中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
《闞澤密獻詐書,龐統巧授連環計》 |
1 | 闞澤密獻... : | 卻說闕澤字德潤,會稽山陰人也。家貧好學,與人傭工,嘗借人書來看。看過一遍,便不遺忘。口才辨給,少有膽氣。孫權召為參謀,與黃蓋最相善。蓋知其能言有膽,故欲使獻詐降書。澤欣然應諾曰:「大丈夫處世,不能立功建業,不幾與草木同腐乎?公既捐軀報主,澤又何惜微生!」黃蓋滾下床來拜而謝之。澤曰:「事不可緩,即今便行。」蓋曰:「書已修下了。」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Kan Ze was from Shanyin, a son of a humble family. He loved books, but as he was too poor to buy, he used to borrow. He had a wonderfully tenacious memory, was very eloquent and no coward. Sun Quan had employed him among his advisers, and he and Huang Gai were excellent friends. Now Huang Gai had thought of Kan Ze to present the treacherous letter to Cao Cao, as Kan Ze's gifts made him most suitable. Kan Ze accepted with enthusiasm, saying, "When you, my friend, have suffered so much for our lord, could I spare myself? No! While a person lives, he must go on fulfilling his mission, or he is no better than the herbs that rot in the field." Huang Gai slipped off the couch and came over to salute him. "However, this matter must speed," continued Kan Ze. "There is no time to lose." "The letter is already written," said Huang Gai. | |
2 | 闞澤密獻... : | 澤領了書,只就當夜扮作漁翁,駕小舟,望北岸而行。是夜寒星滿天,三更時候,早到曹軍水寨。巡江軍士拏住,連夜報知曹操。操曰:「莫非是奸細麼?」軍士曰:「只一漁翁,自稱是東吳參謀闞澤,有機密事來見。」操便教引將入來。軍士引闞澤至,只見帳上燈燭輝煌,曹操憑几危坐,問曰:「汝既是東吳參謀,來此何幹?」澤曰:「人言曹丞相求賢若渴,今觀此問,甚不相合。──黃公覆,汝又錯尋思了也!」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Kan Ze received it and left. That night he disguised himself as an old fisherman and started in a small punt for the north shore, under the cold, glittering light of the stars. Soon he drew near the enemy's camp and was captured by the patrol. Without waiting for day, they informed Cao Cao, who said at once, "Is he not just a spy?" "No," said they, "he is alone, just an old fisherman. And he says he is an adviser in the service of the South Land named Kan Ze, and he has come on secret business." "Bring him," said Cao Cao, and Kan Ze was led in. Cao Cao was seated in a brilliantly lighted tent. He was leaning on a small table, and as soon as he saw the prisoner, he said harshly, "You are an adviser of East Wu. What then are you doing here?" "People say that you greedily welcome people of ability. I do not think your question a very proper one. O friend Huang Gai, you made a mistake," said Kan Ze. | |
3 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操曰:「吾與東吳旦夕交兵,汝私行到此,如何不問?」澤曰:「黃公覆乃東吳三世舊臣,今被周瑜於眾將之前,無端毒打,不勝忿恨。因欲投降丞相,為報仇之計,特謀之於我。我與公覆,情同骨肉,逕來為獻密書。未知丞相肯容納否?」操曰:「書在何處?」闞澤取書呈上。操拆書,就燈下觀看。書略曰:「蓋受孫氏厚恩,本不當懷二心。然以今日事勢論之:用江東六邵之卒,當中國百萬之師,眾寡不敵,海內所共見也。東吳將吏,無論智愚,皆知其不可。周瑜小子,偏懷淺戇,自負其能,輒欲以卵敵石;兼之擅作威福,無罪受刑,有功不賞。蓋係舊臣,無端為所摧辱,心實恨之!伏聞丞相,誠心待物,虛懷納士,蓋願率眾歸降,以圖建功雪恥。糧草車仗,隨船獻納。泣血拜白,萬勿見疑。」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
"You know I am fighting against East Wu, and you come here privately. Why should I not question you?" "Huang Gai is an old servant of Wu, one who has served three successive rulers. Now he has been cruelly beaten, for no fault, before the face of all the officers in Zhou Yu's camp. He is grievously angry about this and wishes to desert to your side that he may be revenged. He discussed it with me, and as we are inseparable, I have come to give you his letter asking whether you would receive him." "Where is the letter? said Cao Cao. The missive was produced and presented. Cao Cao opened it and read: "I, Huang Gai, have been generously treated by the Sun family and have served them single-heartedly. Lately