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Scope: Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "吾繳還印綬從此去矣" Matched:1.
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張翼德怒鞭督郵,何國舅謀誅宦豎 - Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs

12 張翼德怒... :
Zhang Fei Whips The...:
Liu Bei was sitting alone, communing with his sorrow, when he heard a shouting before his door. He asked what the matter was.
They told him, "General Zhang Fei had bound somebody to a post and was thrashing him!"
Hastily going outside, Liu Bei saw who the unhappy victim was and asked Zhang Fei the reason.
"If we do not beat this sort of wretch to death, what may we expect?" said Zhang Fei.
"Noble Sir, save me!" cried the inspector.
Now Liu Bei had always been kindly and gracious, wherefore he bade his brother release the officer and go his way. Then Guan Yu came up, saying, "Brother, after your magnificent services you only got this petty post, and even here you have been insulted by this fellow. A thorn bush is no place for a phoenix. Let us slay this fellow, leave here, and go home till we can evolve a bigger scheme."
Liu Bei contented himself with hanging the official seal about the inspector's neck, saying, "If I hear that you injure the people, I will assuredly kill you. I now spare your life, and I return to you the seal. We are going."
The inspector went to the Governor of Dingzhou and complained, and orders were issued for the arrest of the brothers, but they got away to Daizhou and sought refuge with Liu Hu, who sheltered them because of Liu Bei's noble birth.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.