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Scope: Mi Heng Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Ji Ping Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "黃祖才非長者儔禰衡喪首此江頭" Matched:1.
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禰正平裸衣罵賊,吉太醫下毒遭刑 - Mi Heng Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Ji Ping Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister

15 禰正平裸... :
Mi Heng Slips His...:
Presently came the news that Mi Heng had been put to death by Huang Zu on account of a quarrel begun over the wine cups. Both being worse for liquor they had begun to discuss the worth of people.
"You were in Xuchang," said Huang Zu. "Who was there of worth?"
"The big boy was Kong Rong and the little one Yang Xiu. There was no one else to count."
"What am I like?" said Huang Zu.
"You are like a god in a temple: You sit still and receive sacrifice, but the lack of intelligence is pitiful."
"Do you regard me as a mere image?" cried Huang Zu, angrily.
So Huang Zu put the impudent speaker to death. Even at the very point of death, Mi Heng never ceased his railing and abuse.
"Alas!" sighed Liu Biao when he heard Mi Heng's fate. Then Liu Biao had the victim honorably interred near Yingwu, on Parrot Island.
And a later poet wrote of Mi Heng:
Huang Zu could brook no rival; at his word
Mi Heng met death, beneath the cruel sword.
His grave on Parrot Isle may yet be seen,
The river flowing past it, coldly green.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.