they have been discussing an attack with our forces on the enormous army of the central government. Everyone knows our few are no match for such a multitude, and every officer of the South Land, wise or foolish, recognizes that quite well. However, Zhou Yu who, after all, is but a youth and a shallow minded simpleton, maintains that success is possible and rashly desires to smash stones with an egg. Beside, he is arbitrary and tyrannical, punishing for no crime, and leaving meritorious service unrewarded. I am an old servant and for no reason have been shamed in the sight of people. Wherefore I hate him in my heart. "You, O Prime Minister, treat people with sincerity and are ready to welcome ability and so I, and those under my leadership, desire to enter your service whereby to acquire reputation and remove the shameful stigma. The commissariat, weapons, and the supply ships that I am commanding will also come over to you. In perfect sincerity I state these matters. I pray you not to doubt me." | |
4 | 闞澤密獻... : | 曹操於几案上翻覆將書看了十餘次,忽然拍案張目大怒曰:「黃蓋用苦肉計,令汝下詐降書,就中取事,卻敢來戲侮我耶!」便教左右推出斬之。左右將闞澤簇下,澤面不改容,仰天大笑。操教牽回,叱曰:「吾已識破奸計,汝何故哂笑?」澤曰:「吾不笑你。吾笑黃公覆不識人耳。」操曰:「何不識人?」澤曰:「殺便殺,何必多問!」操曰:「吾自幼熟讀兵書,深知奸偽之道。汝這條計,只好瞞別人,如何瞞得我!」澤曰:「你且說書中那件事是奸計?」操曰:「我說出你那破綻,教你死而無怨!你既是真心獻書投降,如何不明約幾時?如今你有何理說?」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Leaning there on the low table by his side, Cao Cao turned this letter over and over and read it again and again. Then he smacked the table, opened his eyes wide with anger, saying, "Huang Gai is trying to play the personal injury trick on me, is he? And you are in it as the intermediary to present the letter. How dare you come to sport with me?" Cao Cao ordered the lictors to thrust forth the messenger and take off his head. Kan Ze was hustled out, his face untroubled. On the contrary, he laughed aloud. At this Cao Cao told them to bring him back and harshly said to him, "What do you find to laugh at now that I have foiled you and your ruse has failed?" "I was not laughing at you. I was laughing at my friend's simplicity." "What do you mean by his simplicity?" "If you want to slay, slay. Do not trouble me with a multitude of questions." "I have read all the books on the art of war, and I am well versed in all ways of misleading the enemy. This ruse of yours might have succeeded with many, but it will not do for me." "And so you say that the letter is a vicious trick?" said Kan Ze. "What I say is that your little slip has sent you to the death you risked. If the thing was real and you were sincere, why does not the letter name a time of coming over? What have you to say to that?" | |
5 | 闞澤密獻... : | 闞澤聽罷,大笑曰:「虧汝不惶恐,敢自誇熟讀兵書!還不及早收兵回去!倘若交戰,必被周瑜擒矣!無學之輩!可惜吾屈死汝手!」操曰:「何謂我無學?」澤曰:「汝不識機謀,不明道理,豈非無學?」操曰:「你且說我那幾般不是處?」澤曰:「汝無待賢之禮,吾何必言?但有死而已。」操曰:「汝若說得有理,我自然敬服。」澤曰:「豈不聞『背主作竊,不可定期』?倘今約定日期,急切下不得手,這裏反來接應,事必泄漏。但可覷便而行,豈可預期相訂乎?汝不明此理,欲屈殺好人,真無學之輩也!」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Kan Ze waited to the end and then laughed louder than ever, saying, "I am so glad you are not frightened but can still boast of your knowledge of the books of war. Now you will not lead away your soldiers. If you fight, Zhou Yu will certainly capture you. But how sad to think I die at the hand of such an ignorant fellow!" "What mean you? I, ignorant?" "You are ignorant of any strategy and a victim of unreason. Is not that sufficient?" "Well then, tell me where is any fault." "You treat wise people