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Scope: Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "管糧官任峻部下倉官王垕入稟操曰兵多糧少當如之何" Matched:1.
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袁公路大起七軍,曹孟德會合三將 - Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces

17 袁公路大... :
Yuan Shu Marches Out...:
Cao Cao's army of one hundred seventy thousand needed daily a considerable quantity of food; and as the country around had been famine-stricken for several years, nothing could be got there. So he tried to hasten the military operations and capture the city. On the other hand, the defenders knew the value of delay and simply held on. After a month's vigorous siege, the fall of Shouchun seemed as far off as it was at first, and supplies were very short. Letters were sent to Sun Ce who sent a hundred thousand carts of grain. When the usual distribution became impossible, the Chief of the Commissariat, Ren Jun, and the Controller of the Granaries, Wang Hou, presented a statement asking what was to be done.
"Serve out with a smaller measure," said Cao Cao. "That will save us for a time."
"But if the soldiers murmur, what then?"
"I shall have another device."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.