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《議溫明董卓叱丁原,餽金珠李肅說呂布 - In Wenming Garden, Dong Zhuo Denounces Ding Yuan; With Red Hare, Li Su Bribes Lu Bu》 |
1 | 議溫明董... : | 且說曹操當日對何進曰:「宦官之禍,古今皆有;但世主不當假之權寵,使至於此。若欲治罪,當除元惡,但付一獄吏足矣,何必紛紛召外兵乎?欲盡誅之,事必宣露。吾料其必敗也。」何進怒曰:「孟德亦懷私意耶?」操退曰:「亂天下者,必進也。」進乃暗差使命齎密詔,星夜往各鎮去。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
What Cao Cao said was this: "The eunuch evil is of very old standing, but the real cause of the present trouble is in the improper influence allowed them by the emperors and the misplaced favoritism they have enjoyed. But a gaoler would be ample force to employ against this kind of evil, and getting rid of the main culprits is quite enough. Why increase confusion by summoning troops from the regions? Any desire to slay all of them will speedily become known, and the plan will fail." "Then, Cao Cao, you have some scheme of your own to further," said He Jin with a sneer. Cao Cao left the meeting, proclaiming, "The one who throws the world into chaos is He Jin!" Then He Jin sent swift, secret letters far and wide to several bases. | |
2 | 議溫明董... : | 卻說前將軍鰲鄉侯西涼刺史董卓,先為破黃巾無功,朝廷將治其罪,因賄賂十常侍幸免;後又結託朝貴,遂任顯官,統西州大軍二十萬,常有不臣之心。是時得詔大喜,點起軍馬,陸續便行;使其婿中郎將牛輔,守住陝西,自己卻帶李傕、郭汜、張濟、樊稠等提兵望洛陽進發。卓婿謀士李儒曰:「今雖奉詔,中間多有暗昧。何不差人上表,名正言順,大事可圖。」卓大喜,遂上表。其略曰:竊聞天下所以亂逆不止者,皆由黃門常侍張讓等侮慢天常之故。臣聞揚湯止沸,不如去薪;潰癰雖痛,勝於養毒。臣敢鳴鐘鼓入洛陽,請除讓等。社稷幸甚!天下幸甚! |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
It must be recalled that Dong Zhuo had failed in his attempt to destroy the Yellow Scarves rebellion. He would have been punished if he had not bribed the Ten Eunuchs heavily for their protection. Later, through connections in the capital, he obtained rapid promotions from General to General of the Front Army, to Lord of Aoxiang, to Imperial Protector in the western region of Xizhou and Commander of an army of two hundred thousand troops. But Dong Zhuo was treacherous and disloyal at heart. So when he received the summons to the capital, he rejoiced greatly and lost no time in obeying it. He left a son-in-law, Imperial Commander Niu Fu, to look after the affairs of Xizhou and set out for Luoyang. Dong Zhuo took with him a huge army and four generals —-Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, and Fan Chou. Dong Zhuo's adviser and son-in-law, Li Ru, said, "Though a formal summons has come, there are many obscurities in it. It would be well to send up a memorial stating plainly our aims and intentions. Then we can proceed." So Dong Zhuo composed something like this: "Thy servant knows that the continual rebellions owe their origin to Zhang Rang and the Regular Attendants of the Inner Bureau, who act counter to all recognized precepts. Now to stop the ebullition of a pot the best way is to withdraw the fire; to cut out an abscess, though painful, is better than to nourish the evil. I have dared undertake a military advance on the capital, with thy permission, and now pray that Zhang Rang and the other eunuchs be removed for the happiness of the dynasty and of the empire." | |
3 | 議溫明董... : | 何進得表,出示大臣。侍御史鄭泰諫曰:「董卓乃豺狼也,引入京城,必食人矣。」進曰:「汝多疑,不足謀大事。」盧植亦諫曰:「植素知董卓為人,面善心狠;一入禁庭,必生禍患。不如止之勿來,免致生亂。」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
He Jin read this memorial and showed it to his partisans. Then said Minister Zheng Tai, "A fierce wild beast: If he comes, his prey will be humans!" He Jin replied, "You are too timorous: You are unequal to great schemes." But Lu Zhi also said, "Long have I known this man. In appearance innocent, he is a very wolf at heart. Let him in, and calamity enters with him. Stop him, do not let him come, and thus will you avoid upheaval." | |
4 | 議溫明董... : | 進不聽,鄭泰、盧植皆棄官而去。朝廷大臣,去者大半。進使人迎董卓於澠池,卓按兵不動。張讓等知外兵到,共議曰:「此何進之謀也;我等不先下手,皆滅族矣。」乃先伏刀斧手五十人於長樂宮嘉德門內,入告何太后曰:「今大將軍矯詔召外兵至京師,欲滅臣等,望娘娘垂憐賜救。」太后曰:「汝等可詣大將軍府謝罪。」讓曰:「若到相府,骨肉虀粉矣。望娘娘宣大將軍入宮諭止之。如其不從,臣等只就娘娘前請死。」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
