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《小霸王怒斬于吉,碧眼兒坐領江東 - The Little Chief Of The South Slays Yu Ji; The Green Eyed Boy Lays Hold On The South Land》 |
1 | 小霸王怒... : | 卻說孫策自霸江東,兵精糧足。建安四年,襲取廬江,敗劉勳,使虞翻馳檄豫章,豫章太守華歆投降。自此聲勢大振,乃遣張紘往許昌上表獻捷。曹操知孫策強盛,歎曰:「獅兒難與爭鋒也!」遂以曹仁之女許配孫策幼弟孫匡,兩家結婚。留張紘在許昌。孫策求為大司馬,曹操不許。策恨之,常有襲許都之心。於是吳郡太守許貢,乃暗遣使赴許都,上書於曹操。其略曰:孫策驍勇,與項籍相似。朝廷宜外示榮寵,召還京師;不可使居外鎮,以為後患。 |
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Sun Ce gradually became supreme on the southeast of the Great River. In the fourth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 199), he took Lujiang by the defeat of the Governor Liu Xu. He dispatched Yu Fan with a dispatch to Governor Hua Xin of Yuzhang, and Hua Xin surrendered. Thence Sun Ce's renown increased, and he boldly sent a memorial on his military successes to the Emperor by the hand of Zhang Hong. Cao Cao saw in Sun Ce a powerful rival and said, "He is a lion difficult to contend with." So Cao Cao betrothed his niece, daughter of Cao Ren, to Sun Kuang, the youngest brother of Sun Ce, thus connecting the two families by marriage. Cao Cao also retained Zhang Hong near him in the capital. Then Sun Ce sought the title of Grand Commander, one of the highest offices of state, but Cao Cao prevented the attainment of this ambition, and Sun Ce keenly resented it. Henceforward his thoughts turned toward an attack on Cao Cao. About this time the Governor of Wujun, Xu Gong, sent a secret letter to the capital to Cao Cao, saying: "Sun Ce is a turbulent fellow of the Xiang Yu type. The government ought, under the appearance of showing favor to him, to recall him to the capital, for he is a danger in the southern regions." | |
2 | 小霸王怒... : | 使者齎書渡江,被防江將士所獲,解赴孫策處。策觀書大怒,斬其使,遣人假意請許貢議事。貢至,策出書示之,叱曰:「汝欲送我於死地耶!」命武士絞殺之。貢家屬皆逃散。有家客三人,欲為許貢報仇,恨無其便。一日,孫策引軍會獵於丹徒之西山,趕起一大鹿,策縱馬上山逐之。 |
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But the bearer of this letter was captured on the Great River and sent to Sun Ce, who immediately put him to death. Then Sun Ce treacherously sent to ask the author of the letter to come and consult over some affair. The unsuspecting Xu Gong came. Sun Ce produced the letter, saying, "So you wish to send me to the land of the dead, eh?" And thereupon the executioners came in and strangled Xu Gong. The family of the victim scattered, but three of his clients determined to avenge him if only they could find some means of attacking Sun Ce. One day Sun Ce went hunting in the hills to the west of Dantu. A stag was started, and Sun Ce pressed after it at topmost speed and followed it deep into the forest. | |
3 | 小霸王怒... : | 正趕之間,只見樹林之內,有三個人持槍帶弓而立。策勒馬問曰:「汝等何人?」答曰:「乃韓當軍士也。在此射鹿。」策方舉轡欲行,一人挺槍望策左腿便刺。策大驚,急取佩劍從馬上砍去,劍刃忽墜,止存劍靶在手。一人早拈弓搭箭射來,正中孫策面頰。策就拔面上箭,取弓回射放箭之人,應弦而倒。那二人舉槍向孫策亂搠,大叫曰:「我等是許貢家客,特來為主人報仇!」策別無器械,只以弓拒之,且拒且走。二人死戰不退。策身被數鎗,馬亦帶傷。 |
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Presently he came upon three armed men standing among the trees. Rather surprised to see them there, he reined in and asked who they were. "We belong to Han Dang's army and are shooting deer," was the reply. So Sun Ce shook his bridle to proceed. But just as he did so, one of the men thrust at him with a spear and wounded his thigh. Sun Ce drew the sword at his side, dashed forward, and tried to cut down the aggressor. The blade of his sword suddenly fell to the ground, only the hilt remaining in his hand. Then one of the assassins drew his bow, and an arrow wounded Sun Ce in the cheek. Sun Ce plucked out the arrow and shot at the offender, who fell, but the other two attacked him furiously with their spears, shouting, "We are Xu Gong's men and his avengers!" Sun Ce then understood. But he had no weapons save his bow against them. He tried to draw off, keeping them at bay striking with his bow. But the fight was getting too much for him, and both he and his steed were wounded in several places. | |
4 | 小霸王怒... : | 正危急之時,程普引數人至。孫策大叫:「殺賊!」程普引眾齊上,將許貢家客砍為肉泥。看孫策時,血流滿面,被傷至重;乃以刀割袍,裹其傷處,救回吳會養病。後人有詩贊許家三客曰: |
The Little Chief Of...: |
However, just at the critical moment, Cheng Pu and some of his own officers came up, and they minced the assassins into pieces. But their lord was in a sorry plight. His face was streaming with blood, and some of the wounds were very severe. They tore up his robe and therewith bound up his wounds, and they carried him home. A poem in praise of the three avengers says: | |
