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Scope: Gathering Arms, Ma Teng Moves To Rescue The Emperor; Commanding A Force, Cao Cao Marches To Avenge His Father Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "滿寵呂虔共薦一人乃陳留平邱人姓毛名玠字孝先" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

勤王室馬騰舉義,報父讎曹操興師 - Gathering Arms, Ma Teng Moves To Rescue The Emperor; Commanding A Force, Cao Cao Marches To Avenge His Father

12 勤王室馬... :
Gathering Arms, Ma Teng...:
"I shall prove unworthy of your recommendation," said Cheng Yu to his friend Xun Yu, "for I am rough and ignorant. But have you forgotten a fellow villager of yours, Guo Jia? He is really able. Why not spread the net to catch him?"
"I had nearly forgotten!" said Xun Yu suddenly.
So he told Cao Cao of this man, who was at once invited.
Guo Jia, discussing the world at large with Cao Cao, recommended Liu Ye from Henan, who was a descendant of Liu Xiu the Founder of Latter Han. When Liu Ye had arrived, he was the means of inviting two more: Man Chong from Shanyang and Lu Qian from Wucheng, who were already known to Cao Cao by reputation. These two brought to their new master's notice the name of Mao Jie from Chenliu, who also came and was given office. Then a famous leader, with his troop of some hundreds, arrived to offer service. This was Yu Jin of Taishan, an expert horseman and archer, and skilled beyond his fellows in every form of military exercise. He was made an Army Inspector.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.