文 - In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book

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27 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian travelled day after day past large posting stations and small, till he came to the city of Jinan. Although Shandong is a northern province, its chief city was rich and populous, packed with buildings. By the time Wang Mian arrived here, his money was spent, and he had to rent a small front room in a temple and tell fortunes there. He also painted pictures of flowers, and posted up a couple to sell to passers-by. Every day he told fortunes and sold paintings, and customers flocked to him. In this way six months flew by.

王孝廉村學識同科 周蒙師暮年登上第 - Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. Zhou Meng passes the examination in his old age

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35 王孝廉村... :
Provincial Graduate Wang meets...:
Having lost his job, Zhou Jin went home. He was extremely hard up. One day his brother-in-law, Jin You-yu, came to see him and said, 「Don't take offence at what I say, brother. But all this study doesn't seem to be getting you anywhere, and a bad job is better than none. How long can you go on like this — neither fish, flesh nor fowl? I am going to the provincial capital with some other merchants to buy goods, and we need someone to keep accounts. Why don't you come with us? You are all on your own, and in our group you won't want for food or clothes.」
「Even if a paralytic falls into a well, he can be no worse off than before,」 thought Zhou Jin. 「It can't hurt me to go.」 So he consented.

36 王孝廉村... :
Provincial Graduate Wang meets...:
Jin chose an auspicious day, and they set off with a party of merchants to the provincial capital, where they stayed in a merchants' guild. Since Zhou Jin had nothing to do, he strolled through the streets until he saw a group of workmen who said that they were going to repair the examination school. He followed them to the gate of the school and wanted to go in, but the gateman cracked his whip and drove him away.

周學道校士拔真才 胡屠戶行兇鬧捷報 - Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news

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1 周學道校... :
Examiner Zhou picks out...:
When Zhou Jin fell senseless to the ground, his friends were greatly taken aback, thinking he must be ill.
「I suppose this place has been shut up so long that the air is bad,」 said the guild head. 「That must be why he has collapsed.」
「I'll hold him up,」 said Qin to the guild head, 「while you go and get some hot water from the workmen over there to bring him to.」
When the guild head brought back the water, three or four of the others raised Zhou Jin up and poured water down his throat till he gave a gurgle and spat out some phlegm. 「That's better,」 they said, and helped him to his feet. But when Zhou Jin saw the desk he beat his head against it again. Only, instead of falling unconscious, this time he burst into loud sobbing. Not all their entreaties could stop him.

6 周學道校... :
Examiner Zhou picks out...:
The next day, sure enough, the four merchants raised two hundred taels of silver between them. This they gave to Jin, who promised to be responsible for any expenses over and above that sum. Zhou Jin thanked them again; and the guild head prepared a feast for the merchants on Zhou Jin's behalf. Meantime Jin had taken the silver to the provincial treasury. As luck would have it, it was just the time for the preliminary test for the provincial examination. Zhou Jin took the test and came first of all the candidates from the Imperial College. On the eighth of the eighth month he went to the examination school for the provincial examination, and the sight of the place where he had cried made him unexpectedly happy. As the proverb says, 「Joy puts heart into a man.」 Thus he wrote seven excellent examination papers, then went back to the guild, for Jin and the others had not yet completed their purchases. When the results were published, Zhou Jin had passed with distinction, and all the merchants were delighted.

薦亡齋和尚喫官司 打秋風鄉紳遭橫事 - In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble

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23 薦亡齋和... :
In which a monk...:
Several hundred Moslems were up in arms immediately. Sounding gongs and stopping the market, they went clamouring to the yamen to protest.
「Even if it was wrong to send the beef, he shouldn't have received a death penalty!」 they cried. 「This is all the fault of that scoundrel Zhang from Nanhai County. Let's break into the yamen, drag him out and beat him to death! One of us will be willing to pay for it with his own life.」
But to know to what lengths the Moslems went, you must read the next chapter.