孫郎智勇冠江湄,射獵山中受困危。許客三人能死義,殺身豫讓未為奇。 | ||
O Sun Ce was a warrior and a stranger he to fear. But he was basely murdered while hunting of the deer. Yet were they leal who slew him, to avenge a murdered lord. Self immolated like Yu Rang, they dreaded not the sword. | ||
5 | 小霸王怒... : | 卻說孫策受傷而回,使人尋請華佗醫治。不想華佗已往中原去了,止有徒弟在吳,命其治療。其徒曰:「箭頭有藥,毒已入骨。須靜養百日,方可無虞。若怒氣衝激,其瘡難治。」 |
The Little Chief Of...: |
Badly wounded, Sun Ce was borne to his home. They sent to call the famous physician Hua Tuo, but he was far away and could not be found. However, a disciple of his came, and the wounded man was committed to his care. "The arrowheads were poisoned," said the physician, "and the poison has penetrated deep. It will take a hundred days of perfect repose before danger will be past. But if you give way to passion or anger, the wounds will not heal." | |
6 | 小霸王怒... : | 孫策為人最是性急,恨不得即日便愈。將息到二十餘日,忽聞張紘有使者自許昌回,策喚問之。使者曰:「曹操甚懼主公;其帳下謀士,亦俱敬服;惟有郭嘉不服。」策曰:「郭嘉曾有何說?」使者不敢言。策怒,固問之。使者只得從實告曰:「郭嘉曾對曹操言:主公不足懼也。輕而無備,性急少謀,乃匹夫之勇耳;他日必死於小人之手。」策聞言,大怒曰:「匹夫安敢料吾!吾誓取許昌!」遂不待瘡愈,便欲商議出兵。張昭諫曰:「醫者戒主公百日休動,今何因一時之忿,自輕萬乘之軀?」 |
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Sun Ce's temperament was hasty and impatient, and the prospect of such a slow recovery was very distasteful. However, he remained quiet for some twenty of the hundred days. Then came Zhang Hong from the capital, and Sun Ce insisted on seeing and questioning him. "Cao Cao fears you, my lord, very greatly," said Zhang Hong, "and his advisers have exceeding respect for you —-all except Guo Jia." "What did Guo Jia say?" asked the sick chieftain. Zhang Hong remained silent, which only irritated his master and caused him to demand to be told. So Zhang Hong had to speak the truth. He said, "The fact is Guo Jia told Cao Cao that he needed not fear you, that you were frivolous and unready, impulsive and shallow, just a stupid swaggerer who would one day come to his death at the hands of some mean person." This provoked the sick man beyond endurance. "The fool, how dare he say this of me?" cried Sun Ce. "I will take Xuchang from Cao Cao, I swear." It was no more a question of repose. Ill as he was, he wanted to begin preparations for an expedition at once. They remonstrated with him, reminded him of the physician's orders and urged him to rest. "You are risking your priceless self in a moment's anger," said Zhang Zhao. | |
7 | 小霸王怒... : | 正話間,忽報袁紹遣使陳震至。策喚入問之。震具言袁紹欲結東吳為外應,共攻曹操。策大喜,即日會諸將於城樓上,設宴款待陳震。飲酒久間,忽見諸將互相耳語,紛紛下樓。策怪問何故。左右曰:「有于神仙者,今從樓下過,諸將欲往拜之耳。」 |
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Then arrived Chen Zhen, the messenger from Yuan Shao, and Sun Ce would have him brought in. He said, "My master wishes to ally himself with the South Land in an attack on Cao Cao." Such a proposal was just after Sun Ce's heart. At once he called a great meeting of his officers in the wall tower and prepared a banquet in honor of the messenger. While this was in progress, Sun Ce noticed many of his officers whispering to each other, and they all began to go down from the banquet chamber. He could not understand this and inquired of the attendants near him what it meant. They told him, "Saint Yu Ji has just gone by, and the officers have gone down to pay their respects to him." | |
8 | 小霸王怒... : | 策起身憑欄觀之,見一道人,身披鶴氅,手攜藜杖,立於當道,百姓俱焚香伏道而拜。策怒曰:「是何妖人?快與我擒來!」左右曰:「此人姓于,名吉。寓居東方,往來吳會。普施符水,救人萬病,無有不驗。當世呼為神仙,未可輕瀆。」策愈怒,喝令「速速擒來!違者斬!」 |
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Sun Ce rose from his place and went and leaned over the railing to look at the man. He saw a Daoist priest in snowy garb leaning on his staff in the middle of the road, while the crowd about him burnt incense and made obeisance. "What wizard fellow is this? Bring him here!" said Sun Ce. "This is Yu Ji," said the attendants. "He lives in the east and goes to and fro distributing charms and draughts. He has cured many people as everybody will tell you, and they say he is a saint. He must not be profaned." This only angered Sun Ce the more, and he told them to arrest the man at once or disobey at their peril. | |
9 | 小霸王怒... : | 左右不得已,只得下樓,擁于吉至樓上。策叱曰:「狂道怎敢煽惑人心!」于吉曰:「貧道乃瑯琊宮道士。順帝時曾入山採藥,得神書於水上,號曰太平青領道,凡百餘卷,皆治人疾病方術。貧道得之,惟務代天宣化,普救萬人。未曾取人毫釐之物,安得煽惑人心?」策曰:「汝毫不取人,衣服飲食,從何而得?汝即黃巾張角之流。今若不誅,必為後患!」叱左右斬之。張昭諫曰:「于道人在江東數十年,並無過犯,不可殺害。」策曰:「此等妖人,吾殺之,何異屠豬狗!」 |