too badly for me to talk to you. You can finish me and let there be an end of it." "If you can speak with any show of reason, I will treat you differently." "Do you not know that when one is going to desert one's master and become a renegade, one cannot say exactly when the chance will occur? If one binds one's self to a fixed moment and the thing cannot be done just then, the secret will be discovered. One must watch for an opportunity and take it when it comes. Think: Is it possible to know exactly when? But you know nothing of common sense. All you know is how to put good people to death. So you really are an ignorant fellow!" | |
6 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操聞言,改容下席而謝曰:「某見事不明,誤犯尊威,幸勿掛懷。」澤曰:「吾與黃公覆,傾心投降,如嬰兒之望父母,豈有詐乎?」操大喜曰:「若二人能建大功,他日受爵,必在諸人之上。」澤曰:「某等非為爵祿而來,實應天順人耳。」操取酒待之。 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
At this Cao Cao changed his manner, got up, and came over to the prisoner bowing, "I did not see clearly. That is quite true. I offended you, and I hope you will forget it." "The fact is that Huang Gai and I are both inclined to desert to you. We even yearn for it as a child desires its parents. Is it possible that we should play you false?" "If you two could render me so great a service, you shall certainly be richly rewarded." "We do not desire rank or riches. We come because it is the will of Heaven and the plain way of duty." Then wine was set out, and Kan Ze was treated as an honored guest. | |
7 | 闞澤密獻... : | 少頃,有人入帳,於操耳邊私語。操曰:「將書來看。」其人以密書呈上。操觀之,顏色頗喜。闞澤暗思:「此必蔡中,蔡和來報黃蓋受刑消息,操故喜我投降之事為真實也。」操曰:「煩先生再回江東,與黃公覆約定,先通消息過江,吾以兵接應。」澤曰:「某已離江東,不可復還。望丞相別遣機密人去。」操曰:「若他人去,事恐泄漏。」澤再三推辭;良久,乃曰:「若去則不敢久停,便當行矣。」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
While they were drinking, someone came in and whispered in Cao Cao's ear. He replied, "Let me see the letter." Whereupon the man pulled out and gave him a letter, which evidently pleased him. "That is from the two Cai brothers," thought Kan Ze. "They are reporting the punishment of my friend, and that will be a proof of the sincerity of his letter." Turning toward Kan Ze, Cao Cao said, "I must ask you to return to settle the date with your friend. As soon as I know, I will have a force waiting." "I cannot return. Pray, Sir, send some other one you can trust." "If someone else should go, the secret would be discovered." Kan Ze refused again and again but at last gave way, saying, "If I am to go, I must not wait here. I must be off at once." | |
8 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操賜以金帛,澤不受,辭別出營,再駕肩舟,重回江東,來見黃蓋,細說前事。蓋曰:「非公能辯,則蓋徒受苦矣。」澤曰:「吾今去甘寧寨中,探蔡中,蔡和消息。」蓋曰:「甚善。」澤至寧寨,寧接入。澤曰:「將軍昨為救黃公覆,被周公瑾所辱,吾甚不平。」寧笑而不答。 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Cao Cao offered him gold and silks, which were refused. Kan Ze started, left the camp, and reembarked for the south bank, where he related all that had happened to Huang Gai. "If it had not been for your persuasive tongue, then had I undergone this suffering in vain," said Huang Gai. "I will now go to get news of the two Cai brothers," said Kan Ze. "Excellent," said Huang Gai. Kan Ze went to the camp commanded by Gan Ning. When they were seated, Kan Ze said to his host, "I was much distressed when I saw how disgracefully you were treated for your intercession on behalf of Huang Gai." Gan Ning smiled. | |
