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Scope: In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "一日操醉退入寢所私問左右曰此城中有妓女否" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 - In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat

28 呂奉先射... :
In The Camp Gate,...:
Jia Xu succeeded in persuading Zhang Xiu of the hopelessness of resistance.
"You would do well to surrender, since Cao Cao's army is too large for you to oppose," said Jia Xu.
Seeing the truth of this, Zhang Xiu sent his adviser to propose sub mission. Cao Cao was greatly pleased with the messenger, admiring his ready and fluent repartee, and tried to win him to his service.
"I was formerly with Li Jue and was guilty with him. Now I am with Zhang Xiu who esteems my advice, and I should not like to abandon him," said Jia Xu.
Jia Xu left and next day conducted his master into Cao Cao's presence. Cao Cao was very generous. Then he entered Wancheng with a small force, the greater part of the army being put in camp outside where the lines extended some three miles. Great banquets were given every day by Zhang Xiu, and Cao Cao was always being entertained.
One day, when Cao Cao returned to his quarters in a more than usual merry mood, he asked the attendants, "Are there singing girls in the city?"
His nephew, Cao Anmin, heard the question and said, "Peeping through one of the partitions last evening, I saw a perfectly beautiful woman in one of the courts. They told me she was the wife of Zhang Ji, Zhang Xiu's uncle. She is very lovely."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.