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So there being no help for it, they went down into the road and hustled the saint up the steps. "You madman! How dare you incite people to evil?" said Sun Ce. "I am but a poor priest of the Langye Mountains. More than half a century ago, when gathering simples in the woods, I found near the Yangqu Spring a book called 'The Way of Peace.' It contains a hundred and more chapters and taught me how to cure the diseases of humans. With this in my possession I had only one thing to do: To devote myself to spreading its teachings and saving humankind. I have never taken any thing from the people. Can you say I incite people to evil deeds?" "You say you take nothing: Whence came your clothes and your food? The fact is you are one of the Yellow Scarves, and you will work mischief if you are left alive." Then turning to his attendants, Sun Ce ordered, "Take him away and put him to death." Zhang Zhao interceded, "The Daoist Saint has been here in the east these many years. He has never done any harm and does not deserve death or punishment." "I tell you I will kill these wizard fellows just as I would cattle." | |
10 | 小霸王怒... : | 眾官皆苦諫,陳震亦勸。策怒未息,命且囚於獄中。眾官俱散。陳震自歸館驛安歇。孫策歸府,早有內侍傳說此事與策母吳太夫人知道。夫人喚孫策入後堂,謂曰:「吾聞汝將于神仙下於縲絏。此人多曾醫人疾病,軍民敬仰,不可加害。」策曰:「此乃妖人,能以妖術惑眾,不可不除!」夫人再三勸解。策曰:「母親勿聽外人妄言。兒自有區處。」乃出喚獄吏取于吉來問。原來獄吏皆敬信于吉,吉在獄中時,盡去其枷鎖;及策喚取,方帶枷鎖而出。 |
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The officials in a body interceded, even the guest of honor, Chen Zhen, but in vain. Sun Ce refused to be placated. He ordered Yu Ji to be imprisoned. The banquet came to an end, and Chen Zhen retired to his lodging. Sun Ce also returned to his palace. His treatment of the Daoist Holy Man was theme of general conversation and soon reached the ears of his mother. Lady Wu sent for her son to the ladies' apartments and said to him, "They tell me you have put Saint Yu Ji in bonds. He has cured many sick people, and the common folk hold him in great reverence. Do not harm him!" "He is simply a wizard who upsets the multitude with his spells and craft. He must be put to death," replied Sun Ce. Lady Wu entreated him to stay his hand, but he was obstinate. "Do not heed the gossip of the streets, Mother," said he. "I must be judge of these matters." However, Sun Ce sent to the prison for Yu Ji in order to interrogate him. Now the gaolers, having a great respect for Yu Ji and faith in his powers, were very indulgent to him and did not keep him in the collar. However when Sun Ce sent for him, they put on him with collar and fetters all complete. | |
11 | 小霸王怒... : | 策訪知大怒,痛責獄吏,仍將于吉械繫下獄。張昭等數十人,連名作狀,拜求孫策,乞保于神仙。策曰:「公等皆讀書人,何不達理?昔交州有一刺史張津,聽信邪教,鼓瑟焚香,常以紅帕裏頭,自稱可助出軍之威,後竟為敵軍所殺。此等事甚無益,諸君自未悟耳。吾欲殺于吉,正思禁邪覺迷也。」呂範曰:「某素知于道人能祈風禱雨。方今天旱,何不令其祈雨以贖罪?」策曰:「吾且看此妖人若何。」遂命於獄中取出于吉,開其枷鎖,令登壇求雨。 |
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Sun Ce had heard of their indulgence and punished the gaolers, and ordered the prisoner thereafter to be put in constant torture. Zhang Zhao and many others, moved by pity, made a petition which they humbly presented, and they offered to become surety for him. Sun Ce said to them, "Gentlemen, you are all great scholars, but why do you not understand reason? Formerly in Jiaozhou was Imperial Protector Zhang Jing, who was deluded by these vicious doctrines into beating drums, twanging lyres, burning incense, and such things. He wore a red turban and represented himself as able to ensure victory to an army. But he was slain by the enemy. There is nothing in all this, only none of you will see it. I am going to put this fellow to death in order to stop the spread of this pernicious doctrine." Lu Fan interposed, saying, "I know very well this Yu Ji can control the weather. It is very dry just now, why not make him pray for rain as an amercement?" "We will see what sort of witchcraft he is equal to," said Sun Ce. Thereupon he had the prisoner brought in, loosed his fetters, and sent him up to an altar to intercede for rain. | |
12 | 小霸王怒... : | 吉領命,即沐浴更衣,取繩自縛於烈日之中。百姓觀者,填街塞巷。于吉謂眾人曰:「吾求三尺甘霖,以救萬民,然我終不免一死。」眾人曰:「若有靈驗,主公必然敬服。」于吉曰:「氣數至此,恐不能逃。」 |
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The docile Daoist Yu Ji prepared to do as he was bidden. He first bathed himself, then dressed himself in clean garments. After that he bound his limbs with a cord and lay down in the fierce heat of the sun. The people came in crowds to look on. Said Yu Ji, "I will pray for three spans high of refreshing rain for the benefit of the people, nevertheless I shall not escape death thereby." The people said, "But if your prayer be efficacious, our lord must believe in your powers." "The day of fate has come for me, and there is no escape." | |
