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《王司徒巧使連環計,董太師大鬧鳳儀亭 - Wang Yun Prepares The Chaining Scheme; Dong Zhuo Rages At Phoenix Pavilion》 |
1 | 王司徒巧... : | 卻說蒯良曰:「今孫堅已喪,其子皆幼。乘此虛弱之時,火速進軍,江東一鼓可得。若還屍罷兵,容其養成氣力,荊州之患也。」表曰:「吾有黃祖在彼營中,安忍棄之?」良曰:「捨一無謀黃祖而取江東,有何不可?」表曰:「吾與黃祖心腹之交,捨之不義。」遂送桓楷回營,相約以孫堅尸換黃祖。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
This is what Kuai Liang said, "Sun Jian is now gone, and his children are but youths. Seize this moment of weakness to break into the South Land, and it is yours in one beat of the drum. If you return the corpse and make peace, you give them time to grow powerful, and evil will ensue to Jingzhou." "How can I leave Huang Zu in their hands?" said Liu Biao. "Why not sacrifice this blundering warrior for a region?" "But he is my dear friend, and to abandon him is wrong." So Huan Ji was allowed to return to his own side with the understanding that Sun Jian's dead body should be given in exchange | |
2 | 王司徒巧... : | 劉表換回黃祖,孫策迎接靈柩,罷戰回江東,葬父於曲阿之原。喪事已畢,引軍居江都,招賢納士,屈己待人,四方豪傑,漸漸投之不在話下。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Sun Ce freed his prisoner, brought away his father's coffin, and the fighting ceased. Sun Jian was interred in the plains of Que. When the ceremonies were over, Sun Ce led his army home again. In Changsha, one of the territories south of the Great River, Sun Ce set himself to the task of ruling well. Being humble and generous, he invited to his side humans of wisdom and valor and so bore himself that all the best and bravest of the country gathered about him. | |
3 | 王司徒巧... : | 卻說董卓在長安,聞孫堅已死,乃曰:「吾除卻一心腹之患也!」問:「其子年幾歲矣?」或答曰:「十七歲。」卓遂不以為意。自此愈加驕橫,自號為「尚父」,出入僭天子儀仗;封弟董旻為左將軍鄠侯,姪董璜為待中,總領禁軍。董氏宗族,不問長幼,皆封列侯。離長安城二百五十里,別築郿塢,役民夫二十五萬人築之;其城郭高下厚薄一如長安,內蓋宮室倉庫,屯積二十年糧食。選民間少年美女八百人實其中。金玉、彩帛、珍珠堆積不知其數。家屬都住在內。卓往來長安,或半月一回,或一月一回,公卿皆候送於橫門外。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Meanwhile, Dong Zhuo at Capital Changan, when he heard of the death of the turbulent Sun Jian, said, "An evil that pressed hard upon my heart has been removed!" He asked what children Sun Jian had left, and when they told him the eldest was but seventeen, he dismissed all anxiety from his thoughts. From this time forward his arrogance and domineering spirit waxed worse and worse. He styled himself "Imperial Rector", a name full of honor, and in all his behavior aped imperial state. He created his younger brother, Dong Min, Lord of Huazhou and made him Commander of the Left Army. A nephew, Dong Huang, was made Court Counselor and placed in command of the Palace Guard, and everyone of his clan, young or old, was ennobled. Eighty miles from the capital Dong Zhuo laid out a city called Meiwo, an exact replica of Changan, with its palaces, granaries, treasuries, and magazines, and employed a quarter of a million people to build it. Here he accumulated supplies sufficient for twenty years. He selected eight hundred of the most beautiful maidens and sent them to dwell in his new city. The stores of wealth in every form were incalculable. All his family and retainers found quarters in this city. Dong Zhuo visited his city at intervals of a month or so, and every visit was like an imperial progress, with booths by the roadside to refresh the officials and courtiers who attended him to the northwest Royal Gate and saw him start. | |
