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Scope: In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat Request type: Paragraph
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呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 - In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat

41 呂奉先射... :
In The Camp Gate,...:
Chen Deng nodded acquiescence. Then he returned to Lu Bu, who asked him how the visit was.
Chen Deng told him, "My father received a generous annuity, and I was made Governor of Guangling."
Lu Bu enraged, saying, "You did not ask Xuzhou for me, but you got something for yourself. Your father advised me to help Cao Cao by breaking off the marriage, and now I get nothing at all of what I asked, while you and your father get everything. I have been victimized by your father."
He threatened Chen Deng with his sword.
Chen Deng only laughed, saying, "O General, how unwary you are!"
"I, unwary?"
"When I saw Cao Cao, I said that to keep you going was like feeding a tiger. The tiger must be kept fully fed or he would eat humans. But Cao Cao laughed and replied, 'No, not that. One must treat the Commander like a falcon. Not feed it till the foxes and hares are done. Hungry, the bird is of use; full fed it flies away.' I asked who were the quarry. He replied, 'Yuan Shu of the South of River Huai, Sun Ce of the South Land, Yuan Shao of Jizhou, Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Liu Zhang of Yizhou, and Zhang Lu of Hanzhong; these are the foxes and hares.'"
Lu Bu threw aside his sword and laughed, saying, "Yes, he understands me!"
But just about that time came news of the advance of Yuan Shu on Xuzhou, and that frightened Lu Bu.
When discord rose between Qin and Jin,
They were attacked by Yue and Wu,
And when a promised bride never came,
An army marched to enforce the claim.
How all this fell out will be shown in the next chapter.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.