13 | 小霸王怒... : | 少頃,孫策親至壇中下令:若午時無雨,即焚死于吉。先令人堆積乾柴伺候。將及午時,狂風驟起。風過處,四下陰雲漸合。策曰:「時已近午,空有陰雲,而無甘雨,正是妖人!」叱左右將于吉扛上柴堆,四下舉火,燄隨風起。忽見黑煙一道,沖上空中,一聲響亮,雷電齊發,大雨如注。頃刻之間,街市成河,溪澗皆滿,足有三尺甘雨。于吉仰臥於柴堆之上,大喝一聲,雲收雨住,復見太陽。 |
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Presently Sun Ce came near the altar and announced that if rain had not fallen by noon, he would burn the priest. And to confirm this he bade them prepare the pyre. As it neared noon a strong wind sprang up, and the clouds gathered from all quarters. But there was no rain. "It is near noon," said Sun Ce. "Clouds are of no account without rain. He is only an impostor." Sun Ce bade his attendants lay the priest on the pyre and pile wood around him and apply the torch. Fanned by the gale the flames rose rapidly. Then appeared in the sky above a wreath of black vapor, followed by roaring thunder and vivid lightning, peal on peal and flash on flash. And the rain fell in a perfect deluge. In a short time the streets became rivers and torrents. It was indeed a three-span fall. Yu Ji, who was still lying upon the pile of firewood, cried in a loud voice, "O Clouds, cease thy rain, and let the glorious sun appear!" | |
14 | 小霸王怒... : | 於是眾官及百姓,共將于吉扶下柴堆,解去繩索,再拜稱謝。孫策見官民俱羅拜於水中,不顧衣服,乃勃然大怒,叱曰:「晴雨乃天地之定數,妖人偶乘其便,你等何得如此惑亂!」掣寶劍令左右殺了于吉。眾官力諫。策怒曰:「爾等皆欲從于吉造反耶!」眾官乃不敢復言。策叱武士將于吉一刀斬頭落地。只見一道青氣,投東北去了。策命將其屍號令於市,以正妖妄之罪。 |
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Thereupon officials and people helped the priest down, loosened the cord that bound him, and bowed before him in gratitude for the rain. But Sun Ce boiled with rage at seeing his officers and the people gathered in groups and kneeling in the water regardless of the damage to their clothing. "Rain or shine are as nature appoints them, and the wizard has happened to hit upon a moment of change. What are you making all this fuss about?" cried he. Then he drew his sword and told the attendants to smite the Daoist Saint therewith. They all besought him to hold his hand. "You want to follow Yu Ji in rebellion, I suppose," cried Sun Ce. The officers, now thoroughly cowed by the rage of their lord, were silent and showed no opposition when the executioners seized the Daoist Saint and beheaded him. As the head fell, they saw just a wreath of black smoke drift away to the northeast where lay the Langye Mountains. The corpse was exposed in the market place as a warning to enchanters and wizards and such people. | |
15 | 小霸王怒... : | 是夜風雨交作,及曉不見了于吉屍首。守屍軍士報知孫策。策怒,欲殺守屍軍士。忽見一人,從堂前徐步而來,視之,卻是于吉。策大怒,正欲拔劍砍之,忽然昏倒於地。左右急救入臥內,半晌方甦。吳太夫人來視疾,謂策曰:「吾兒屈殺神仙,故招此禍。」策笑曰:「兒自幼隨父出征,殺人如麻,何曾有為禍之理?今殺妖人,正絕大禍,安得反為我禍?」夫人曰:「因汝不信,以致如此;今可作好事以禳之。」策曰:「吾命在天,妖人決不能為禍,何必禳耶?」夫人料勸不信,乃自令左右暗修善事禳解。 |
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That night there came a very violent storm, and when it calmed down at daylight, there was no trace of the body of Yu Ji. The guards reported this, and Sun Ce in his wrath sentenced them to death. But as he did so, he saw Yu Ji calmly walking toward him as if the Daoist Saint were still alive. Sun Ce drew his sword and darted forward to strike at the wraith, but he fainted and fell to the ground. They carried him to his chamber, and in a short time he recovered consciousness. His mother, Lady Wu, came to visit him and said, "My son, you have done wrong to slay the holy one, and this is your retribution." "Mother, when I was a boy, I went with Father to wars, where people are cut down as one cuts reed stalks. There is not much retribution about such doings. I have put this fellow to death and so checked a great evil. Where does retribution come in?" "This comes of want of faith," she replied. "Now you must avert the evil by meritorious deeds." "My fate depends on Heaven. Wizards can do me no harm, so why avert anything?" His mother saw that it was useless to try persuasion, but she told his attendants to do some good deeds secretly whereby the evil should be turned aside. | |
16 | 小霸王怒... : | 是夜三更,策臥於內宅,忽然陰風驟起,燈滅而復明。燈影之下,見于吉立於前。策大喝曰:「吾平生誓誅妖妄,以靖天下!汝既為陰鬼,何敢近我!」取床頭劍擲之,忽然不見。吳太夫人聞之,轉生憂悶。策乃扶病強行,以寬母心。母謂策曰:「聖人云:『鬼神之為德,其盛矣乎!』又云:『禱爾于上下神祇。』鬼神之事,不可不信。汝屈殺于先生,豈無報應?吾已令人設醮於郡之玉清觀內,汝可親往拜禱,自然安妥。」 |