He Jin was obstinate, and both Zheng Tai and Lu Zhi gave up their posts and retired, as did more than half the ministers of state, while He Jin sent a warm welcome to Dong Zhuo, who soon camped at Shengchi Lake and stationed there without further action. Zhang Rang and the eunuchs knew this move was directed against them and said, "This is He Jin's plot. If we do not strike first, our whole clans shall be exterminated." So they hid a band of fifty armed ruffians at the Gate of Grand Virtue in the Palace of Happiness, where the Empress lived, then they went in to see her. They said, "The General, feigning to act under command, has called up armies to the capital to destroy us. We pray you, Your Majesty, pity and save us!" "Go to the General and confess your faults," said the Empress. "If we did, then should we be cut to mincemeat! Rather summon the General into your presence and command him to cease. If he will not, then we pray but die in your presence." | |
5 | 議溫明董... : | 太后乃降詔宣進。進得詔便行。主簿陳琳諫曰:「太后此詔,必是十常侍之謀,切不可去。去必有禍。」進曰:「太后詔我,有何禍事?」袁紹曰:「今謀已泄,事已露,將軍尚欲入宮耶?」曹操曰:「先召十常侍出,然後可入。」進笑曰:「此小兒之見也。吾掌天下之權,十常侍敢待如何?」紹曰:「公必欲去,我等引甲士護從,以防不測。」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Empress He issued the requisite command. He Jin was just going to her when Secretary Chen Lin advised him not to enter, saying, "The eunuchs are certainly behind the order and mean your harm." But He Jin could only see the command of the Empress and was oblivious to all else. Said he, "Clearly, this is an edict from the Empress. What harm?" "Our plot is no longer a secret," said Yuan Shao. "Still you may go if you are ready to fight your way in." "Get the eunuchs out first!" said Cao Cao. "Silly children!" said He Jin. "What can they do against the man who holds the forces of the empire in his palm?" Yuan Shao said, "If you will go, then we will come as a guard, just as a precaution." | |
6 | 議溫明董... : | 於是袁紹、曹操各選精兵五百,命袁紹之弟袁術領之。袁術全身披掛,引兵布列青瑣門外。紹與操帶劍護送何進至長樂宮前。黃門傳懿旨云:「太后特宣大將軍,餘人不許輒入。」將袁紹、曹操等都阻住宮門外。何進昂然直入。至嘉德殿門,張讓、段珪迎出,左右圍住,進大驚。讓厲聲責進曰:「董后何罪,妄以酖死?國母喪葬,託疾不出!汝本屠沽小輩,我等薦之天子,以致榮貴:不思報效,欲相謀害!汝言我等甚濁,其清者是誰?」進慌急,欲尋出路,宮門盡閉,伏甲齊出,將何進砍為兩段。後人有詩歎之曰:漢室傾危天數終,無謀何進作三公。幾番不聽忠臣諫,難免宮中受劍鋒。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Whereupon both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao chose five hundred best men under their command, at whose head they placed Yuan Shu, a brother of Yuan Shao. Yuan Shu, clad in mail, drew up his troops outside the Forbidden City's entrance, while Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, holding swords, went as escort. When He Jin neared the Palace of Happiness, the officers from the Inner Bureau said, "The orders are to admit the Regent Marshal and none other." So the escort was detained outside. He Jin went in proudly. At the Gate of Grand Virtue, he was met by Zhang Rang and Duan Gui, and their followers quickly closed in around him. He Jin began to feel alarmed. Then Zhang Rang in a harsh voice began to revile him: "What crime had Empress Dong committed that she should have been put to death? And when the Mother of the Country was buried, who feigned sickness and did not attend? We raised you and your paltry, huckstering family to all the dignity and wealth you have, and this is your gratitude! You would slay us. You call us sordid and dirty: Who is the cleaner?" He Jin was panic stricken and looked about for a way to escape, but all gates had been shut. The eunuchs closed him in, and then the assassins appeared and cut He Jin into halves. Closing the days of the Hans, and the years of their rule were near spent, Stupid and tactless was He Jin, yet stood he highest in office, Many were they who advised him, but he was deaf as he heard not, Wherefore fell he a victim under the swords of the eunuchs. | |
7 | 議溫明董... : | 讓等既殺何進,袁紹久不見進出,乃於宮門外大叫曰:「請將軍上車!」讓等將何進首級從牆上擲出,宣諭曰:「何進謀反,已伏誅矣。其餘脅從,盡皆赦宥。」袁紹厲聲大叫:「閹官謀殺大臣!誅惡黨者前來助戰!」何進部將吳匡,便於青瑣門外放起火來。袁術引兵突入宮庭,但見閹官,不諭大小,盡皆殺之。袁紹、曹操斬關入內。趙忠,程曠,夏惲,郭勝四個被趕至翠花樓前,剁為肉泥。宮中火燄沖天。張讓,段珪,曹節,侯覽將太后及太子并陳留王劫去內省,從後道走北宮。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
So He Jin died. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao waited long. By and by, impatient at the delay, they called through the gate, "Thy carriage awaits, O General!" For reply the head of He Jin was flung over the wall. A decree was proclaimed: "He Jin has contemplated treachery and therefore has been slain! It pardons his adherents." Yuan Shao shouted, "The eunuchs have slain the High Minister. Let those who will slay this wicked party come and help me!" Then one of He Jin's generals, Wu Kuang, set fire to the gate. Yuan Shu at the head of his guards burst in and fell to slaying the eunuchs without regard to age or rank. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao broke into the inner part of the Palace. Four of the eunuchs —-Zhao Zhong, Cheng Kuang, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng —-fled to the Blue Flower Lodge where they were hacked to pieces. Fire raged, destroying the buildings. Four of the Ten Regular Attendants —-Zhang Rang, Duan Gui, Cao Jie, and Hou Lan —-led by Zhang Rang carried off the Empress, Emperor Bian, and Prince Xian of Chenliu toward the North Palace. | |
