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Scope: Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "玄德喏喏連聲而退" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

张翼德怒鞭督邮,何国舅谋诛宦竖 - Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs

10 张翼德怒... :
Zhang Fei Whips The...:
Four months after their arrival, there came out a general order for the reduction of the number of military officers holding civil posts, and Liu Bei began to fear that he would be among those thrown out. In due course the inspecting official, Du Biao by name, arrived and was met at the boundary. But to the polite obeisance of Liu Bei, he made no return, save a wave of his whip as he sat on his horse. This made Guan Yu and Zhang Fei furious. But worse was to follow. When the inspector had arrived at his lodging, he took his seat on the dais, leaving Liu Bei standing below. After a long time he addressed Liu Bei.
"Magistrate, what was your origin?"
Liu Bei replied, "I am descended from Prince Sheng of Zhongshan. Since my first fight with the Yellow Scarves rebels at Zhuo County, I have been in some thirty battles, wherein I gained some trifling merit. My reward was this office."
"You lie about your descent, and your statement of services is false!" roared the inspector. "Now the court has ordered the reduction of your sort of low class and corrupt officials."
Liu Bei muttered to himself and withdrew. On his return to the magistracy, he took council with his secretaries. "This pompous attitude only means the inspector wants a bribe," said they.
"I have never wronged the people to the value of a single coin: Then where is a bribe to come from?"
Next day the inspector had the minor officials before him and forced them to bear witness that their master had oppressed the people. Liu Bei time after time went to rebut this charge, but the doorkeepers drove him away and he could not enter.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.