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That night about the third watch, as Sun Ce lay in his chamber, he suddenly felt a chill breeze, which seemed to extinguish the lamps for a moment, although they soon brightened again; and he saw in the lamp light the form of Yu Ji standing near his bed. Sun Ce said, "I am the sworn foe of witchcraft, and I will purge the world of all such as deal in magic. You are a spirit, and how dare you approach me?" Reaching down a sword that hung at the head of his bed, he hurled it at the phantom, which then disappeared. When his mother heard this story, her grief redoubled. Sun Ce, ill as he was, went to see his mother and did his utmost to reassure her. She said, "Confucius the Teacher says: 'How abundantly do spiritual beings display the powers that belong to them!' and 'Prayer has been made to the spirits of the upper and lower worlds.' You must have faith. You sinned in putting Saint Yu Ji to death, and retribution is sure. I have already sent to have sacrifices performed at the Jade Pure Monastery, and you should go in person to pray. May all come right!" | |
17 | 小霸王怒... : | 策不敢違母命,只得勉強乘轎至玉清觀。道士接入,請策焚香,策焚香而不謝。忽香爐中煙起不散,結成一座華蓋,上面端坐著于吉。策怒,唾罵之;走離殿宇,又見于吉立於殿門,怒目視策。策顧左右曰:「汝等見妖鬼否?」左右皆云:「未見。」策愈怒,拔佩劍望于吉擲去,一人中劍而倒。眾視之,乃前日動手殺于吉之小卒,被劍砍入腦袋,七竅流血而死。策命扛出葬之。 |
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Sun Ce could not withstand such a mandate from his mother so, mustering all his strength, he managed to get into a sedan chair and went to the monastery, where the Daoists received him respectfully and begged him to light the incense. He did so, but he returned no thanks. To the surprise of all, the smoke from the brazier, instead of floating upwards and dissipating, collected in a mass that gradually shaped itself into an umbrella, and there on the top sat Yu Ji. Sun Ce simply spat abuse and went out of the temple. As he passed the gates, lo! Yu Ji stood there gazing at him with angry eyes. "Do you see that wizard fellow?" said he to those about him. They said they saw nothing. More angry than ever, he flung his sword at the figure by the gate. The sword struck one of his escorts who fell. Sun Ce told them to bury the man. | |
18 | 小霸王怒... : | 比及出觀,又見于吉走入觀門來。策曰:「此觀亦藏妖之所也!」遂坐於觀前,命武士五百人拆毀之。武士方上屋揭瓦,卻見于吉立於屋上,飛瓦擲地。策大怒,傳令逐出本觀道士,放火燒燬殿宇。火起處,又見于吉立於火光之中。策怒歸府,又見于吉立於府門前。策乃不入府,隨點起三軍,出城外下寨,傳喚眾將商議,欲起兵助袁紹夾攻曹操。眾將俱曰:「主公玉體違和,未可輕動。且待平愈,出兵未遲。」 |
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But as he went out of the courtyard, he saw Yu Ji walking in. "This temple is nothing more than a lurking place for sorcerers and wizards and such people," said Sun Ce. Whereupon he took a seat in front of the building and sent for five hundred soldiers to pull the place down. When they went up on the roof to strip off the tiles, Sun Ce saw Yu Ji standing on the main beam flicking tiles to the ground. More angry than ever, Sun Ce told them to drive out the priests belonging to the place and burn it. They did so, and when the flames rose their highest, Sun Ce saw the dead Daoist Yu Ji standing in the midst of the fire. Sun Ce returned home still in a bad humor, which increased when he saw the form of Yu Ji standing at his gate. He would not enter but mustered his army and went into camp outside the city walls. And there he summoned his officers to meet him and talk over joining Yuan Shao in an attack on Cao Cao. They assembled, but they remonstrated with him and begged him to consider his precious health. | |
19 | 小霸王怒... : | 是夜孫策宿於寨內,又見于吉披髮而來。策於帳中叱喝不絕。次日,吳太夫人傳令,召策回府。策乃歸見其母。夫人見策形容憔悴,泣曰:「兒失形矣!」策即引鏡自照,果見形容十分瘦損,不覺失驚,顧左右曰:「吾奈何憔悴至此耶!」 |
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That night he slept in the camp and again saw Yu Ji, this time with his hair hanging loose. Sun Ce raged at the vision without cessation. Next day his mother called him into the city and he went. She was shocked at the change in his appearance: He looked so utterly miserable. Her tears fell. "My son," said Lady Wu, "how wasted you are!" He had a mirror brought and looked at himself. He was indeed so gaunt and thin that he was almost frightened and exclaimed, "How do I come to look so haggard?" | |
20 | 小霸王怒... : | 言未己,忽見于吉立於鏡中。策拍鏡大叫一聲,金瘡迸裂,昏絕於地。夫人令扶入臥內。須臾甦醒,自歎曰:「吾不能復生矣!」隨召張昭等諸人,及弟孫權,至臥榻前,囑付曰:「天下方亂,以吳越之眾,三江之固,大可有為。子布等幸善相吾弟。」乃取印綬與孫權曰:「若舉江東之眾,決機於兩陣之間,與天下爭衡,卿不如我;舉賢任能,使各盡力以保江東,我不如卿。卿宜念父兄創業之艱難,善自圖之!」 |