8 | 議溫明董... : | 時盧植棄官未去,見宮中事變,擐甲持戈,立於閣下。遙見段珪擁逼何后過來,植大呼曰:「段珪逆賊,安敢劫太后!」段珪回身便走。太后從窗中跳出,植急救得免。吳匡殺入內庭,見何苗亦提劍出。匡大呼曰:「何苗同謀害兄,當共殺之!」眾人俱曰:「願斬謀兄之賊!」苗欲走,四面圍定,砍為虀粉。紹復令軍士分頭來殺十常侍家屬,不分大小,盡皆誅絕,多有無鬚者誤被殺死。曹操一面救滅宮中之火,請何太后權攝大事,遣兵追襲張讓等,尋覓少帝。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Lu Zhi, since he had resigned office, was at home, but hearing of the revolution in the Palace he donned his armor, took his spear, and prepared to fight. He saw Eunuch Duan Gui hurrying the Empress along and called out, "You rebel, how dare you abduct the Empress?" The eunuch fled. The Empress leaped out of a window and was taken to a place of safety. General Wu Kuang burst into one of the inner halls where he found He Miao, sword in hand. "You also were in the plot to slay your own brother," cried Wu Kuang. "You shall die with the others!" "Let us kill the plotter against his elder brother!" cried many. He Miao looked around: His enemies hemmed him in on every side. He was hacked to pieces. Yuan Shu bade his soldiers scatter and seek out all the families of the eunuchs, sparing none. In that slaughter many beardless men were killed in error. Cao Cao set himself to extinguish the fires. He then begged Empress He to undertake the direction of affairs, and soldiers were sent to pursue Zhang Rang and rescue the young Emperor and the young Prince of Chenliu. | |
9 | 議溫明董... : | 且說張讓,段珪,劫擁少帝及陳留王,冒煙突火,連夜奔走至北邙山。約三更時分,後面喊聲大舉,人馬趕至;當前何南中部掾吏閔貢,大呼:「逆賊休走!」張讓見事急,遂投河而死。帝與陳留王未知虛實,不敢高聲,伏於河邊亂草之內。軍馬四散去趕,不知帝之所在。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Meanwhile, Zhang Rang and Duan Gui had hustled away the Emperor and the Prince. They burst through the smoke and fire and traveled without stopping till they reached the Beimang Hills. It was then the third watch. They heard a great shouting behind them and saw soldiers in pursuit. Their leader, Min Gong, a commander in Henan, was shouting, "Traitors, stop, stop!" Zhang Rang, seeing that he was lost, jumped into the river, where he was drowned. The two boys ignorant of the meaning of all this confusion and terrified out of their senses, dared not utter a cry. They crept in among the rank grass on the river bank and hid. The soldiers scattered in all directions but failed to find them. | |
10 | 議溫明董... : | 帝與王伏至四更,露水又下,腹中飢餒,相抱而哭;又怕人知覺,吞聲草莽之中。陳留王曰:「此間不可久戀,須別尋活路。」於是二人以衣相結,爬上岸邊。滿地荊棘,黑暗之中,不見行路。正無奈何,忽有流螢千百成群,光芒照耀,只在帝前飛轉。陳留王曰:「此天助我兄弟也!」遂隨螢火而行,漸漸見路。行至五更,足痛不能行。山岡邊見一草堆,帝與王臥於草堆之畔。草堆前面是一所莊院。莊主是夜夢兩紅日墜於莊後,驚覺,披衣出戶,四下觀望。見莊後草堆上紅光沖天,慌忙往視,卻是二人臥於草畔。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
So they remained till the fourth watch, shivering with cold from the drenching dew and very hungry. They lay down in the thick grass and wept in each other's arms, silently, lest anyone should discover them. "This is no a place to stay in," said Prince Xian. "We must find some way out." So the two children knotted their clothes together and managed to crawl up the bank. They were in a thicket of thorn bushes, and it was quite dark. They could not see any path. They were in despair when, all at once, millions of fireflies sprang up all about them and circled in the air in front of the Emperor. "God is helping us," said Prince Xian. They followed whither the fireflies led and gradually got into a road. They walked till their feet were too sore to go further, when, seeing a heap of straw near the road, they crept to it and lay down. This heap of straw was close to a farm house. In the night, as the farmer was sleeping, he saw in a vision two bright red suns drop behind his dwelling. Alarmed by the portent, he hastily dressed and went forth to look about him. Then he saw a bright light shooting up from a heap of straw. He hastened thither and then saw two youths lying behind it. | |