4 | 王司徒巧... : | 卓常設帳於路,與公卿聚飲。一日,卓出橫門,百官皆送。卓留宴,適北地招安降卒數百人到。卓即命於座前,或斷其手足,或鑿其眼睛,或割其舌,或以大鍋煮之。哀號之聲震天,百官戰慄失莇,卓飲食談笑自若。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: | On one occasion Dong Zhuo spread a great feast for all those assembled to witness his departure; and while it was in progress, there arrived a large number of rebels from the north who had voluntarily surrendered. Dong Zhuo had them brought before him as he sat at table and meted out to them wanton cruelties. The hands of this one were lopped off, the feet of that; one had his eyes gouged out; another lost his tongue. Some were boiled to death. Shrieks of agony arose to the very heavens, and the courtiers were faint with terror. But the author of the misery ate and drank, chatted and smiled as if nothing was going on. | |
5 | 王司徒巧... : | 又一日,卓於省臺大會百官,列坐兩行。酒至數巡,呂布逕入,向卓耳邊言不數句,卓笑曰:「原來如此。」命呂布於筵上揪司空張溫下堂。百官失色。不多時,待從將一紅盤,托張溫頭入獻。百官魂不附體。卓笑曰:「諸公勿驚。張溫結連袁術,欲圖害我。因使人寄書來,錯下在吾兒奉先處,故斬之。公等無故,不必驚畏。」眾官唯唯而散。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Another day Dong Zhuo was presiding at a great gathering of officials who were seated in two long rows. After the wine had gone up and down several times, Lu Bu entered and whispered a few words in his master's ear. Dong Zhuo smiled and said, "He was always so. Take Minister of Works Zhang Wan outside!" The others all turned pale. In a little time a serving man brought the head of their fellow guest on a red dish and showed it to their host. They nearly died with fright. "Do not fear," said Dong Zhuo smiling. "Minister Zhang Wan was in league with Yuan Shu to assassinate me. A letter he wrote fell by mistake into the hands of my son, so I have had him put to death. You gentlemen, who have no reason, need have no fear." The officials hastened to disperse. | |
6 | 王司徒巧... : | 司徒王允歸到府中,尋思今日席間之事,坐不安席。至夜深月明,策杖步入後園,立於荼蘼架側,仰天垂淚。忽聞有人在牡丹亭畔,長吁短歎。允潛步窺之,乃府中歌伎貂蟬也。其女自幼選入府中,教以歌舞,年方二八,色伎俱佳,允以親女待之。是夜允聽良久,喝曰:「賤人將有私情耶?」貂蟬驚跪答曰:「賤妾安敢有私!」允曰:「無私,何夜深長歎?」蟬曰:「容妾伸肺腑之言。」允曰:「汝勿隱匿,當實告我。」蟬曰:「妾蒙大人恩養,訓習歌舞,優禮相待,妾雖粉身碎骨,莫報萬一。近見大人兩眉愁鎖,必有國家大事,又不敢問。今晚又見行坐不安,因此長歎;不想為大人窺見。倘有用妾之處,萬死不辭。」允以杖擊地曰:「誰想漢天下卻在汝手中耶!隨我到畫閣中來。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
One of them, Minister of the Interior Wang Yun, who had witnessed all this, returned to his palace very pensive and much distressed. The same evening, a bright moonlight night, he took his staff and went strolling in his private garden. Standing near one of the creeper trellises, he gazed up at the sky and the tears rolled down his cheeks. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the Peony Pavilion and someone sighing deeply. Stealthily creeping near, he saw there one of the household singing girls named Diao Chan. This maiden had been brought up in his palace, where she had been taught to sing and dance. At twenty-one, she was a pretty and clever girl whom Wang Yun regarded more as a daughter than a dependant. After listening for some time, Wang Yun suddenly called out, "What mischief are you up to there, you naughty girl?" The maiden dropped on her knees in terror, saying, "Would thy unworthy handmaid dare to do anything wrong?" "Then what are you sighing about out here in the darkness?" "May thy handmaid speak from the bottom of her heart?" "Tell me the whole truth. Do not conceal anything." And the girl said, "Thy handmaid has been the recipient of bountiful kindness. She has been taught to sing and dance and been treated so kindly that were she torn in pieces for her lord's sake, it would not repay a thousandth part. She has noticed lately that her lord's brows have been knit in distress and knows it is on account of the state troubles. But she has not dared to ask. This evening he seemed sadder than ever, and she was miserable on her lord's account. But she did not know she would be seen. Could she be of any use, she would not shrink from a myriad deaths." A sudden idea came to Wang Yun, and he stuck the ground with his staff. And he said, "Who would think that the fate of Han lay in your palm? Come with me!" | |
