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Scope: In Wenming Garden, Dong Zhuo Denounces Ding Yuan; With Red Hare, Li Su Bribes Lu Bu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "次日大排筵會遍請公卿" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

議溫明董卓叱丁原,餽金珠李肅說呂布 - In Wenming Garden, Dong Zhuo Denounces Ding Yuan; With Red Hare, Li Su Bribes Lu Bu

16 議溫明董... :
In Wenming Garden, Dong...:
The words pleased Dong Zhuo mightily. So the next day Dong Zhuo spread a feast and invited many guests. As all the officers went in terror of him, no one dared be absent. Dong Zhuo himself rode up to the garden last of all and took his place with his sword girded on. When the wine had gone round several times, Dong Zhuo stopped the service and the music and began to speak.
"I have something to say. Listen quietly all of you!" All turned towards him. "The emperor is lord of all. If he lacks dignity and behaves in an unseemly manner, he is no fitting inheritor of the ancestral prerogatives. He who is now on the throne is a weakling, inferior to the Prince of Chenliu in intelligence and love of learning. The Prince is in every way fitted for the throne. I desire to depose the Emperor and set up the Prince in his place. What think you?"
The assembly listened in perfect silence, none daring at first to utter a word of dissent. But one dared; for suddenly a guest stood up in his place, smote the table and cried.
"No! No! Who are you that you dare utter such bold words? The Emperor is son of the late Emperor and has done no wrong. Why then should he be deposed? Are you a rebel?" The speaker was Ding Yuan, Imperial Protector of Bingzhou.
Dong Zhuo glared at Ding Yuan, roaring, "There is life for those who are with me, death for those against!"
Dong Zhuo drew his sword and made for the objector.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.