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Scope: Cao Ren Withstands The South Land; Zhuge Liang Angers Zhou Yu Request type: Paragraph |
Condition 1: Contains text "丁徐二將救得周瑜到帳中喚行軍醫者用鐵鉗子拔出箭頭將金瘡藥敷掩瘡口疼不可當飲食俱廢" Matched:1. |
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1. |
《曹仁大戰東吳兵,孔明一氣周公瑾 - Cao Ren Withstands The South Land; Zhuge Liang Angers Zhou Yu》 |
22 | 曹仁大戰... : | 一聲梆子響,兩邊弓弩齊發,勢如驟雨。爭先入城的,都攧入陷坑內。周瑜急勒馬回時,被一弩箭,正射中左肋,翻身落馬。牛金從城中殺出,來捉周瑜。徐盛,丁奉,二人,捨命救去。城中曹兵突出,吳兵自相踐踏,落塹坑者無數。程普急收軍時,曹洪,曹仁分兵兩路殺回。吳兵大敗。幸得凌統引一軍從刺斜裏殺來,敵住曹兵。曹仁引得勝軍進城,程普收敗軍回寨。丁、徐二將救得周瑜到帳中,喚行軍醫者用鐵鉗子拔出箭頭,將金瘡藥敷掩瘡口,疼不可當,飲食俱廢。醫者曰:「此箭頭上有毒,急切不能痊可。若怒氣沖激,其瘡復發。」程普令三軍緊守各寨,不許輕出。三日後,牛金引軍來搦戰,程普按兵不動。牛金罵至日暮方回,次日又來罵戰。程普恐瑜生氣,不敢報知。第三日,牛金直至寨門外叫罵,聲聲只道要捉周瑜。程普與眾商議,欲暫且退兵,回見吳侯,卻再理會。 |
Cao Ren Withstands The...: |
Then was heard the clap-clap of a watchman's rattle. At this signal the archers and crossbowmen let fly, and the arrows and bolts flew forth in a sudden fierce shower, while those who had won their way to the van of the inrush went headlong into a deep trench. Zhou Yu managed to pull up in time, but turning to escape, he was wounded in the left side and fell to the ground. Niu Jin rushed out from the city to capture the chief, but Xu Sheng and Ding Feng at the risk of their lives got him away safe. Then the troops of Cao Ren dashed out of the city and wrought confusion among the troops of the South Land, who trampled each other down and many more fell into the trenches. Cheng Pu tried to draw off, but Cao Ren and Cao Hong came toward him from different directions, and the battle went hardly against the soldiers of Zhou Yu, till help came from Ling Tong, who bore back their assailants. Satisfied with their success, Cao Ren led his forces into the city, while the losers marched back to their own camp. Zhou Yu, sorely wounded, was taken to his own tent and the army physician called in. With iron forceps, he extracted the sharp bolt and dressed the wound with a lotion designed to counteract the poison of the metal. But the pain was intense, and the patient rejected all nourishment. The physician said, "The missile had been poisoned, and the wound will require a long time to heal. You, General, must be kept quiet and especially free from any irritation, which will cause the wound to reopen." Thereupon Cheng Pu gave orders that each division was to remain in camp. Three days later, Niu Jin came within sight and challenged the men of the South Land to battle, but they did not stir. The enemy hurled at them taunts and insults till the sun had fallen low in the sky, but it was of no avail and Niu Jin withdrew. Next day Niu Jin returned and repeated his insulting abuse. Cheng Pu dared not tell the wounded general. The third day, waxing bolder, the enemy came to the very gates of the stockade, the leader shouting that he had come for the purpose of capturing Zhou Yu. Then Cheng Pu called together his officers, and they discussed the feasibility of retirement into the South Land that they might seek the opinion of Sun Quan. |
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