7 | 王司徒巧... : | 貂蟬跟允到閣中,允盡叱出婢妾,納貂蟬於坐,叩頭便拜。貂蟬驚伏於地曰:「大人何故如此?」允曰:「汝可憐大漢天下生靈!」言訖,淚如泉湧。貂蟬曰:「適間賤妾曾言:但有使令,萬死不辭。」允跪而言曰:「百姓有倒懸之危,君臣有累卵之急,非汝不能救也。賊臣董卓,將欲篡位;朝中文武,無計可施。董卓有一義兒,姓呂,名布,驍勇異常。我看二人皆好色之徒,今欲用連環計:先將汝許嫁呂布,後獻與董卓;汝於中取便,謀間他父子反顏,令布殺卓,以絕大惡。重扶社稷,再立江山,皆汝之力也。不知汝意若何?」貂蟬曰:「妾許大人萬死不辭,望即獻妾與彼。妾自有道理。」允曰:「事若洩漏,我滅門矣。」貂蟬曰:「大人勿憂。妾若不報大義,死於萬刃之下。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
The girl followed him into the house. There he dismissed all the waiting attendants, placed Diao Chan on a chair, and bowed before her. She was frightened and threw herself on the ground, asking in terror what it all meant. Said Wang Yun, "You can sympathize with the people of Han!" And the fount of his tears opened afresh. "My lord, as thy handmaid said just now, use her in any way: Thy handmaid will never shrink," said the girl. Wang Yun knelt, saying, "The people are on the brink of destruction, the prince and his officers are in jeopardy, and you, you are the only savior. That wretch Dong Zhuo wants to depose the Emperor, and not a person among us can find means to stop him. Now he has a son, a bold warrior it is true, but both father and son have a weakness for beauty, and I am going to use what I may call the 'chaining plan'. I shall first propose you in marriage to Lu Bu and then, after you are betrothed, I shall present you to Dong Zhuo, and you will take every opportunity to force them asunder and turn sway their countenances from each other, cause the son to kill his adopted father and so put an end to the great evil. Thus you may restore the altars of the land that it may live again. All this lies within your power: Will you do it?" "Thy handmaid has promised not to recoil from death itself. You may use my poor self in any way, and I must do my best." "But if this gets abroad then we are all lost!" "Fear not," said she. "If thy handmaid does not show gratitude, may she perish beneath a myriad swords!" | |
8 | 王司徒巧... : | 允拜謝。次日,便將家藏明珠數顆,令良匠嵌造金冠一頂,使人密送呂布。布大喜,親到王允宅致謝。允頂備嘉殽美饌;候呂布至,允出門迎迓,接入後堂,延之上坐。布曰:「呂布乃相府一將,司徒是朝廷大臣,何故錯敬?」允曰:「方今天下別無英雄,惟有將軍耳。允非敬將軍之職,敬將軍之才也。」布大喜。允慇懃敬酒,口稱董太師并布之德不絕。布大笑暢飲。允叱退左右,只留待妾數人勸酒。酒至半酣,允曰:「喚孩兒來。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
"Thank you, thank you!" said Wang Yun. Then Wang Yun took from the family treasury many pearls and bade a cunning jeweler make therewith a fine golden headdress, which was sent as a present to Lu Bu. He was delighted and came to thank the donor. When Lu Bu arrived, he was met at the gate by Wang Yun himself and within found a table full of dainties for his delectation. He was conducted into a private apartment and placed in the seat of honor. Lu Bu said, "I am but a simple officer in the palace of a minister. You are an exalted officer of state. Why am I treated thus?" "Because in the whole land there is no hero your equal. Poor I bow not to an officer's rank; poor I bow to his ability." This gratified Lu Bu mightily, and his host continued to praise and flatter and ply him with wine and to talk of the virtues of the Prime Minister and his henchman. Lu Bu laughed and drank huge goblets. Presently most of the attendants were sent away, only a few kept to press the guest to drink. When the guest was very mellow, Wang Yun suddenly said, "Let her come in!" | |
