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Scope: The Scholars Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "省" Matched:74.

In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book1
Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. Zhou Meng passes the examination in his old age2
Examiner Zhou picks out true talent. Butcher Hu cuts up rough after good news2
In which a monk invited to say masses is involved in a lawsuit, and a country gentleman out to raise money runs into trouble1
The Wang brothers deliberate how to make a concubine of the mistress of the house. Yan Ta-yu dies3
鄉紳發病鬧船家 寡婦含冤控大伯12
范學道視學報師恩 王員外立朝敦友誼2
王觀察窮途逢世好 婁公子故裏遇貧交1
魯翰林憐才擇婿 蘧公孫富室招親2
魯小姐制義難新郎 楊司訓相府薦賢士1
葬神仙馬秀才送喪 思父母匡童生盡孝2
大柳莊孝子事親 樂清縣賢宰愛士1
匡秀才重遊舊地 趙醫生高踞詩壇6
約詩會名士攜匡二 訪朋友書店會潘三3
匡超人幸得良朋 潘自業橫遭禍事4
匡超人高興長安道 牛布衣客死蕪湖關3
冒姓字小子求名 念親戚老夫臥病1
發陰私詩人被打 歎老景寡婦尋夫1
王太太夫妻反目 倪廷珠兄弟相逢3
愛少俊訪友神樂觀 逞風流高會莫愁湖2
杜少卿夫婦游山 遲衡山朋友議禮2
議禮樂名流訪友 備弓旌天子招賢1
祭先聖南京修禮 送孝子西蜀尋親4
虞秀才重修元武閣 方鹽商大鬧節孝祠1
徽州府烈婦殉夫 泰伯祠遺賢感舊1
翰林高談龍虎榜 中書冒占鳳凰池2
假官員當街出醜 真義氣代友求名3
少婦騙人折風月 壯士高興試官刑2
神宗帝下詔旌賢 劉尚書奉旨承祭5