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Scope: Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field; Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "罾繳充蹊坑阱塞路" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

袁曹各起馬步三軍,關張共擒王劉二將 - Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field; Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals

14 袁曹各起... :
Yuan Shao And Cao...:
"Cao Cao also appointed new offices —-Commander Who Opens Grave Mounds and General Who Seeks for Gold —-whose tracks were marked by desecrated graves and exhumed bodies. Indeed, while assuming the position of the highest officer of state, he indulged the inclination of a bandit, polluting the empire, oppressing the people, a bane to gods and humans.
"He added to this by setting up minute and vexatious prohibitions so that there were nets and snares spread in every pathway, traps and pitfalls laid in every road. A hand raised was caught in a net, a foot advanced was taken in an entanglement. Wherefore the people of his regions, Yanzhou and Yuzhou, waxed desperate and the inhabitants of the metropolis groaned and murmured in anger.
"Read down the names through all the years,
Of ministers that all people curse,
For greed and cruelty and lust,
Than Cao Cao you will not find a worse.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.