9 | 王司徒巧... : | 少頃,二青衣引貂蟬豔妝而出。布驚問何人。允曰:「小女貂蟬也。允蒙將軍錯愛,不異至親,故令其與將軍相見。」便命貂蟬與呂布把盞。貂蟬送酒與布,兩下眉來眼去。允佯醉曰:「孩兒央及將軍痛飲幾盃。吾一家全靠著將軍哩。」布請貂蟬坐,貂蟬假意欲入。允曰:「將軍吾之至友,孩兒便坐何妨?」貂蟬便坐於允側。呂布目不轉睛的看。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Soon appeared two attendants, dressed in white, leading between them the exquisite and fascinating Diao Chan. "Who is this?" said Lu Bu startled into sobriety. "This is my little girl, Diao Chan. You will not be annoyed at my familiarity, will you? But you have been so very friendly, I thought you would like to see her." Wang Yun bade Diao Chan present a goblet of wine, and her eyes met those of the warrior. Wang Yun feigning intoxication said, "My child begs you, General, to take a cup or two. We all depend upon you, all our house." Lu Bu begged Diao Chan to sit down. She pretended to wish to retire. Her master pressed her to remain, saying, "The General is a dear friend. You may stay." So she took a seat modestly near her master. Lu Bu kept his gaze fixed upon the maid. | |
10 | 王司徒巧... : | 又飲數盃,允指蟬謂布曰:「吾欲將此女送與將軍為妾,還肯納否?」布出席謝曰:「若得如此,布當效犬馬之報。」允曰:「早晚選一良辰,送至府中。」布欣喜無限,頻以目視貂蟬。貂蟬亦以秋波送情。少頃席散,允曰:「本欲留將軍止宿,恐太師見疑。」布再三拜謝而去。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
He swallowed cup after cup of wine. "I should like to present her to you as a handmaid: Would you accept?" said Wang Yun. The guest started up. "If that is so, you may rely upon my abject gratitude," said Lu Bu. "We will choose a propitious day ere long and send her to the palace." Lu Bu was overjoyed. He could not keep his eyes off Diao Chan, and loving glances flashed from her liquid eyes. However the time came for the guest to leave, and Wang Yun said, "I would ask you to remain the night, but the Prime Minister might suspect something." Lu Bu thanked him again and again and departed. | |
11 | 王司徒巧... : | 過了數日,允在朝堂,見了董卓,趁呂布不在側,伏地拜請曰:「允欲屈太師車騎,到草舍赴宴,未審鈞意若何?」卓曰:「司徒見招,即當趨赴。」允拜謝歸家,水陸畢陳,於前廳正中設座,錦繡鋪地,內外各設幔帳。次日晌午,董卓來到。允具朝服出迎,再拜起居。卓下車,左右持戟甲士百餘,簇擁入堂,分列兩傍。允於堂下再拜,卓命扶上,賜坐於側。允曰:「太師盛德巍巍,伊、周不能及也。」卓大喜。進酒作樂,允極其致敬。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Some few days later when Wang Yun was at court and Lu Bu was absent, Wang Yun bowed low before Dong Zhuo and said, "I wish that you would deign to come to dine at my lowly cottage: Could your noble thought bend that way?" "Should you invite me, I would certainly hasten," was the reply. Wang Yun thanked him. Then Wang Yun went home and prepared in the reception hall a feast in which figured every delicacy from land and sea. Beautiful embroideries surrounded the chief seat in the center, and elegant curtains were hung within and without. At noon next day, when Dong Zhuo arrived, Wang Yun met him at the gate in full court costume. Wang Yun stood by while Dong Zhuo stepped out of his chariot, and Dong Zhuo and a host of one hundred armed guards crowded into the hall. Dong Zhuo took his seat at the top, his suite fell into two lines right and left, while Wang Yun stood humbly at the lower end. Dong Zhuo bade his people conduct Wang Yun to a place beside himself. Said Wang Yun, "The great Prime Minister's abundant virtue is as the high mountains. Neither the ancient sages —-Yi Yin and the Duke of Zhou —-could attain thereto." Dong Zhuo smiled. They bore in the dishes and the wine, and the music began. Wang Yun plied his guest with assiduous flattery and studied deference. When it grew late and the wine had done its work, Dong Zhuo was invited to the inner chamber. So he sent away his guards and went. | |
12 | 王司徒巧... : | 天晚酒酣,允請卓入後堂。卓叱退甲士。允捧觴稱賀曰:「允自幼頗習天文,夜觀乾象,漢家氣數已盡。太師功德振於天下,若舜之受堯,禹之繼舜,正合天心人意。」卓曰:「安敢望此!」允曰:「自古『有道伐無道,無德讓有德』豈過分乎?」卓笑曰:「若果天命歸我,司徒當為元勳。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Here the host raised a goblet and drank to his guest, saying, "From my youth up I have understood something of astrology and have been studying the aspect of the heavens. I read that the days of Han are numbered, and that the great Prime Minister's merits command the regard of all the world, as when King Shun succeeded King Yao, and King Yu continued the work of King Shun, all by the strength of their own merits, conforming to the mind of Heaven and the desire of people." "How dare I expect this?" said Dong Zhuo. "From the days of old, those who walk in the way have replaced those who deviate therefrom; those who lack virtue have fallen before those who possess it. Can one escape fate?" "If indeed the decree of Heaven devolves on me, you shall be held the first in merit!" said Dong Zhuo. | |
