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Scope: Li Jue and Guo Si Duel In Changan; The Emperor Establishes Anyi The New Capital Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "糧食軍需謹當應付" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

李傕郭汜大交兵,楊奉董承雙救駕 - Li Jue and Guo Si Duel In Changan; The Emperor Establishes Anyi The New Capital

6 李傕郭汜... :
Li Jue and Guo...:
Next day Lu Bu came to take leave of his host. "You, O Lord, kindly received me, but I fear your brothers and I cannot agree. So I will seek some other asylum."
"General, if you go, the blame is mine. My rude brother has offended and must eventually apologize. In the meantime what think you of a temporary sojourn at the town where I was encamped for some time, Xiaopei? The place is small and mean, but it is near, and I will see to it that you are supplied with all you need."
Lu Bu thanked him and accepted this offer. He led his troops there and took up residence. After he had gone, Liu Bei reproved Zhang Fei for what he did, and Zhang Fei did not again refer to the matter.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.