9 | 闞澤密獻... : | 正話間,蔡和,蔡中至。澤以目送甘寧。寧會意,乃曰:「周公瑾只自恃其能,全不以我等為念。我今被辱,羞見江左諸人!」說罷,咬牙切齒,怕案大叫。澤乃虛與寧耳邊低語,寧低頭不言,長歎數聲。 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Just then the two Cai brothers came, and host and guest exchanged glances. Gan Ning said, "The truth is Zhou Yu is over confident, and he reckons us as nobody. We count for nothing. Everyone is talking of the way I was insulted." And he shouted and gritted his teeth and smacked the table in his wrath. Kan Ze leaned over toward his host and said something in a very low voice, at which Gan Ning bent his head and sighed. | |
10 | 闞澤密獻... : | 蔡和,蔡中見澤寧皆有反意,以言挑之曰:「將軍何故煩惱?先生有何不平?」澤曰:「吾等腹中之苦,汝豈知耶!」蔡和曰:「莫非欲背吳投曹耶?」闞澤失色。甘寧拔劍而起曰:「吾事已為窺破,不可不殺之以滅口!」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Cai He and Cai Zhong gathered from this scene that both Gan Ning and Kan Ze were ripe for desertion and determined to probe them. "Why, Sir, do you anger him? Why not be silent about your injuries?" said they. "What know you of our bitterness?" said Kan Ze. "We think you seem much inclined to go over to Cao Cao," said they. Kan Ze at this lost color. Gan Ning started up and drew his sword, crying, "They have found out. They must die to keep their mouths shut!" | |
11 | 闞澤密獻... : | 蔡和,蔡中慌曰:「二公勿憂,吾亦當以心腹之事相告。」寧曰:「可速言之!」蔡和曰:「吾二人乃曹公使來詐降者,二公若有歸順之心,吾當引進。」寧曰:「汝言果真乎?」二人齊聲曰:「安敢相欺?」寧佯喜曰:「若如此,是天賜其便也!」二蔡曰:「黃公覆與將軍被辱之事,吾已報知丞相矣。」澤曰:「吾已為黃公覆獻書丞相,今特來見興霸,相約同降耳。」寧曰:「大丈夫既遇明主,自當傾心相投。」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
"No, no," cried the two in a flurry. "Let us tell you something quite secret!" "Quick, then!" cried Gan Ning. So Cai He said, "The truth is that we are only pretended deserters, and if you two gentlemen are of our way of thinking, we can manage things for you." "But are you speaking the truth?" said Gan Ning. "Is it likely we should say such a thing if it were untrue?" cried both at the same moment. Gan Ning put on a pleased look and said, "Then this is the very heaven-given chance." "You know we have already told Cao Cao of the Huang Gai affair and how you were insulted." "The fact is I have given the Prime Minister a letter on behalf of Huang Gai, and he sent me back again to settle the date of Huang Gai's desertion," said Kan Ze. "When an honest person happens upon an enlightened master, his heart will always be drawn toward him," said Gan Ning. | |
12 | 闞澤密獻... : | 於是四共飲,同論心事。二蔡即時寫書,密報曹操,說甘寧與某同為內應。闞澤另自修書,遣人密報曹操。書中具言黃蓋欲來,未得其便;但看船頭插青牙旗而來者,即是也。 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
The four then drank together and opened their hearts to each other. The two Cai Zhong and Cai He wrote a private letter to their master saying Gan Ning has agreed to join in our plot and play the traitor, and Kan Ze also wrote, and they sent the letters secretly to Cao Cao. Kan Ze's letter said: "Huang Gai has found no opportunity so far. However, when he comes, his boat can be recognized by a black, indented flag. That shall mean he is on board." | |
13 | 闞澤密獻... : | 卻說曹操連得二書,心中疑感不定,聚眾謀士商議曰:「江左,甘寧,被周瑜所辱,願為內應;黃蓋受責,令闞澤來納降;俱未可深信。誰敢直入周瑜寨中,探聽實信?」蔣幹進曰:「某前日空往東吳,未得成功,深懷慚愧。今願捨身再往,務得實信,回報丞相。」操大喜,即時令蔣幹上船。幹駕小舟,逕到江南水寨邊,便使人傳報。 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