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While he spoke, Yu Ji appeared in the mirror. He struck it and shrieked. Then the half healed wounds reopened and he fainted. He was raised and borne within. When he recovered consciousness, he said, "This is the end. I shall die." He sent for Zhang Zhao and his other chief officers and his brother, Sun Quan, and they gathered in his chamber. He gave them his dying charge, saying, "In the disordered state of the empire, the domains of Wu and Yue, with its strong defense of the three rivers and resourceful lands, has a brilliant future. You, Zhang Zhao, must assist my brother." So saying Sun Ce handed his seal to Sun Quan, saying, "For manipulating the might of Wu so as to make it the deciding force among the factions and then obtaining the whole empire, you are not so suited as I. But in encouraging the wise and confiding in the able and getting the best out of everyone for the preservation of this land, I should not succeed as you will. Remember with what toil and labor your father and I have won what we possess, and take good care thereof." Sun Quan wept as he knelt to receive the seal, and the dying Sun Ce turned to his mother, saying, "Mother, the days allotted of Heaven have run out, and I can no longer serve my tender mother. I have given over the seal to my brother and trust that you will advise him early and late, and see that he lives worthy of his predecessors." | |
21 | 小霸王怒... : | 權大哭,拜受印綬。策告母曰:「兒天年已盡,不能奉慈母。今將印綬付弟,望母朝夕訓之。父兄舊人,慎勿輕怠。」母哭曰:「恐汝弟年幼,不能任大事,當復如何?」策曰:「弟才勝兒十倍,足當大任。倘內事不決,可問張昭,外事不決,可問周瑜──恨周瑜不在此,不得面囑之也!」又喚諸弟囑曰:「吾死之後,汝等並輔仲謀。宗族中敢有生異心者,眾共誅之。骨肉為逆,不得入祖墳安葬。」諸弟泣受命。又喚妻喬夫人謂曰:「吾與汝不幸中途相分,汝須孝養尊姑。早晚汝妹入見,可囑其轉致周郎,盡心輔佐吾弟,休負我平日相知之雅。」言訖,暝目而逝。年止二十六歲。後人有詩讚曰: |
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"Alas! Your brother is full young for such a task," said his mother, weeping. "I know not what may happen." "He is far abler than I and fully equal to the task of ruling. Should he have doubts upon internal affairs, he must turn to Zhang Zhao; for outer matters he must consult Zhou Yu. It is a pity Zhou Yu is absent so that I cannot give him my charge face to face." To his brothers Sun Ce said, "When I am gone, you must help your brother. Should any discord arise in the family, let the others punish the wrongdoer and let not his ashes mingle with those of his ancestors in the family vaults." The young men wept at these words. Then he called for his wife, Lady Qiao, and said, "Unhappily we have to part while still in the full vigor of life. You must care for my mother. Your sister will come to see you presently, and you can ask her to tell her husband, Zhou Yu, to help my brother in all things and make my brother keep to the way I have taught him to walk in." Then Sun Ce closed his eyes and soon after passed away. He was only twenty-six. | |
獨戰東南地,人稱小霸王。運籌如虎踞,決策似鷹揚。威鎮三江靖,名聞四海香。臨終遺大事,專意屬周郎。 | ||
People called him first of the chieftains, The east had felt his might, He watched like a tiger crouching. Struck as a hawk in flight. There was peace in the lands he ruled. His fame ran with the wind. But he died and left to another. The great scheme in his mind. | ||
22 | 小霸王怒... : | 孫策既死,孫權哭倒於床前。張昭曰:「此非將軍哭時也,宜一面治喪事,一面理軍國大事。」權乃收淚。張昭令孫靜理會喪事,請孫權出堂,受眾文武謁賀。孫權生得方頤大口,碧眼紫髯。昔漢使劉琬入吳,見孫家諸昆仲,因語人曰:「吾遍觀孫氏兄弟,雖各才氣秀達,然皆祿祚不終。惟仲謀形貌奇偉,骨格非常,乃大貴之表,又享高壽,眾皆不及也。」 |
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As his brother breathed his last, Sun Quan sank by the bed and wept. "This is not the time to mourn," said Zhang Zhao. "First see to the funeral ceremonies and that the government is safe." So the new ruler dried his tears. The superintendence of the funeral was confided to Sun Jing, and then Zhang Zhao led his young master to the hall to receive the felicitations of his officers. Sun Quan was endowed with a square jaw and a large mouth; he had green eyes and a purple beard. Formerly, when Minister Liu Wan had gone to Wu to visit the Sun family, he said of the family of brothers, "I have looked well at them all, and they are all clever and perspicacious, but none of them have the very ultimate degree of good fortune. Only the second, Sun Quan, has the look of a deep thinker. His face is remarkable, and his build unusual, and he has the look of one who will come to great honor." | |
