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Scope: Sima Hui Recommends A Scholar To Liu Bei; Liu Bei Pays Three Visits To The Sleeping Dragon Ridge Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "諸葛均在後曰此非臥龍家兄乃家兄岳父黃承彥也" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

司馬徽再薦名士,劉玄德三顧草廬 - Sima Hui Recommends A Scholar To Liu Bei; Liu Bei Pays Three Visits To The Sleeping Dragon Ridge

20 司馬徽再... :
Sima Hui Recommends A...:
"Here at last is Sleeping Dragon," thought Liu Bei, hastily slipping out of the saddle.
He saluted the donkey rider as he neared and said, "Master, it is hard to make way against this cold wind. I and my companions have been waiting long."
The rider got off his donkey and returned the bow, while Zhuge Jun from behind said, "This is not my brother. It is his father-in-law Huang Chenyan."
Liu Bei said, "I chanced to hear the song you were singing. It is very beautiful."
Huang Chenyan replied, "It is a little poem I read in my son in-law's house, and I recalled it as I crossed the bridge and saw the plum trees in the hedge. And so it happened to catch your ear, Noble Sir."
"Have you seen your son-in-law lately?" asked Liu Bei.
"That is just what I have come to do now."
At this Liu Bei bade him farewell and went on his way. The storm was very grievous to bear, but worse than the storm was the grief in his heart as he looked back at Sleeping Dragon Ridge.
One winter's day through snow and wind
A prince rode forth the sage to find;
Alas! His journey was in vain,
And sadly turned he home again.
The stream stood still beneath the bridge
A sheet of ice draped rock and ridge,
His steed benumbed with biting cold
But crawled as he were stiff and old.
The snowflakes on the rider's head
Were like pear-blossoms newly shed,
Or like the willow-catkins light
They brushed his cheek in headlong flight.
He stayed his steed, he looked around,
The snow lay thick on tree and mound,
The Sleeping Dragon Ridge lay white
A hill of silver, glistening bright.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.