However, when Cao Cao got these two letters, he was still doubtful and called together his advisers to talk over the matter. Said he, "On the other side Gan Ning has been put to shame by the Commander-in-Chief whom he is prepared to betray for the sake of revenge. Huang Gai has been punished and sent Kan Ze to propose that he should come over to our side. Only I still distrust the whole thing. Who will go over to the camp to find out the real truth?" Then Jiang Gan spoke up, saying, "I failed in my mission the other day and am greatly mortified. I will risk my life again and, this time, I shall surely bring good news." Cao Cao approved of him as messenger and bade him start. Jiang Gan set out in a small craft and speedily arrived in the Three Gorges, landing near the naval camp. Then he sent to inform Zhou Yu. | |
14 | 闞澤密獻... : | 周瑜聽得幹又到,大喜曰:「吾之成功,只在此人身上!」遂囑付魯肅:「請龐士元來,為我如此如此。」原來襄陽龐統,字士元,因避亂寓居江東。魯肅曾薦之於周瑜,統未及往見。瑜先使肅問計於統曰:「破曹當用何策?」統密謂肅曰:「欲破曹兵,須用火攻;但大江面上,一船著火,餘船四散;除非獻『連環計』,教他釘作一處,然後功可成也。」肅以告瑜,瑜深服其論,因謂肅曰:「為我行此計者,非龐士元不可。」肅曰:「只怕曹操奸猾,如何去得?」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
Hearing who it was, Zhou Yu chuckled, saying, "Success depends upon this man." Then Zhou Yu called Lu Su and told him to call Pang Tong to come and do certain things for him. This Pang Tong was from Xiangyang. And he had gone to the east of the river to get away from the strife. Lu Su had recommended him to Zhou Yu, but he had not yet presented himself. When Zhou Yu sent Lu Su to ask what scheme of attack he would recommend against Cao Cao, Pang Tong had said to Lu Su, "You must use fire against him. But the river is wide and if one ship is set on fire, the others will scatter unless they are fastened together so that they must remain in one place. That is the one road to success." Lu Su took this message to Zhou Yu, who pondered over it and then said, "The only person who can manage this is Pang Tong himself." "Cao Cao is very wily," said Lu Su. "How can Pang Tong go?" | |
15 | 闞澤密獻... : | 周瑜沈吟未決,正尋思沒個機會,忽報蔣幹又來。瑜大喜,一面分付龐統用計;一面坐於帳上,使人請幹。幹見不來接,心中疑慮,教把船於僻靜岸口纜繫,乃入寨見周瑜。瑜作色曰:「子翼何故欺吾太甚?」蔣幹笑曰:「吾想與你乃舊日弟兄,特來吐心腹事,何言相欺也?」瑜曰:「汝要說我降,除非海枯石爛!前番吾念舊日交情,請你痛飲一醉,留你同榻;你卻盜吾私書,不辭而去,歸報曹操,殺了蔡瑁,張允,致使吾事不成。今日何故又來,必不懷好意!吾不看舊日之情,一刀兩段!本待送你過去,爭奈吾一二日間,便要破曹賊;待留你在軍中,又必有泄漏。」便教左右:「送子翼往西山庵中歇息。──待吾破了曹操,那時渡你過江未遲。」 |
Kan Ze Presents A...: |
So Zhou Yu was sad and undecided. He could think of no method till suddenly the means presented itself in the arrival of Jiang Gan. Zhou Yu at once sent instructions to Pang Tong how to act, and then sat himself in his tent to await his visitor Jiang Gan. But the visitor became ill at ease and suspicious when he saw that his old student friend did not come to welcome him, and he took the precaution of sending his boat into a retired spot to be made fast before he went to the general's tent. When Zhou Yu saw Jiang Gan, Zhou Yu put on an angry face and said, "My friend, why did you treat me so badly?" Jiang Gan laughed and said, "I remembered the old days when we were as brothers, and I came expressly to pour out my heart to you. Why do you say I treated you badly?" "You came to persuade me to betray my master, which I would never do unless the sea dried up and the rocks perished. Remembering the old times, I filled you with wine and kept you to sleep with me. And you, you plundered my private letters and stole away with never a word of farewell. You betrayed me to Cao Cao and caused the death of my two friends on the other side and so caused all my plans to miscarry. Now what have you come for? Certainly, it is not out of kindness to me. I would cut you in two, but I still care for our old friendship. I would send you back again, but within a day or two I shall attack that rebel. If I let you stay in my camp, my plans will leak out. So I am going to tell my attendants to conduct you to a certain retired hut in the Western Hills, and keep you there till I shall have won the victory. Then I will send you back again." | |
