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Scope: Yuan Shao Fights Gongsun Zan At The River Pan; Sun Jian Attacks Liu Biao Across The Great River Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "程普曰袁術多詐未可准信" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

袁紹磐河戰公孫,孫堅跨江擊劉表 - Yuan Shao Fights Gongsun Zan At The River Pan; Sun Jian Attacks Liu Biao Across The Great River

17 袁紹磐河... :
Yuan Shao Fights Gongsun...:
"I cannot bear Liu Biao," said Sun Jian as he finished reading this letter. "He certainly did bar my way home, and I may wait many years for my revenge if I let slip this chance!"
He called a council.
"You may not trust Yuan Shu. He is very deceitful," said Cheng Pu.
"I want revenge on my own part. What care I for his help?" said Sun Jian.
He dispatched Huang Gai to prepare a river fleet, arm and provision them. Big warships were to take horses on board. The force soon set out.
News of these preparations came to Liu Biao, and he hastily summoned his advisers and commanders.
Kuai Liang told him to be free from anxiety, and said, "Put General Huang Zu at the head of the Jiangxia army to make the first attack and you, Sir, support him with the forces from Xiangyang. Let Sun Jian come riding the rivers and straddling the lakes: What strength will he have left after arriving here?"
So Liu Biao bade Huang Zu prepare to march, and a great army was assembled.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.