23 | 小霸王怒... : | 且說當時孫權承孫策遺命,掌江東之事。經理未定,人報周瑜自巴丘提兵回吳。權曰:「公瑾已回,吾無憂矣。」原來周瑜守禦巴丘,聞知孫策中箭被傷,因此回來問候;將至吳郡,聞策已亡,故星夜來奔喪。當下周瑜哭拜於孫策靈柩之前。吳太夫人出,以遺囑之語告瑜。瑜拜伏於地曰:「敢不效犬馬之力,繼之以死!」 |
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When Sun Quan succeeded to his brother and his brother's might, there was still some reorganization to be done. Soon Zhou Yu had arrived at Wujun. The young ruler received him very graciously and said, "I need have no anxiety now that you have come." Zhou Yu had been sent to hold Baqiu. When he heard that his chief had been wounded, he thought it well to return to see how he was. But Sun Ce had died before Zhou Yu could arrive. He hurried to be present at the funeral. When Zhou Yu went to wail at the coffin of his late chief, Lady Wu, the dead man's mother, came out to deliver her son's last injunctions. When she had told him the last charge, Zhou Yu bowed to the earth, saying, "I shall exert the puny powers I have in your service as long as I live." | |
24 | 小霸王怒... : | 少頃,孫權入。周瑜拜見畢,權曰:「願公無忘先兄遺命。」瑜頓首曰:「願以肝腦塗地,報知己之恩。」權曰:「今承父兄之業,將何策以守之?」瑜曰:「自古『得人者昌,失人者亡』。為今之計,須求高明遠見之人為輔,然後江東可定也。」權曰:「先兄遺言,內事託子布,外事全賴公瑾。」瑜曰:「子布賢達之士,足當大任。瑜不才,恐負倚託之重,願薦一人以輔將軍。」 |
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Shortly after Sun Quan came in, and, after receiving Zhou Yu's obeisance, said, "I trust you will not forget my brother's charge to you." Zhou Yu bowed, saying, "I would willingly suffer any form of death for you." "How best can I maintain this great charge which I have inherited from my father and brother?" "He who wins people, prospers; he who loses them, fails. Your present plan should be to seek people of high aims and farseeing views, and you can establish yourself firmly." "My brother bade me consult Zhang Zhao for internal administration, and yourself on external matters," said Sun Quan. "Zhang Zhao is wise and understanding and equal to such a task. I am devoid of talent and fear to take such responsibility, but I venture to recommend to you a helper." | |
25 | 小霸王怒... : | 權問何人?瑜曰:「姓魯,名肅,字子敬。臨淮東川人也。此人胸懷韜略,腹隱機謀。早年喪父,事母至孝。其家極富,嘗散財以濟貧乏。瑜為居巢長之時,將數百人過臨淮,因乏糧,聞魯肅家有兩囷米,各三千斛,因往求助。肅即指一囷相贈。其慷慨如此。平生好擊劍騎射,寓居曲阿。祖母亡,還葬東城。其友劉子揚欲約彼往巢湖投鄭寶,肅尚躊躇未往。今主公可速召之。」 |
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Sun Quan asked who. "One Lu Su, a man of Linhuai. This man's bosom hides strategy, and his breast conceals tactics. He lost his father in early life and has been a perfectly filial son to his mother. His family is rich and renowned for charity to the needy. When I was stationed at Juchao, I led some hundreds of soldiers across Linhuai. We were short of grain. Hearing that the Lu family had two granaries there, each holding three thousand carts, I went to ask for help. Lu Su pointed to one granary and said, 'Take that as a gift.' Such was his generosity! "He has always been fond of fencing and horse archery. He was living in Que. His grandmother died while he was there, and he went to bury her in Dongcheng, and then his friend, Liu Ziyang, wished to engage him to go to Chaohu and join Zheng Bao. However, he hesitated about that and has not gone yet. You should invite him without loss of time." | |
26 | 小霸王怒... : | 權大喜,即命周瑜往聘。瑜奉命親往,見肅敘禮畢,具道孫權相慕之意。肅曰:「近劉子揚約某往巢湖,某將就之。」瑜曰:『昔馬援對光武云:「當今之世,非但君擇臣,臣亦擇君。」今吾孫將軍親賢禮士,納奇錄異,世所罕有。足下不須他計,只同我往投東吳為是。』肅從其言,遂同周瑜來見孫權。權甚敬之,與之談論,終日不倦。 |
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Sun Quan at once sent Zhou Yu to engage the services of this man, and Zhou Yu set out. When the obeisance was over, Zhou Yu laid before Lu Su the inducements that his own master held out. Lu Su replied, "I have been engaged by Liu Ziyang to go to Chaohu, and I am just starting thither." Said Zhou Yu, "Of old Ma Yuan said to Liu Xiu, 'This is an age when not only do princes select their ministers, but ministers must also choose their princes.' Now our General Sun Quan calls to him the wise and treats his officers well. Thus he engages the help of the wonderful and gets the services of the extraordinary in a way that few others do. But if you are not engaged elsewhere, come with me to the South Land as the best thing to do." Lu Su returned with Zhou Yu and saw Sun Quan, who treated him with the greatest deference and with him discussed affairs very fully. The conference proved so interesting that it went on all day and neither felt fatigue. | |