16 | 闞澤密獻... : | 蔣幹再欲開言,周瑜已入帳後去了。左右取馬與蔣幹乘坐,送到西山背後小庵歇息,撥兩個軍人伏侍。幹在庵內,心中憂悶,寢食不安。是夜星露滿天,獨步出庵後,只聽得讀書之聲。信步尋去,見山巖畔有草屋數椽,內射燈光。幹往窺之,只見一人挂劍燈前,誦孫吳兵書。幹思此必異人也,叩戶請見。其人開門出迎,儀表非俗。幹問姓名,答曰:「姓龐,名統,字士元。」幹曰:「莫非鳳雛先生否?」統曰:「然也。」幹喜曰:「久聞大名,今何僻居此地?」答曰:「周瑜自恃才高,不能容物,吾故隱居於此。公乃何人?」幹曰:「吾蔣幹也。」 |
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Jiang Gan tried to say something, but Zhou Yu would not listen. He turned his back and went into the recesses of his tent. The attendants led the visitor off, set him on a horse, and took him away over the hills to the small hut, leaving two soldiers to look after him. When Jiang Gan found himself in the lonely hut, he was very depressed and had no desire to eat or sleep. But one night, when the stars were very brilliant, he strolled out to enjoy them. Presently he came to the rear of his lonely habitation and heard, near by, someone crooning over a book. Approaching with stealthy steps, he saw a tiny cabin half hidden in a cliff whence a slender beam or two of light stole out between the rafters. He went nearer and peeping in, saw a man reading by the light of a lamp near which hung a sword. And the book was Sun Zi's classic "The Art of War." "This is no common person," thought Jiang Gan, and so he knocked at the door. The door was opened by the reader, who bade him welcome with cultivated and refined ceremony. Jiang Gan inquired his name. The host replied, "I am Pang Tong." "Then you are surely the Master known as Young Phoenix, are you not?" "Yes, I am he." "How often have I heard you talked about! You are famous. But why are you hidden away in this spot?" "That fellow Zhou Yu is too conceited to allow that anyone else has any talent, and so I live here quietly. But who are you, Sir?" "I am Jiang Gan." | |
17 | 闞澤密獻... : | 統乃邀入草庵,共坐談心。幹曰:「以公之才,何往不利?如肯歸曹,幹當引進。」統曰:「吾亦欲離江東久矣。公既有引進之心,即今便當一行。如遲則周瑜聞之,必將見害。」 |
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Then Pang Tong made him welcome and led him in, and the two sat down to talk. "With your gifts, you would succeed anywhere," said Jiang Gan. "If you would enter Cao Cao's service, I would recommend you to him." "I have long desired to get away from here. And if you, Sir, will present me, there is no time like the present. If Zhou Yu heard of my wish, he would kill me, I am sure." | |
18 | 闞澤密獻... : | 於是與幹連夜下山,至江邊尋著原來船隻,飛棹投江北。既至操寨,幹先入見,備述前事。操聞鳳雛先生來,親自出帳迎入,分賓主坐定,問曰:「周瑜年幼,恃才欺眾,不用良謀。操久聞先生大名,今得惠顧,乞不吝教誨。」統曰:「某素聞丞相用兵有法,今願一睹軍容。」 |
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So without more ado, they made their way down the hill to the water's edge to seek the boat in which Jiang Gan had come. They embarked and, rowing swiftly, they soon reached the northern shore. At the central camp, Jiang Gan landed and went to seek Cao Cao to whom he related the story of the discovery of his new acquaintance. When Cao Cao heard that the newcomer was Master Young Phoenix, Cao Cao went to meet him personally, made him very welcome, and soon they sat down to talk on friendly terms. Cao Cao said, "And so Zhou Yu in his youth is conceited and annoys his officers and rejects all their advice: I know that. But your fame has been long known to me, and now that you have been gracious enough to turn my way, I pray you not to be thrifty of your advice." "I, too, know well that you are a model of military strategy," said Pang Tong, "but I should like to have one look at your disposition." | |
