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Scope: Giving Counsels, Jia Xu Directs A Great Victory; Braving Battlefield, Xiahou Dun Loses An Eye Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "遂命軍中密備鍬钁爬城器具日間只引軍攻西北角" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

賈文和料敵決勝,夏侯惇拔失啖睛 - Giving Counsels, Jia Xu Directs A Great Victory; Braving Battlefield, Xiahou Dun Loses An Eye

2 賈文和料... :
Giving Counsels, Jia Xu...:
The stratagem was decided upon. Soon the scouts told Cao Cao: "The defenders of the city have moved to the northwest where noisy preparations for defense are going on. The opposite corner is left undefended."
"They have fallen into my trap!" said Cao Cao gleefully. He ordered his troops to prepare shovels and hooks and all the gear needed for scaling walls, and all day they kept up the attack on the northwest angle. But at the second watch they dispatched the veterans to the opposite corner, where they climbed the wall, broke up the fencing barrier, and got into the city apparently without disturbing any of the guards. There was no sign of life anywhere as they entered. But just as they were leaving the wall, suddenly a bomb exploded and they found themselves in an ambush. They turned to retire, but Zhang Xiu immediately fell on the rear and began a slaughter. Cao Cao's troops were totally defeated and fled out of the gate into the country. Zhang Xiu kept up the pursuit till daybreak, when he retired into the city again. Cao Cao then rallied his army and mustered his soldiers. He had lost fifty thousand and much baggage, while two of his generals, Lu Qian and Yu Jin were wounded.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.