13 | 王司徒巧... : | 允拜謝。堂中點上畫燭,止留女使進酒供食。允曰:「教坊之樂,不足供奉;偶有家伎,敢使承應。」卓曰:「甚妙。」允教放下簾櫳,笙簧繚繞,簇捧貂蟬舞於簾外。有詞讚之曰:原是昭陽宮裏人,驚鴻宛轉掌中身,只疑飛過洞庭春。按徹梁州蓮步穩,好花風裊一枝新,畫堂香煖不勝春。又詩曰: |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Wang Yun bowed. Then lights were brought in and all the attendants were dismissed, save the serving maids to hand the wine. So the evening went on. Presently Wang Yun said, "The music of these everyday musicians is too commonplace for your ear, but there happens to be in the house a little maid that might please you." "Excellent!" said the guest. Then a curtain was lowered. The shrill tones of reed instruments rang through the room, and presently some attendants led forward Diao Chan, who then danced on the outside of the curtain. A poem praises her: For a palace this maiden was born, So timid, so graceful, so slender, Like a tiny bird flitting at morn Over the dew-laden lily buds tender. Were this exquisite maid only mine, For never a mansion I'd pine. Another poem runs thus: | |
紅牙催拍燕飛忙,一片行雲到畫堂。眉黛促成遊子恨,臉容初斷故人腸。榆錢不買千金笑,柳帶何須百寶妝。舞罷隔簾偷目送,不知誰是楚襄王。 | ||
The music falls, the dancer comes, a swallow gliding in, A dainty little damsel, soft as silk; Her beauty captivates the guest yet saddens him within, For he must soon depart and leave her there. She smiles; no gold could buy that smile, no other smiled so, No need to deck her form with jewels rare. But when the dance is over and coy glances come and go, Then who shall be the chosen of the fair? | ||
14 | 王司徒巧... : | 舞罷,卓命近前。貂蟬轉入簾內,深深再拜。卓見貂蟬顏色美麗,便問:「此女何人?」允曰:「歌伎貂蟬也。」卓曰:「能唱否?」允命貂蟬檀板低謳一曲。正是:一點櫻桃啟絳脣,兩行碎玉噴陽春。丁香舌吐橫鋼劍,要斬奸邪亂國臣。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
The dance ended. Dong Zhuo bade them lead the maiden in, and she came, bowing low as she approached him. He was much taken with her beauty and modest grace. "Who is she?" said Dong Zhuo. "A singing girl. Her name is Diao Chan." "Then can she sing?" The master bade her sing, and she did so to the accompaniment of castanets. There is a measure describing her youthful beauty: You stand, a dainty maiden, Your cherry lips so bright, Your teeth so pearly white, Your fragrant breath love-laden; Yet is your tongue a sword; Cold death is the reward Of loving thee, O maiden! | |
15 | 王司徒巧... : | 卓稱賞不已。允命貂蟬把盞。卓擎杯問曰:「青春幾何!」貂蟬曰:「賊妾年方二八。」卓笑曰:「真神仙中人也!」允起曰:「允欲將此女獻上太師,未審肯容納否?」卓曰:「如此見惠,何以報德?」允曰:「此女得侍太師,其福太淺。」卓再三稱謝。允即命備氈車,先將貂蟬送到相府。卓亦起身告辭。允親送董卓直到相府,然後辭回。乘馬而行,不到半路,只見兩行紅燈照道,呂布騎馬執戟而來,正與王允撞見,便勒住馬,一把揪住衣襟,厲聲問曰:「司徒既以貂蟬許我,今又送與太師,何相戲耶?」允急止之曰:「此非說話處,且請到草舍去。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Dong Zhuo was delighted and praised her warmly. She was told to present a goblet of wine to the guest which he took from her hands and then asked her age. She replied, "Thy unworthy handmaid is twenty-one." "A perfect fairy!" said Dong Zhuo. Then Wang Yun rose and said, "If the Prime Minister would not mind, I should like to offer him this little maid." "How could I be grateful enough for such a kindness!" "She would be most fortunate if she could be your servant," said Wang Yun. Dong Zhuo thanked his host warmly. Then the orders were given to prepare a closed carriage and convey Diao Chan to the Prime Minister's palace. Soon after Dong Zhuo took his leave, and Wang Yun accompanied him the whole way. After he had taken leave, Wang Yun mounted to ride homeward. Half way he met two lines of guards with red lamps who were escorting Lu Bu who was on horseback and armed with his trident halberd. Seeing Wang Yun, Lu Bu at once reined in, stopped, seized him by the sleeve, and said angrily, "You promised Diao Chan to me, and now you have given her to the Prime Minister: What foolery is this?" Wang Yun checked him, saying, "This is no place to talk. I pray you come to my house." | |