王秀才議立偏房 嚴監生疾終正寢 - The Wang brothers deliberate how to make a concubine of the mistress of the house. Yan Ta-yu dies

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1 王秀才議... :
The Wang brothers deliberate...:
The Moslems were out for blood. They besieged the yamen gate so closely that not a drop of water could have trickled through, and threatened to drag Mr. Zhang out and beat him to death. The magistrate was thoroughly frightened. After a careful investigation he discovered that one of his subordinates had told the Moslems of Mr. Zhang's part in the business. 「After all, I am head of the county and they dare not touch me,」 he told Mr. Zhang and Fan Jin. 「But if they break in and find Mr. Zhang here, there's no knowing what may happen. I must think of a way to get you out of here. Once you have left, all will be well.」
He immediately summoned his most reliable men to discuss the question. Luckily, the back of the yamen was hard by the north gate of the city, and after several men had slipped outside the city wall, Mr. Zhang and Fan Jin were lowered to them by ropes. Then Zhang and Fan changed into blue cloth gowns, straw hats and sandals, and, stealthily as stray dogs, swiftly as fish escaping from the net, fled back to the provincial capital.

4 王秀才議... :
The Wang brothers deliberate...:
The magistrate turned to the other plaintiff, who was between fifty and sixty years old, and asked, 「What is your name?」
「Huang Meng-tong,」 was the answer. 「I live in the country. In the ninth month last year I came to the city to pay my taxes. But I didn't have enough money, so I asked a go-between to borrow twenty taels of silver for me from Senior Licentiate Yan at three per cent monthly interest. I signed a contract with Senior Licentiate Yan, but I didn't take the money, for here in town I met a relative from the country who said he could lend me part of the amount and I should borrow the rest from friends in the country. He advised me not to borrow from Senior Licentiate Yan. After paying my taxes, I went back with this relative. That was more than six months ago. Just lately I remembered the agreement I had signed, and came back to town to ask Senior Licentiate Yan to give it back to me. But he demanded that I pay the interest for all these months. 'I didn't borrow the money, so why should I pay interest?' I asked. Senior Licentiate Yan said if I had taken the agreement back at once, he could have lent the money to someone else. As it was, I had prevented his using those twenty taels, and made him lose half a year's interest. Now I must pay it. I realized I was in the wrong, and asked the go-between to speak for me, promising to take Senior Licentiate Yan presents of pork and wine if he would give me back the contract. But he still insisted on having the money. Now he has seized my donkey and grain sacks as a fine, yet he still hasn't returned that contract. I ask you, sir, to judge such underhand dealings!」
「A man who is a senior licentiate ranks among the scholars,」 declared Magistrate Tang, 「yet instead of doing good deeds, he cheats poor people like this. Disgraceful!」 He approved both plaintiffs' petitions, and told them to wait outside.
Now somebody had already reported this to Yan. He was panic-stricken, and thought, 「Both complaints are true, and if I have to appear in court I shall lose face. Better make myself scarce.」 He bundled some things together and fled to the provincial capital.

21 王秀才議... :
The Wang brothers deliberate...:
One morning he had just taken his medicine when he heard the rustle of falling leaves against the window, and felt a fearful premonition. He heaved a long sigh, and turned his face to the wall.
The new wife brought the Wang brothers in to see how he was before they left for the provincial examination. Ordering a maid to help him, Mr. Yan struggled to a sitting position.
「We have not seen you for many days, and now you are thinner than ever,」 said the brothers. 「It's good, though, that you still look so cheerful.」
Mr. Yan asked them to be seated, wished them success in their coming examination, and offered them refreshments. He told them what had happened on New Year's Eve, and asked his wife to bring in some silver. 「This was her idea,」 he told them. 「She suggested that this small sum of money that my wife left should be given to you for your trip. I am very ill, and don't know if I shall see you again. After my death, I beg you to watch over your nephew as he grows up. Help him to study and pass the prefectural examination, so that he need not be bullied as I have been all my life by my brother.」
Wang De and Wang Ren accepted the silver, each taking two packets. They thanked Mr. Yan profusely, said all they could to comfort him, then took their leave.

鄉紳發病鬧船家 寡婦含冤控大伯

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3 鄉紳發病... :

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