11 | 議溫明董... : | 莊主問曰:「二少年誰家之子?」帝不敢應。陳留王指帝曰:「此是當今皇帝,遭十常侍之亂,逃難到此。吾乃皇弟陳留王也。」莊主大驚,再拜曰:「臣先朝司徒崔烈之弟崔毅也。因見十常侍賣官嫉賢,故隱於此。」遂扶帝入莊,跪進酒食。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
"To what household do you belong, young gentlemen?" asked the farmer. The Emperor was too frightened to reply, but his companion said, "He is the Emperor. There was a revolution in the Forbidden City, and we ran away. I am his brother, Prince of Chenliu." The farmer bowed again and again and said, "My name is Cui Yi. My brother Cui Lie is the former Minister of the Interior. My brother was disgusted with the behavior of the eunuchs and so resigned and hid away here." The two lads were taken into the farm, and their host on his knees served them with refreshment. | |
12 | 議溫明董... : | 卻說閔貢趕上段珪拏住,問天子何在。珪言已在半路相失,不知何往。貢遂殺段珪,懸頭於馬項下,分兵四散尋覓;自己卻獨乘一馬,隨路追尋。偶至崔毅莊,毅見首級,問之,貢說詳細。崔毅引貢見帝,君臣痛哭。貢曰:「國不可一日無君,請陛下還都。」崔毅莊上只有瘦馬一匹,備與帝乘。貢與陳留王共乘一馬。離莊而行,不到三里,司徒王允,太尉楊彪,左軍校尉淳于瓊,右軍校尉趙萌,後軍校尉鮑信,中軍校尉袁紹,一行人眾,數百人馬,接著車駕,君臣皆哭。先使人將段珪首級往京師號令。另換好馬與帝及陳留王騎坐,簇帝還京。先是洛陽小兒謠曰:「帝非帝,王非王,千乘萬騎走北邙。」至此果應其讖。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
It has been said that Min Gong had gone in pursuit of Eunuch Duan Gui. By and by Min Gong overtook Duan Gui and cried, "Where is the Emperor?" "He disappeared! I do not know where he is!" Min Gong slew Duan Gui and hung the bleeding head on his horse's neck. Then he sent his troops searching in all directions, and he rode off by himself on the same quest. Presently he came to the farm. Cui Yi, seeing what hung on his horse's neck, questioned him and, satisfied with his story, led him to the Emperor. The meeting was affecting. All were moved to tears. "The state cannot be without its ruler," said Min Gong. "I pray Your Majesty return to the city." At the farm they had but one sorry nag and this they saddled for the Emperor. The young Prince was taken on Min Gong's charger. And thus they left the farm. Not beyond one mile from the farm, they fell in with other officials and several hundred guards and soldiers made up an imposing cavalcade. In the cavalcade were Wang Yun, Minister of the Interior; Yang Biao, Grand Commander; Chunyu Qiong, Commander of the Left Army; Zhao Meng, Commander of the Right Army; Bao Xin, Commander of the Rear Army; and Yuan Shao, Commander of the Center Army. Tears were shed freely as the ministers met their Emperor. A man was sent on in front to the capital there to expose the head of Eunuch Duan Gui. As soon as they could, they placed the Emperor on a better steed and the young Prince had a horse to himself. Thus the Emperor returned to Luoyang, and so it happened after all as the street children's ditty ran: Though the emperor doesn't rule, though the prince no office fills, Yet a brilliant cavalcade comes along from Beimang Hills. | |
13 | 議溫明董... : | 車駕行不到數里,忽見旌旗蔽日,塵土遮天,一枝人馬到來。百官失色,帝亦大驚。袁紹驟馬出問何人。繡旗影裏,一將飛出,厲聲問:「天子何在?」帝戰慄不能言。陳留王勒馬向前,叱曰:「來者何人?」卓曰:「西涼刺史董卓也。」陳留王曰:「汝來保駕耶?汝來劫駕耶?」卓應曰:「特來保駕。」陳留王曰:「既來保駕,天子在此,何不下馬?」卓大驚,慌忙下馬,拜於道左。陳留王以言撫慰董卓,自初至終,並無失語。卓暗奇之,已懷廢立之意。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
The cavalcade had not proceeded far when they saw coming towards them a large body of soldiers with fluttering banners hiding the sun and raising a huge cloud of dust. The officials turned pale, and the Emperor was greatly alarmed. Yuan Shao rode out in advance. "Who are you?" said Yuan Shao. From under the shade of an embroidered banner rode out a leader, saying, "Do you have the Emperor?" The Emperor was too panic stricken to respond, but the Prince of Chenliu rode to the front and cried, "Who are you?" "Dong Zhuo, Imperial Protector of Xizhou Region." "Have you come to protect the Chariot or to steal it?" said Prince Xian. "I have come to protect," said Dong Zhuo. "If that is so, the Emperor is here: Why do you not dismount?" Dong Zhuo hastily dismounted and made obeisance on the left of the road. Then Prince Xian spoke graciously to him. From first to last the Prince had carried himself most perfectly so that Dong Zhuo in his heart admired his behavior, and then arose the first desire to set aside the Emperor in favor of the Prince of Chenliu. | |
14 | 議溫明董... : | 是日還宮,見何太后,俱各痛哭。檢點宮中,不見了傳國玉璽。董卓屯兵城外,每日帶鐵甲馬軍入城,橫行街市,百姓惶惶不安。卓出入宮庭,略無忌憚。後軍校尉鮑信,來見袁紹,言董卓必有異心,可速除之。紹曰:「朝廷新定,未可輕動。」鮑信見王允,亦言其事。允曰:「且容商議。」信自引本部軍兵,投泰山去了。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