16 | 王司徒巧... : | 布同允到家,下馬入後堂。敘禮畢,允曰:「將軍何故怪老夫?」布曰:「有人報我,說你把氈車送貂蟬入相府,是何緣故?」允曰:「將軍原來不知!昨日太師在朝堂中,對老夫說:『我有一事,要到你家。』允因此準備,等候太師。飲酒中間說:『我聞你有一女,名喚貂蟬,已許吾兒奉先。我恐你言未準,特來相求,並請一見。』老夫不敢有違,隨引貂蟬出拜公公。太師曰:『今日良辰,吾即當取此女回去,配與奉先。』將軍試思,太師親臨,老夫焉敢推阻?」布曰:「司徒少罪。布一時錯見,來日自當負荊。」允曰:「小女稍有妝奩,待過將軍府下,便當送至。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
So they went together, and Wang Yun led Lu Bu into a private room. After the usual exchange of polite greetings, Wang Yun said, "Why do you find fault with me, General?" "Somebody told me that you had sent Diao Chan to the Prime Minister's palace in a covered carriage: What does it mean?" "Of course you do not understand. Yesterday when I was at court, the Prime Minister told me he had something to talk to me about in my own house. So naturally I prepared for his coming, and while we were at dinner he said, 'I have heard something of a girl named Diao Chan whom you have promised to my son Lu Bu. I thought it was mere rumor so I wanted to ask if it was true. Beside I should like to see her.' I could not say no, so she came in and made her bow to the lord of lords. Then he said that it was a lucky day and he would take her away with him and betroth her to you. Just think, Sir: When the Prime Minister had come himself, could I stop him?" "You were not so very wrong," said Lu Bu. "But for a time I had misunderstood you. I owe you an apology." "The girl has a small trousseau, which I will send as soon as she has gone over to your dwelling." | |
17 | 王司徒巧... : | 布謝去。次日,呂布在府中打聽,絕不聞音耗。布逕入堂中,尋問諸侍妾。待妾對曰:「夜來太師與新人共寢,至今未起。」布大怒,潛入卓臥房後窺探。時貂蟬起於窗下梳頭;忽見窗外池中照一人影,極長大,頭戴束髮冠;偷眼視之,正是呂布。貂蟬故蹙雙眉,做憂愁不樂之態,復以香羅頻拭眼淚。呂布窺視良久,乃出;少頃,又入。卓已坐於中堂,見布來,問曰:「外面無事乎?」布曰:「無事。」侍立卓側。卓方食,布偷目竊望,見繡簾內一女子往來觀覷,微露半面,以目送情。布知是貂蟬,神魂飄蕩。卓見布如此光景,心中疑忌,曰:「奉先無事且退。」布怏怏而出。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Lu Bu thanked him and went away. Next day he went into the palace to find out the truth, but could hear nothing. Then he made his way into the private quarters and questioned the maids. Presently one told him that the Imperial Rector had brought home a new bedfellow the night before and was not up yet. Lu Bu was very angry. Next he crept round behind his master's sleeping apartment. By this time Diao Chan had risen and was dressing her hair at the window. Looking out she saw a long shadow fall across the little lake. She recognized the headdress, and peeping around she saw it was indeed no other than Lu Bu. Thereupon she contracted her eyebrows, simulating the deepest grief, and with her dainty handkerchief she wiped her eyes again and again. Lu Bu stood watching her a long time. Soon after he went in to give morning greeting. Dong Zhuo was sitting in the reception room. Seeing his henchman, Dong Zhuo asked, "Is there anything new?" "Nothing," was the reply. Lu Bu waited while Dong Zhuo took his morning meal. As he stood beside his master, he glanced over at the curtain and saw a woman there behind the screen showing a half face from time to time and throwing amorous glances at him. He felt it was his beloved, and his thoughts flew to her. Presently Dong Zhuo noticed his expression and began to feel suspicious. "If there is nothing, you may go," said Dong Zhuo. Lu Bu sulkily withdrew. | |