27 | 小霸王怒... : | 一日,眾官皆散,權留魯肅共飲,至晚同榻抵足而臥。夜半,權謂肅曰:「方今漢室傾危,四方紛擾;孤承父兄餘業,思為桓文之事,君將何以教我?」肅曰:「昔漢高祖欲尊事義帝而不獲者,以項羽為害也。今之曹操可比項羽,將軍何由得為桓文乎?肅竊料漢室不可復興,曹操不可卒除。為將軍計,惟有鼎足江東以觀天下之釁。今乘北方多務,剿除黃祖,進伐劉表,竟長江所極而據守之。然後建號帝王,以圖天下,此高祖之業也。」 |
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One day at the close of the usual reception, Sun Quan kept Lu Su to dine with him. They sat up late and by and by slept on the same couch as would the closest of friends. In the dead of night Sun Quan said to his bedfellow, "The dynasty is failing, and everything is at sixes and sevens. I have received a great charge from my father and brother, and I am thinking of imitating the actions of the celebrated Protectors of Reign, Wen and Huan, and becoming the leader of the feudal lords, and I pray you instruct me." Lu Su replied, "Of old the Founder of Han, the Supreme Ancestor, wished to honor and serve Emperor Yi of Qin, but could not on account of Xiang Yu's evildoings. Now Cao Cao can be compared with Xiang Yu: How can you be the protector of the Emperor? My humble opinion is that the Hans have fallen beyond hope of recovery and Cao Cao cannot be destroyed, and that the only key to your big schemes is to secure your present position in order to keep the master hand and control the combinations among the others. Now take advantage of the turmoil in the north to smite Huang Zu and attack Liu Biao in Jingzhou. Thereby you will command the whole length of the Great River. Then you may consolidate the empire and become the Son of Heaven. This was how the Supreme Ancestor acted." | |
28 | 小霸王怒... : | 權聞言大喜,披衣起謝;次日厚贈魯肅,并將衣服幃帳等物,賜肅之母。肅又薦一人見孫權,此人博學多才,事母至孝。覆姓諸葛,名瑾,字子瑜,瑯琊南陽人也。權拜之為上賓。瑾勸權勿通袁紹,且順曹操,然後乘便圖之。權依言,乃遺陳震回,以書絕袁紹。 |
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Hearing this Sun Quan was very greatly pleased. He threw on some clothing, got up, and thanked his newly-found adviser. Next day Sun Quan gave Lu Su costly gifts and sent robes and silks to his mother. Lu Su then recommended a friend of his to Sun Quan's notice, a man of wide reading and great ability. He was also a filial son. His name was Zhuge Jin, and he came from Nanyang. Sun Quan treated Zhuge Jin as a superior guest. This man dissuaded Sun Quan from making common cause with Yuan Shao, but advised him rather to favor Cao Cao, against whom he could plan when occasion served. Sun Quan therefore sent back the messenger Chen Zhen with dispatches that broke off all negotiations. | |
29 | 小霸王怒... : | 卻說曹操聞孫策已死,欲起兵下江南。侍御史張紘諫曰:「乘人之喪而伐之,既非義舉;若其不克,棄好成仇;不如因而善遇之。」操然其說,乃即奏封孫權為將軍,兼領會稽太守;既令張紘為會稽都尉,齎印往江東。孫權大喜,又得張紘回吳,即命與張昭同理政事。張紘又薦一人於孫權。此人姓顧,名雍,子元嘆,乃中郎蔡邕之徒;其為人少言語,不飲酒,嚴厲正大。權以為丞,行太守事。自是孫權威震江東,深得民心。 |
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Hearing of Sun Ce's death, Cao Cao was for sending an expedition against the south. But Zhang Hong dissuaded him, saying, "It would be mean to take advantage of the period of mourning. And if you should not overcome him, you will make him an enemy instead of being a friend. It would be preferable to treat him generously." So Cao Cao memorialized the Throne and obtained for Sun Quan the title of General and Governor of Kuaiji, while Zhang Hong was appointed Commander under Sun Quan. And a seal of office was sent to Sun Quan by Zhang Hong. The new appointment pleased Sun Quan, and he was greatly glad to get Zhang Hong back again. Then Zhang Hong was sent to act jointly with Zhang Zhao in the administration. Zhang Hong was the means of getting another into Sun Quan's service. His friend was Gu Yong, a disciple of the Historian Cai Yong. Gu Yong was a man of few words and an abstainer from wine. He was very correct in all things. Sun Quan appointed Gu Yong Deputy Governor. Henceforward Sun Quan's rule was very prosperous, and he waxed mightily in influence and won the love of all the people. | |
30 | 小霸王怒... : | 且說陳震回見袁紹,具說「孫策已亡,孫權繼立。曹操封之為將軍,結為外應矣。」袁紹大怒,遂起冀、青、幽、并等處人馬七十餘萬,復來攻取許昌。正是:江南兵革方休息,冀北干戈又復興。未知勝負如何,且看下文分解。 |
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When Chen Zhen had returned and related the events in the South Land and told of the honors that Cao Cao had obtained for Sun Quan in return for his support, Yuan Shao was very wroth, and he set about preparing for an attack on Xuchang with a force of seven hundred thousand northern soldiers. Although in the south they rest from war, They rattle the spears beneath the northern star. Later it will be seen which side conquered. |
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