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Scope: Cao Cao Overcomes Yuan Shao In Cangting; Liu Bei Seeks Shelter With Liu Biao In Jingzhou Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "時操引得勝之兵陳列於河上有土人簞食壺漿以迎之" Matched:1.
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曹操倉亭破本初,玄德荊州依劉表 - Cao Cao Overcomes Yuan Shao In Cangting; Liu Bei Seeks Shelter With Liu Biao In Jingzhou

7 曹操倉亭... :
Cao Cao Overcomes Yuan...:
Then the natural hesitation of Yuan Shao asserted itself, and he could not make up his mind. Soon came news that his sons Yuan Tan was coming from Qingzhou with sixty thousand troops, Yuan Xi coming from Youzhou with fifty thousand troops, and his nephew Gao Gan coming from Bingzhou with fifty thousand troops to help him, and he turned his attention to preparations for fighting Cao Cao.
When Cao Cao drew up his victorious army on the banks of Yellow River, the aged natives brought an offering of food and sauce to bid him welcome. Their venerable and hoary appearances led Cao Cao to treat them with the highest respect.
He invited them to be seated and said to them, "Venerable Sirs, what may be your age?"
"We are nearly a hundred," replied the old villagers.
"I should be very sorry if my army had disturbed your village," said Cao Cao.
One of them said, "In the days of the Emperor Huan a yellow star was seen over by way of the ancient states of Chu and Song in the southwest. Yin Kui of Liaodong, who was learned in astrology, happened to be passing the night here, and he told us that the star foretold the arrival in these parts, fifty years hence, of a true and honest man here in the Yellow River. Lo! That is exactly fifty years ago. Now Yuan Shao is very hard on the people and they hate him. You, Sir, having raised this army in the cause of humanity and righteousness, out of pity for the people and to punish crimes, and having destroyed the hordes of Yuan Shao at Guandu, just fulfill the prophecy of Yin Kui. The millions of the land may look now for tranquillity."
"How dare I presume that I am he?" said Cao Cao with a smile.
Wine was served and refreshments brought in, and the old gentlemen were sent away with presents of silk stuffs. And an order was issued to the army that if anyone killed so much as a fowl or a dog belonging to the villagers, he should be punished as for murder.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.