18 | 王司徒巧... : | 董卓自納貂蟬後,為色所迷,月餘不出理事。卓偶染小疾,貂蟬衣不解帶,曲意逢迎,卓心愈喜。呂布入內間安,正值卓睡。貂蟬於床後探半身望布,以手指心,又以手指董卓,揮淚不止。布心如碎。卓朦朧雙目,見布注視床後,目不轉睛;回身一看,見貂蟬立於床後。卓大怒,叱布曰:「汝敢戲吾愛姬耶!喚左右逐出,今後不許入堂。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Dong Zhuo now thought of nothing but his new mistress and for more than a month neglected all affairs, devoting himself entirely to pleasure. Once he was a little indisposed, and Diao Chan was constantly at his side, never even undressing to show her solicitude. She gratified his every whim. Dong Zhuo grew more and more fond of her. One day Lu Bu went to inquire after his father's health. Dong Zhuo was asleep, and Diao Chan was sitting at the head of his couch. Leaning forward she gazed at the visitor, with one hand pointed to her heart, the other at Dong Zhuo asleep, and her tears fell. Lu Bu felt heartbroken. Dong Zhuo drowsily opened his eyes; and seeing his son's gaze fixed on something behind him, he turned over and saw who it was. He angrily rebuked his son, saying, "Dare you make love to my beauty?" He told the servants to turn Lu Bu out, shouting, "Never let him enter here again!" | |
19 | 王司徒巧... : | 呂布怒恨而歸,路偶李儒,告知其故。儒急入見卓曰:「太師欲取天下,何故以小過見責溫侯?倘彼心變,大事去矣。」卓曰:「奈何?」儒曰:「來朝喚入,賜以金帛,好言慰之,自然無事。」卓依言。次日,使人喚布入堂,慰之曰:「吾前日病中,心神恍惚,誤言傷汝,汝勿記心。」隨賜金十斤,錦二十疋。布謝歸;然身雖在卓左右,心實繫念貂蟬。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Lu Bu went off home very wrath. Meeting Li Ru, he told Li Ru the cause of his anger. The adviser hastened to see his master and said, "Sir, you aspire to be ruler of the empire. Why then for a small fault do you blame the General? If he turns against you, it is all over." "Then what can I do?" said Dong Zhuo. "Recall him tomorrow; treat him well; overwhelm him with gifts and fair words; and all will be well." So Dong Zhuo did so. He sent for Lu Bu and was very gracious and said, "I was irritable and hasty yesterday owing to my illness and I wronged you, I know. Forgive me." He gave Lu Bu three hundred ounces of gold and twenty rolls of brocade. And so the quarrel was made up. But though Lu Bu's body was with his adopted father Dong Zhuo, his heart was with his promised bride Diao Chan. | |
20 | 王司徒巧... : | 卓疾既愈,入朝議事。布執戟相隨,見卓與獻帝共談,便乘間提戟出內門,上馬逕投相府來;繫馬府前,提戟入後堂,尋見貂蟬。蟬曰:「汝可去後園中鳳儀亭邊等我。」布提戟逕往,立於亭下曲欄之傍。良久,貂蟬分花拂柳而來,果然如月宮仙子,泣謂布曰:「我雖非王司徒親女,然待之如己出。自見將軍,許侍箕帚,妾已生平願足;誰想太師起不良之心,將妾淫污。妾恨不即死;止因未與將軍一訣,故且忍辱偷生。今幸得見,妾願畢矣。此身已汙,不得復事英雄;願死於君前,以明妾志!」言訖,手攀曲欄,望荷花池便跳。呂布慌忙抱住,泣曰:「我知汝心久矣!只恨不能共語!」貂蟬手扯布曰:「妾今生不能與君為妻,願相期於來世。」布曰:「我今生不能以汝為妻,非英雄也!」蟬曰:「妾度日如年,願君憐而救之。」布曰:「我今偷空而來,恐老賊見疑,必當速去。」貂蟬牽其衣曰:「君如此懼怕老賊,妾身無見天日之期矣!」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Dong Zhuo having quite recovered went to court again, and Lu Bu followed him as usual. One day, seeing Dong Zhuo deep in conversation with the Emperor, Lu Bu, armed as he was, went out of the Palace and rode off to his chief's residence. He tied up his steed at the entrance and, halberd in hand, went to the private apartment to seek his love. He found Diao Chan, and she told him to go out into the garden where she would join him soon. He went, taking his halberd with him, and he leaned against the rail of the Phoenix Pavilion to wait for Diao Chan. After a long time she appeared, swaying gracefully as she made her way under the drooping willows and parting the flowers as she passed. She was exquisite, a perfect fairy from the Palace of the Moon. Tears were in her eyes as she came up and said, "Though I am not the Minister's real daughter, yet he treated me as his own child. The desire of my life was fulfilled when he plighted me to you. But oh! to think of the wickedness of the Prime