They reached the Palace the same day, and there was an affecting interview with Empress He. But when they had restored order in the Palace, the Imperial Hereditary Seal, the special seal of the Emperor, was missing. Dong Zhuo camped without the walls, but every day he was to be seen in the streets with an escort of mailed soldiers so that the common people were in a state of constant trepidation. He also went in and out of the Palace careless of all the rules of propriety. Commander of the Rear Army Bao Xin spoke of Dong Zhuo's behavior to Yuan Shao, saying, "This man harbors some evil design and should be removed." "Nothing can be done till the government is more settled," said Yuan Shao. Then Bao Xin saw Minister of the Interior Wang Yun and asked what he thought. "Let us talk it over," was the reply. Bao Xin said no more but he left the capital and retired to the Taishan Mountains. | |
15 | 議溫明董... : | 董卓招誘何進兄弟部下之兵,盡歸掌握。私謂李儒曰:「吾欲廢帝立陳留王,何如?」李儒曰:「今朝廷無主,不就此時行事,遲則有變矣。來日於溫明園中,召集百官,諭以廢立;有不從者斬之,則威權之行,正在今日。」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: | Dong Zhuo induced the soldiers of the two brothers He Jin and He Miao to join his command, and privately spoke to his adviser Li Ru about deposing the Emperor in favor of the Prince of Chenliu. Li Ru saisd, "The government is really without a head. There can be no better time than this to carry out your plan. Delay will spoil all. Tomorrow assemble the officials in the Wenming Garden and address them on the subject. Put all opponents to death, and your prestige is settled." | |
16 | 議溫明董... : | 卓喜。次日大排筵會,遍請公卿。公卿皆懼董卓,誰敢不到?卓待百官到了,然後徐徐到園門下馬,帶劍入席。酒行數巡,卓教停酒止樂,乃厲聲曰:「吾有一言,眾官靜聽。」眾官側耳。卓曰:「天子為萬民之主,無威儀不可以奉宗廟社稷。今上懦弱,不若陳留王聰明好學,可承大位。吾欲廢帝,立陳留王,諸大臣以為何如?」誅官聽罷,不敢出聲。座上一人推案直出,立於筵前,大呼:「不可!不可!汝是何人,敢發大語?天子乃先帝嫡子,初無過失,何得妄議廢立?汝欲為篡逆耶?」卓視之,乃荊州刺史丁原也。卓怒叱曰:「順我者生,逆我者死!」遂掣佩劍欲斬丁原。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
The words pleased Dong Zhuo mightily. So the next day Dong Zhuo spread a feast and invited many guests. As all the officers went in terror of him, no one dared be absent. Dong Zhuo himself rode up to the garden last of all and took his place with his sword girded on. When the wine had gone round several times, Dong Zhuo stopped the service and the music and began to speak. "I have something to say. Listen quietly all of you!" All turned towards him. "The emperor is lord of all. If he lacks dignity and behaves in an unseemly manner, he is no fitting inheritor of the ancestral prerogatives. He who is now on the throne is a weakling, inferior to the Prince of Chenliu in intelligence and love of learning. The Prince is in every way fitted for the throne. I desire to depose the Emperor and set up the Prince in his place. What think you?" The assembly listened in perfect silence, none daring at first to utter a word of dissent. But one dared; for suddenly a guest stood up in his place, smote the table and cried. "No! No! Who are you that you dare utter such bold words? The Emperor is son of the late Emperor and has done no wrong. Why then should he be deposed? Are you a rebel?" The speaker was Ding Yuan, Imperial Protector of Bingzhou. Dong Zhuo glared at Ding Yuan, roaring, "There is life for those who are with me, death for those against!" Dong Zhuo drew his sword and made for the objector. | |
17 | 議溫明董... : | 時李儒見丁原背後一人,生得器字軒昂,威風凜凜,手執方天畫戟,怒目而視。李儒急進曰:「今日飲宴之處,不可談國政;來日向都堂公論未遲。」眾人皆勸丁原上馬而去。卓問百官曰:「吾所言,合公道否?」盧植曰:「明公差矣:昔太甲不明,伊尹放之於桐宮。昌邑王登位方二十七日,造惡三千餘條,故霍光告太廟而廢之。今上雖幼,聰明仁智,並無分毫過失。公乃外郡刺史,素未參與國政,又無伊、霍之大才,何可強主廢立之事?聖人云『有伊尹之志則可,無伊尹之志則篡也。』」卓大怒,拔劍向前欲殺植。議郎彭伯諫曰:「盧尚書海內人望,今先害之,恐天下震怖。」卓乃止。司徒王允曰:「廢立之事,不可酒後相商,另日再議。」於是百官皆散。卓按劍立於園門,忽見一人躍馬持戟,於園門外往來馳驟。卓問李儒:「此何人也?」儒曰:「此丁原義兄:姓呂,名布,字奉先者也。主公且須避之。」卓乃入園潛避。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
