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Scope: A Gallant Warrior, Cao Pi Marries Lady Zhen; An Expiring Star, Guo Jia Settles Liaodong Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "依次歃血循至別駕韓珩" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

曹丕乘乱纳甄氏,郭嘉遗计定辽东 - A Gallant Warrior, Cao Pi Marries Lady Zhen; An Expiring Star, Guo Jia Settles Liaodong

17 曹丕乘乱... :
A Gallant Warrior, Cao...:
The two Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang heard of Cao Cao's advance with dismay for they had no hope of successful resistance. Therefore they abandoned Youzhou and hastily marched into Liaoxi to seek refuge with the Wuhuan tribespeople in the frontier Wuhuan State.
Then Wuhuan Chu, new Imperial Protector of Youzhou, was not disposed to incur the enmity of the powerful Cao Cao, so he called his subordinates together to swear them to support him.
Wuhuan Chu said, "I understand that Cao Cao is the most powerful man of the day, and I am going to support him, and those who do not go with me I shall put to death."
Each in turn smeared his lips with the blood of sacrifice and took the oath, till it came to the turn of Han Heng.
Instead he dashed his sword to the ground, crying, "I have received great promotions and benefits from the Yuans. Now my lord has been vanquished. My knowledge was powerless to save him, and my bravery insufficient to cause me to die for him: I have failed in my duty. But I refuse to commit the crowning act of treachery and ally myself with Cao Cao."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.