Minister, stealing my poor self as he did. I suffered so much. I longed to die, only that I had not told you the real truth. So I lived on, bearing my shame as best as I could. Now that I have seen you, I can end it all. My poor sullied body is no longer fit to serve a hero. I can die before your eyes and so prove how true I am!" Thus speaking she seized the curving rail and started into the lily pond. Lu Bu caught her in his strong arms and wept as he held her close. "I knew it: I always knew your heart!" he sobbed. "Only we never had a chance to speak." She threw her arms about Lu Bu. "If I cannot be your wife in this life, I will in the ages to come," she whispered. "If I do not marry you in this life, I am no hero," said he. "Every day is a year long. O pity me! Rescue me! My lord!" "I have only stolen away for a brief moment, and I am afraid that old rebel will suspect something, so I must not stay too long," said Lu Bu. Diao Chan clung to his robe, saying, "If you fear the old thief so much, I shall never see another sunrise!" | |
21 | 王司徒巧... : | 布立住曰:「容我徐圖良策。」語罷,提戟欲去。貂蟬曰:「妾在深閨,聞將軍之名,如雷灌耳,以為當世一人而已;誰想反受他人之制乎!」言訖,淚下如雨。布羞慚滿面,重復倚戟,回身摟抱貂蟬,用好言安慰。兩個偎偎倚倚,不忍相離。 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
Lu Bu stopped. "Give me a little time to think," said he. And he picked up his halberd to go. "In the deep seclusion of the harem, I heard the stories of your prowess. You were the one man who excelled all others. Little did I think that you of all heroes would rest content under the dominion of another." And tears rained again! A wave of shame flooded his face. Leaning his halberd against the railing, he turned and clasped the girl to his breast, soothing her with fond words. The lovers held each other close, swaying to and fro with emotion. They could not bring themselves to say farewell. | |
22 | 王司徒巧... : | 卻說董卓在殿上,回頭不見呂布,心中懷疑,連忙辭了獻帝,登車回府;見布馬繫於府前;問門吏,吏答曰:「溫侯入後堂去了。」卓叱退左右,逕入後堂中,尋覓不見;喚貂蟬,蟬亦不見。急問侍妾,侍妾曰:「貂蟬在後園看花。」 |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: | In the meantime Dong Zhuo missed his henchman, and doubt filled his heart. Hastily taking leave of the Emperor, he mounted his chariot and returned to his palace. There at the gate stood Lu Bu's well known steed Red Hare, riderless. Dong Zhuo questioned the doorkeepers, and they told him the general was within. He sent away his attendants and went alone to the private apartments. Lu Bu was not there. He called Diao Chan, but there was no reply. He asked where she was, and the waiting maids told him she was in the garden among the flowers. | |
23 | 王司徒巧... : | 卓尋入後園,正見呂布和貂蟬在鳳儀亭下共語,畫戟倚在一邊。卓怒,大喝一聲。布見卓至,大驚,回身便走。卓搶了畫戟,挺著趕來。呂布走得快,卓肥胖趕不上,擲戟刺布。布打戟落地。卓拾戟再趕,布已走遠。卓趕出園門,一人飛奔前來,與卓胸膛相撞,卓倒於地。正是: |
Wang Yun Prepares The...: |
So Dong Zhuo went into the garden, and there he saw the lovers in the pavilion in most tender talk. Lu Bu's trident halberd was leaning on the railing beside him. A howl of rage escaped Dong Zhuo and startled the lovers. Lu Bu turned, saw who it was, and ran away. Dong Zhuo caught up the halberd and ran in pursuit. But Lu Bu was fleet of foot while his master was very stout. Seeing no hope of catching the runaway, Dong Zhuo hurled the halberd. Lu Bu fended it off and it fell to the ground. Dong Zhuo picked it up and ran on. But by this time Lu Bu was far ahead. Just as Dong Zhuo was running out at the garden gate, he dashed full tilt against another man running in, and down he went. | |
沖天怒氣高千丈,仆地肥軀做一堆。未知此人是誰,且聽下文分解。 | ||
Surged up his wrath within him as the billows heavenward leap. Crashed his unwieldy body to earth in a shapeless heap. We shall presently see who the other runner was. |
URN: ctp:sanguo-yanyi/ch8