But the watchful Li Ru had noticed standing behind Ding Yuan a particularly dangerous looking henchman of his, who was now handling his halberd threateningly, and whose eyes were blazing with anger. So Li Ru hastily interposed, saying, "But this is the banquet chamber, and state affairs should be left outside. The matters can be fully discussed tomorrow." His fellow guests persuaded Ding Yuan to leave, and after his departure Dong Zhuo said, "Is what I said just and reasonable?" "You are mistaken, Illustrious Sir," said Lu Zhi. "Of old Emperor Tai Jia of the Shang Dynasty was unenlightened. Wherefore the sage Minister Yi Yin immured him in the Tong Palace till he reformed. Later the Prince of Changyi ascended the throne, and in twenty-seven days he committed more than three thousand categorical faults. Wherefore Regent Marshal Huo Guang declared in the ancestral temple that the Prince of Changyi was deposed. Our present Emperor is young, but he is intelligent, benevolent, and wise. He has not committed a single fault. You, Sir, are an imperial protector of a frontier region and not a metropolitan official and have had no experience in state administration. Neither have you the pure intentions of Yi Yin and Huo Guang which qualified their actions. The Teacher said: 'Only with Yi Yin's purpose can one act like Yi Yin. Otherwise, such a deed is treason.'" Dong Zhuo angrily drew his sword to slay the bold Lu Zhi, but two other officials remonstrated. "Minister Lu Zhi is the cynosure of the whole country, and his violent death would stir the hearts of all people!" said Court Counselors Cai Yong and Peng Bo. Dong Zhuo then stayed his hand. Then said Wang Yun, "A great question like the deposition and substitution of emperors is not one to be decided after a wine party. Let it be put off till another time." So the guests dispersed. Dong Zhuo stood at the gate with drawn sword watching them depart. Standing thus, Dong Zhuo noticed a spearman galloping to and fro on a fiery steed and asked Li Ru who that was. "That is Lu Bu, the adopted son of Ding Yuan. You must keep out of his way, my lord." Dong Zhuo went inside the gate so that he could not be seen. | |
18 | 議溫明董... : | 次日,人報丁原引軍城外搦戰。卓怒,引軍同李儒出迎。兩陣對圓,只見呂布頂束髮金冠,披百花戰袍,擐唐猊鎧甲,繫獅蠻寶帶,縱馬挺戟,隨丁建陽出到陣前。建陽指卓罵曰:「國家不幸,閹官弄權,以致萬民塗炭。爾無尺寸之功,焉敢妄言廢立,欲亂朝廷?」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
But next day they reported to him that Ding Yuan had come out of the city with a small army and was challenging to a battle. Dong Zhuo, with his army, went forth to accept the challenge. And the two armies were drawn up in proper array. Lu Bu was a conspicuous figure in the forefront. His hair was arranged under a handsome headdress of gold, and he had donned a embroidered thousand-flower fighting robe, a pheasant-tailed helmet, and breast plate, and round his waist was a gleaming jade belt with a lion's head clasp. With spear set he rode close behind his master Ding Yuan. Ding Yuan, riding forth, pointing his finger at Dong Zhuo, began to revile him. "Unhappy indeed was this state when the eunuchs became so powerful that the people were as if trodden into the mire under their feet. Now you, devoid of the least merit, dare to talk of deposing the rightful emperor and setting up another. This is to desire rebellion and no less!" | |
19 | 議溫明董... : | 董卓未及回言,呂布飛馬直殺過來。董卓慌走,建陽率軍掩殺。卓兵大敗,退三十餘里下寨,聚眾商議。卓曰:「吾觀呂布非常人也。吾若得此人,何慮天下哉?」帳前一人出曰:「主公勿憂:某與呂布同鄉,知其勇而無謀,見利忘義。某憑三寸不爛之舌,說呂布拱手來降,可乎?」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Dong Zhuo could not reply for Lu Bu, eager for the fight, rode straight at him. Dong Zhuo fled and Ding Yuan's army came on. The battle went in Ding Yuan's favor, and the beaten troops retired ten miles and made another camp. Here Dong Zhuo called his officers to a council. "This Lu Bu is a marvel," said Dong Zhuo. "If he were only on my side, I would defy the whole world!" At this a man advanced saying, "Be content, O my lord! I am a fellow villager of his and know him well: He is valorous, but not crafty; he will let go principles, when he sees advantages. With this little, blarneying tongue of mine, I can persuade him to put up his hands and come over to your side." | |
20 | 議溫明董... : | 卓大喜,觀其人,乃虎賁中郎李肅也。卓曰:「汝將何以說之?」肅曰:「某聞主公有名馬一匹,號曰『赤兔』,日行千里。須得此馬,再用金珠,以利結其心。某更進說詞,呂布必反丁原,來投主公矣。」卓問李儒曰:「此言可乎?」儒曰:「主公欲取天下,何惜一馬?」卓欣然與之,更與黃金一千兩、明珠數十顆、玉帶一條。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Dong Zhuo was delighted and gazed admiringly at the speaker. It was Li Su, a general in the Imperial Tiger Army. "What arguments will you use with him?" asked Dong Zhuo. "You have a fine horse, Red Hare, one of the best ever bred. I must have this steed, and gold and pearls to win his heart. Then will I go and persuade him. He will certainly abandon Ding Yuan's service for yours." "What think you?" said Dong Zhuo to his adviser Li Ru. "One cannot grudge a horse to win an empire," was the reply. So they gave Li Su what he demanded —-a thousand ounces of gold, ten strings of beautiful pearls, a jeweled belt, and Red Hare —-and these accompanied Li Su on his visit to his fellow villager. | |
