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Scope: Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field; Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "時冀州方有北鄙之警匪遑離局" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

袁曹各起馬步三軍,關張共擒王劉二將 - Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field; Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals

12 袁曹各起... :
Yuan Shao And Cao...:
"Later it happened that the imperial cortege moved east, and a horde of rebels of Dong Zhuo's faction rose and attacked. The course of government was hindered. At that moment my territory was threatened from the north, and I could not leave it. Wherefore I sent one of my officers, Xu Xun, to Cao Cao to see to the repair of the dynastic temples and the protection of the youthful sovereign. Thereupon Cao Cao gave the rein to his inclinations. He arbitrarily ordered the removal of the court to Xuchang. He brought shame upon the Ruling House and subverted the laws. He engrossed the chairmanship of the three highest offices and monopolized the control of the administration. Offices and rewards were conferred according to his will; punishment was at his word. He glorified whole families of those he loved; he exterminated whole clans of those he hated. Open critics were executed; secret opponents were assassinated. Officials locked their lips; wayfarers only exchanged glances. Chairs of boards recorded levies, and every government official held a sinecure.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.