19 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操教備馬,先邀統同觀旱寨。統與操並馬登高而望。統曰:「傍山依林,前後顧盼,出入有門,退進曲折,雖孫吳再生,穰苴復出,亦不過此矣。」操曰:「先生勿得過譽,尚望指教。」於是又與同觀水寨。見向南分二十四座門,皆有艨艟戰艦,列為城郭,中藏小船,往來有巷,起伏有序,統笑曰:「丞相用兵如此,名不虛傳!」因指江南而言曰:「周郎!周郎!剋期必亡!」 |
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So horses were brought, and the two rode out to the lines, host and visitor on equal terms, side by side. They ascended a hill whence they had a wide view of the land base. After looking all round Pang Tong remarked, "Wu Qi the Great General, came to life again, could not do better, nor Sun Zi the Famed Strategist if he reappeared! All accords with the precepts. The camp is beside the hills and is flanked by a forest. The front and rear are within sight of each other. Gates of egress and ingress are provided, and the roads of advance and retirement are bent and broken." "Master, I entreat you not to overpraise me, but to advise me where I can make further improvements," said Cao Cao. Then the two men rode down to the naval camp, where twenty four gates were arranged facing south. The cruisers and the battleships were all lined up so as to protect the lighter crafts which lay inside. There were channels to pass to and fro and fixed anchorages and stations. Pang Tong surveying all this smiled, saying, "Sir Prime Minister, if this is your method of warfare, you enjoy no empty reputation." Then pointing to the southern shore, he went on, "Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu! You are finished. You will have to die." | |
20 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操大喜回寨,請入帳中,置酒共飲,同說兵機。統高談雄辯,應答如流。操深敬服,慇懃相待。統佯醉曰:「敢問軍中有良醫否?」操問何用。統曰:「水軍多疾,須用良醫治之。」時操軍因不服水土,俱生嘔吐之疾,多有死者。操正慮此事,忽聞統言,如何不問?統曰:「丞相教練水軍之法甚妙,但可惜不全。」操再三請問。統曰:「某有一策,使大小水軍,並無疾病,安穩成功。」 |
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Cao Cao was mightily pleased. They rode back to the chief tent and wine was brought. They discussed military matters, and Pang Tong held forth at length. Remarks and comments flowed freely between the two, and Cao Cao formed an exalted opinion of his new adherent's abilities and treated him with the greatest honor. By and bye the guest seemed to have succumbed to the influence of many cups and said, "Have you any capable medical people in your army?" "What are they for, Master?" said Cao Cao. "There is a lot of illness among the marines, and you ought to find some remedy." The fact was that at this time Cao Cao's men were suffering from the climate. Many were vomiting and not a few had died. It was a source of great anxiety to him, and when the newcomer suddenly mentioned it, of course he had to ask advice. Pang Tong said, "Your marine force is excellent, but there is just one defect. It is not quite perfect." Cao Cao pressed him to say where the imperfection lay. "I have a plan to overcome the ailment of the soldiers so that no one shall be sick and all fit for service." | |
21 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操大喜,請問妙策。統曰:「大江之中,潮生潮落,風浪不息,北兵不慣乘舟,受此顛播,便生疾病。若以大船小船各皆配搭,或三十為一排,或五十為一排,首尾用鐵環連鎖,上鋪闊板,休言人可渡,馬亦可走矣。乘此而行,任他風浪潮水上下,復何懼哉?」曹操下席而謝曰:「非先生良謀,安能破東吳耶?」統曰:「愚淺之見,丞相自裁之。」操即時傳令,喚軍中鐵匠,連夜打造連環大釘,鎖住船隻。諸軍聞之,俱各喜悅。後人有詩曰: |
