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Scope: Cao Cao Makes Flood In Xiapi; Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "部將楊醜殺之欲將頭獻丞相欲被張揚心腹將眭固所殺反投大城去了" Matched:1.
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下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 - Cao Cao Makes Flood In Xiapi; Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower

30 下邳城曹... :
Cao Cao Makes Flood...:
The siege had gone on for two months, and still the city stood. Then they heard that Zhang Yang, Governor of Henei, had been inclined to come to the help of Lu Bu. But one of his subordinates, Yang Chou, had assassinated him and was bringing his head as an offering to Cao Cao, when Yang Chou had also been slain by Kui Gu, one of the Governor's adherents. Kui Gu had then led the force to Daicheng.
In the camp of the besiegers, there now arose much murmuring. Cao Cao sent Shi Huan to intercept and kill Kui Gu.
Then he called a counsel, saying, "Though Zhang Yang, who meant to hurt us, is happily no more, yet we are threatened on the north by Yuan Shao, and on the west Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu are a menace. Here we meet with no success against the city of Xiapi. We are for leaving Lu Bu to his fate and returning home. What do you think?"
Among them Xun You fought against the idea, saying, "You must not act like this. Lu Bu has lost much, and his spirit is broken. The spirit of the leader expresses that of his army; and when the leader fails, his soldiers do not fight. Chen Gong is clever, but nothing is done. Lu Bu broken, Chen Gong without decision, it only needs a sharp attack, and we shall succeed."
"I have a plan to propose," said Guo Jia, "a plan to overcome the city at once. It is better than two hundred thousand troops."
"I suppose you mean drowning the city by River Si and River Yi," said Xun Yu.
"That is it," said Guo Jia, smiling.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.