21 | 議溫明董... : | 李肅齎了禮物,投呂布寨來。伏路軍人圍住。肅曰:「可速報呂將軍,有故人來見。」軍人報知,布命入見。肅見布曰:「賢弟別來無恙!」布揖曰:「久不相見,今居何處?」肅曰:「見任虎賁中郎將之職。聞賢弟匡扶社稷,不勝之喜。有良馬一匹,日行千里,渡水登山,如履平地,名曰『赤兔』:特獻與賢弟,以助虎威。」布便令牽過來看。果然那馬渾身上下,火炭般赤,無半根雜毛;從頭至尾,長一丈;從蹄至項,高八尺;嘶喊咆哮,有騰空入海之狀。後人有詩單道赤兔馬曰:奔騰千里蕩塵埃,渡水登山紫霧開。掣斷絲韁搖玉轡,火龍飛下九天來。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Li Su reached the camp and said to the guard, "Please tell General Lu Bu that a very old friend has come to visit him." He was admitted forthwith. "Worthy brother, have you been well since we last met?" greeted Li Su while bowing. "How long it is since we last saw each other!" replied Lu Bu, bowing in return. "And where are you now?" "I am a general in the Imperial Tiger Army. When I learned you were a strong supporter of the Throne, I could not say how I rejoiced. I have come now to present to you a really fine horse, a three-hundred-mile-a-day horse, one that crosses rivers and goes up mountains as if they were the level plain. Its name is Red Hare. It will be a fitting aid to your valor." Lu Bu bade his guards lead out the horse. It was of a uniform color like glowing-sun red —-not a hair of another color. It measured ten spans from head to tail and from hoof to neck eight spans. When it neighed, the sound filled the empyrean and shook the ocean. Mark ye the steed swift and tireless, see the dust, spurned by his hoofs, rising in clouds, Now it swims the river, anon climbs the hill, rending the purple mist asunder, Scornful it breaks the rein, shakes from its head the jeweled bridle, It is as a fiery dragon descending from the highest heaven. | |
22 | 議溫明董... : | 布見了此馬,大喜,謝肅曰:「兄賜此良駒,將何以為報?」肅曰:「某為義氣而來,豈望報乎?」布置酒相待。酒酣,肅曰:「肅與賢弟少得相見;令尊卻常會來。」布曰:「兄醉矣!先父棄世多年,安得與兄相會?」肅大笑曰:「非也;某說今日丁刺史耳。」布惶恐曰:「某在丁建陽處,亦出於無奈。」肅曰:「賢弟有擎天駕海之才,四海孰不欽敬?功名富貴,如探囊取物,何言無奈而在人之下乎?」布曰:「恨不逢其主耳。」肅笑曰:「『良禽擇木而棲,賢臣擇主而事。』見機不早,悔之晚矣。」布曰:「兄在朝廷,觀何人為世之英雄?」肅曰:「某遍觀群臣,皆不如董卓,董卓為人敬賢禮士,賞罰分明,終成大業。」布曰:「某欲從之,恨無門路。」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Lu Bu was delighted with the horse and said, "What return can I hope to make for such a creature?" "What return can I hope for? I came to you out of a sense of what is right," replied Li Su. Wine was brought in and they drank. "We have seen very little of each other, but I am constantly meeting your honorable father," said Li Su. "You are drunk," said Lu Bu. "My father has been dead for years." "Not so; I spoke of Ding Yuan, the man of the day." Lu Bu started. "Yes, I am with him, but only because I can do no better." "Sir, your talent is higher than the heavens, deeper than the seas. Who in all the world does not bow before your name? Fame and riches and honors are yours for the taking. And you say you can do no better than remain a subordinate!" "If I could only find a master to serve," said Lu Bu. "The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the master to serve. Seize the chance when it comes, for repentance ever comes too late." "Now you are in the government. Who think you is really the bravest of all?", asked Lu Bu. "I despise the whole lot except Dong Zhuo. He is one who respects wisdom and reveres scholarship; he is discriminating in his rewards and punishments. Surely he is destined to be a really great man." Lu Bu said, "I wish that I could serve him, but there is no way, I fear." | |
23 | 議溫明董... : | 肅取金珠、玉帶列於布前。布驚曰:「何為有此?」肅令叱退左右,告布曰:「此是董公久慕大名,特令某將此奉獻。赤兔馬亦董公所贈也。」布曰:「董公如此見愛,某將何以報之?」肅曰:「如某之不才,尚為虎賁中郎將;公若到彼,貴不可言。」布曰:「恨無涓埃之功,以為進見之禮。」肅曰:「功在翻手之間,公不肯為耳。」布沈吟良久曰:「吾欲殺丁原,引軍歸董卓,何如?」肅曰:「賢弟若能如此,真莫大之功也!但事不宜遲,在於速決。」 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Then Li Su produced his pearls and gold and the jeweled belt and laid them out before his host. "What is this? What does it mean?" said Lu Bu. "Send away the attendants," requested Li Su. And he went on, "Dong Zhuo has long respected your bravery and sent these by my hand. Red Hare was also from him." "But, if he loves me like this, what can I do in return?" Li Su said, "If a stupid fellow like me can be a general in the Imperial Tiger Army, it is impossible to say what honors await you." "I am sorry I can offer him no service worth mentioning." Li Su said, "There is one service you can do, and an extremely easy one to perform; but you would not render that." Lu Bu pondered long in silence, then he said, "I might slay Ding Yuan and bring over his soldiers to Dong Zhuo's side. What think you of that?" "If you would do that, there could be no greater service. But such a thing must be done quickly." | |