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"What is this excellent scheme?" said Cao Cao. "The river is wide, and the tides ebb and flow. The winds and waves are never at rest. Your troops from the north are unused to ships, and the motion makes them ill. If your ships, large and small, were classed and divided into thirties, or fifties, and joined up stem to stem by iron chains and boards spread across them, to say nothing of soldiers being able to pass from one to the next, even horses could move about on them. If this were done, then there would be no fear of the wind and the waves and the rising and falling tides." Coming down from his seat, Cao Cao thanked his guest, saying, "I could never defeat the land of the south without this scheme of yours." "That is only my idea," said Pang Tong. "It is for you to decide about it." Orders were then issued to call up all the blacksmiths and set them to work, night and day, forging iron chains and great bolts to lock together the ships. And the soldiers rejoiced when they heard of the plan. | |
赤壁鏖兵用火攻,運籌決策盡皆同。若非龐統連環計,公瑾安能立大功? | ||
In the Red Cliffs' fight they used the flame, The weapon here will be the same. By Pang Tong's advice the ships were chained, Else Zhou Yu had not that battle gained. | ||
22 | 闞澤密獻... : | 龐統又謂操曰:「某觀江左豪傑,多有怨周瑜者。某憑三寸舌,為丞相說之,使皆來降,周瑜孤立無援,必為丞相所擒。瑜既破,則劉備無所用矣。」操曰:「先生果能成大功,操請奏聞天子,封為三公之列。」統曰:「某非為富貴,但欲救萬民耳。丞相渡江,慎勿殺害。」操曰:「吾替天行道,安忍殺戮人民?」統拜求榜文,以安宗族。操曰:「先生家屬,現居何處?」統曰:「只在江邊。若得此榜,可保全矣。」 |
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Pang Tong further told Cao Cao, saying, "I know many bold people on the other side who hate Zhou Yu. If I may use my little tongue in your service, I can induce them to come over to you. If Zhou Yu be left alone, you can certainly take him captive. And Liu Bei is of no account." "Certainly if you could render me so great a service, I would memorialize the Throne and obtain for you one of the highest offices," said Cao Cao. "I am not doing this for the sake of wealth or honors, but from a desire to succor humankind. If you cross the river, I pray you be merciful." "I am Heaven's means of doing right and could not bear to slay the people." Pang Tong thanked him and begged for a document that would protect his own family. Cao Cao asked, "Where do they live?" "All are near the river bank." | |
23 | 闞澤密獻... : | 操命寫榜僉押付統。統拜謝曰:「別後可速進兵,休待周郎知覺。」操然之。 |
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And Cao Cao ordered a protection declaration to be prepared. Having sealed it, he gave it to Pang Tong. Pang Tong said, "You should attack as soon as I have gone, but do not let Zhou Yu doubt anything." Cao Cao promised secrecy. | |
24 | 闞澤密獻... : | 統拜別,至江邊,正欲下船,忽見岸上一人,道袍竹冠,一把扯住統曰:「你好大膽!黃蓋用苦肉計,闞澤下詐降書,你又來獻連環計,只恐燒不盡絕!你們拿出這等毒手來,只好瞞曹操,也須瞞我不得!」嚇得龐統魂飛散。正是:莫道東南能制勝,誰云西北獨無人?畢竟此人是誰,且看下文分解。 |
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The wily traitor took his leave. Just as he was about to embark, he met a man in a Daoist robe, with a bamboo comb in his hair, who stopped him. The man said, "You are very bold. Huang Gai is planning to use the 'personal injury ruse', and Kan Ze has presented the letter of pretended desertion. You have proffered the fatal scheme of chaining the ships together lest the flames may not completely destroy them. This sort of mischievous work may have been enough to deceive Cao Cao, but I saw it all." Pang Tong become helpless with fear —-his viscera flown away, his spirit scattered. By guileful means one may succeed, The victims too find friends in need. The next chapter will tell who the stranger was. |
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