24 | 議溫明董... : | 布與肅約於明日來降,肅別去。是夜二更時分,布提刀逕入丁原帳中。原正秉燭觀書,見布至,曰:「吾兒來有何事故?」布曰:「吾堂堂丈夫,安肯為汝子乎!」原曰:「奉先何故心變?」布向前一刀砍下丁原首級,大呼:「左右!丁原不仁,吾已殺之。肯從吾者在此,不從者自去!」軍士散其大半。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
And Lu Bu promised his friend that he would do the deed and come over on the morrow. So Li Su took his leave. That very night, at the second watch, Lu Bu entered, sword in hand, into his master's tent. He found Ding Yuan reading by the light of a solitary candle. Seeing who came in, Ding Yuan said, "My son, what is afoot?" "I am a bold hero," said Lu Bu. "Do not think I am willing to be a son of yours!" "Why this change, Lu Bu?" As a reply Lu Bu made one cut, and Ding Yuan's head fell to the earth. Then Lu Bu called the attendants and said, "He was an unjust man, and I have slain him. Let those who back me stay. The others may depart." Most ran away. | |
25 | 議溫明董... : | 次日,布持丁原首級,往見李肅。肅遂引布見卓。卓大喜,置酒相待。卓先下拜曰:「卓今得將軍,如旱苗之得甘雨也。」布納卓坐而拜之曰:「公若不棄,布請拜為義父。」卓以金甲錦袍賜布,暢飲而散。卓自是威勢越大,自領前將軍事,封弟董旻為左將軍鄠侯,封呂布為騎都尉中郎將都亭侯。李儒勸卓早定廢立之計。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
Next day, with the head of the murdered man as his gift, Lu Bu betook himself to Li Su, who led him to Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo received him with a warm welcome and had wine set before him. "Your coming is welcome as the gentle dew to the parched grass," said Dong Zhuo. Lu Bu made Dong Zhuo seat himself and then made an obeisance, saying, "Pray let me bow to you as my adopted father!" Dong Zhuo gave his newly won ally gold armor and silken robes and spread the feast of welcome. They then separated. Thence Dong Zhuo's power and influence increased rapidly. He gave the lordship of Hu (an ancient state) and the rank Commander of the Left Army to his brother Dong Min. He appointed Lu Bu Lord of Luoyang, Commander of Capital District, and Cavalry Commander. Dong Zhuo made himself Minister of Works, Grand Commander, and Commander of the Front Army. The adviser Li Ru never ceased from urging him to carry out the design of deposing the young Emperor. | |
26 | 議溫明董... : | 卓乃於省中設宴,會集公卿,令呂布將甲士千餘,侍衛左右。是日,太傳袁隗與百官皆到。酒行數巡,卓拔劍曰:「今上闇弱,不可以奉宗廟;吾將依伊尹、霍光故事,廢帝為弘農王,立陳留王皇帝。有不從者斬!」群臣惶怖莫敢對。中軍校尉袁紹挺身出曰:「今上即位未幾,並無失德;汝欲廢嫡立庶,非反而何?」卓怒曰:「天下事在我!我今為之,誰敢不從?汝視我之劍不利否?」袁紹亦拔劍曰:「汝劍利,吾劍未嘗不利!」兩個在筵上對敵。正是:丁原仗義身先喪,袁紹爭鋒勢又危。畢竟袁紹性命如何,且聽下文分解。 |
In Wenming Garden, Dong...: |
The now all-powerful Dong Zhuo prepared a banquet in the capital at which all the officers of state were guests. He also bade Lu Bu post a company of armed men right and left ready for action. The feast began and several courses were served with nothing to distinguish that banquet from any other. Then suddenly the host arose and drew his sword, saying, "He who is above us being weak and irresolute is unfit for the duties of his high place. Wherefore I, as of old did Yi Yin and Huo Guang, will set aside this Emperor giving him the title of Prince of Hongnong, and I will place on the throne the present Prince of Chenliu. And those who do not support me will suffer death." Fear seized them in its grip and they were silent, all but Yuan Shao who said, "The Emperor was innocent of any fault, and to set him aside in favor of a commoner was rebellion and nothing else!" "The empire is in my hands!" cried Dong Zhuo. "When I choose to do this thing, who will dare to say nay? Think you my sword lacks an edge?" "If your sword is sharp, mine is never blunt!" said Yuan Shao as his sword flashed out of the sheath. The two men stood face to face amid the feasters. When Ding Yuan by treacherous murder died, The loss was great to Yuan Shao's side. The fate of Yuan Shao will be disclosed in later chapters. |
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