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《除暴兇呂布助司徒,犯長安李傕聽賈詡 - Lu Bu Kills Dong Zhuo For Wang Yun; Li Jue Attacks The Capital On Jia Xu's Advice》 |
1 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卻說那撞倒董卓的人,正是李儒。當下李儒扶起董卓,至書院中坐定。卓曰:「汝為何來此?」儒曰:「儒適至府門,知太師怒入後園,尋問呂布。因急走來,正遇呂布奔出云:『太師殺我!』儒慌趕入園中勸解,不意誤撞恩相。死罪!死罪!」卓曰:「叵耐逆賊!戲吾愛姬,誓必殺之!」儒曰:「恩相差矣:昔楚莊王『絕纓』之會,不究戲愛姬之蔣雄,後為秦兵所困,得其死力相救。今貂蟬不過一女子,而呂布乃太師心腹猛將也。太師若就此機會,以蟬賜布,布感大恩,必以死報太師。太師請自三思。」卓沈吟良久曰:「汝言亦是,我當思之。」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
The person who collided with the irate Dong Zhuo was his most trusty adviser Li Ru. Li Ru had not fallen in spite of the shock and at once scrambled to help Dong Zhuo to regain his feet and led him inside to the library, where they sat down. "What were you coming about?" said Dong Zhuo. "Happening to be passing your gates, I heard that you had gone into your private garden to look for your adopted son. Then came Lu Bu running and crying out that you wanted to kill him, and I was coming in as fast as I could to intercede for him when I accidentally collided with you. I am very sorry! I deserve death." "The wretch! How could I bear to see him toying with my fair one? I will be the death of his yet!" "Your Graciousness is making a mistake. It is the 'plucked tassel' story over again. But if you remember the banquet of old time where all guests were to tear the tassels of their hats. In that banquet, King Zhuang of Chu made no fuss about the liberties taken with his queen, although the hat-tassel in her hand betrayed the culprit Jiang Xiong. His restraint stood him good stead, for the same Jiang Xiong saved his life when he was hemmed in by the soldiers of Qin. After all Diao Chan is only a handmaid, but Lu Bu is your trustiest friend and most dreaded commander. If you took this chance of making the girl over to him, your kindness would win his undying gratitude. I beg you, Sir, to think over it well." Dong Zhuo hesitated a long time. He sat murmuring to himself. Presently he said, "What you say is right. I must think over it." | |
2 | 除暴兇呂... : | 儒謝而出。卓入後堂,喚貂蟬問曰:「汝何與呂布私通耶?」蟬泣曰:「妾在後園看花,呂布突至。妾方驚避,布曰:『我乃太師之子,何必相避?』提戟趕妾至鳳儀亭。妾見其心不良,恐為所逼,欲投荷池自盡,卻被這廝抱住。正在生死之間,得太師來,救了性命。」董卓曰:「我今將汝賜與呂布,何如?」貂蟬大驚,哭曰:「妾身已事貴人,今忽欲下賜家奴,妾寧死不辱!」遂掣壁間寶劍欲自刎。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Li Ru felt satisfied. He took leave of his master and went away. Dong Zhuo went to his private rooms and called Diao Chan. "What were you doing there with Lu Bu?" said he. She began to weep, saying, "Thy handmaid was in the garden among the flowers, when he rushed in on me. I was frightened and ran away. He asked why I ran away from a son of the family and pursued me right to the Phoenix Pavilion, where you saw us. He had that halberd in his hand all the time. I felt he was a vicious man and would force me to his will, so I tried to throw myself into the lily pond, but he caught me in his arms and held me so that I was helpless. Luckily just at that moment you came and saved my life!" "Suppose I send you to him," said Dong Zhuo. Stunned, she wailed profusely, "What have thy handmaid done? My honor of serving Your Highness could not bear to be given to a mere underling! Never! I would rather die!" And with this she snatched down a dagger hanging on the wall to kill herself. | |
3 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卓慌奪劍擁抱曰:「吾戲汝!」貂蟬倒於卓懷,掩面大哭曰:「此必李儒之計也!儒與布交厚,故設此計;卻不顧惜太師體面與賤妾性命。妾當生噬其肉!」卓曰:「吾安忍捨汝耶?」蟬曰:「雖蒙太師憐愛,但恐此處不宜久居,必被呂布所害。」卓曰:「吾明日和你歸郿塢去,同受快樂,慎勿憂疑。」蟬方收淚拜謝。次日,李儒入見曰:「今日良辰,可將貂蟬送與呂布。」卓曰:「布與我有父子之分,不便賜與。我只不究其罪。汝傳我意,以好言慰之可也。」儒曰:「太師不可為婦人所惑。」卓變色曰:「汝之妻肯與呂布否?貂蟬之事,再勿多言;言則必斬!」李儒出,仰天歎曰:「吾等皆死於婦人之手矣!」後人讀書至此,有詩歎之曰: |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Dong Zhuo plucked it from her hand and, throwing his arms about her, and cried, "I was only joking!" She lay back on his breast hiding her face and sobbing bitterly. "This is the doing of that Li Ru," said she. "He is much too thick with Lu Bu. He suggested that, I know. Little he cares for the Imperial Rector's reputation or my life. Oh! I could eat him alive!" "Do you think I could bear to lose you?" said Dong Zhuo. "Though you love me yet I must not stay here. That Lu Bu will try to ruin me if I do. I fear him!" "We will go to Meiwu tomorrow, you and I, and we will be happy together and have no cares." She dried her tears and thanked him. Next day Li Ru came again to persuade Dong Zhuo to send the damsel to Lu Bu. "This is a propitious day," said Li Ru. "He and I standing in the relation of father and son. I cannot very well do that," said Dong Zhuo. "But I will say no more about his fault. You may tell him so and soothe him as well as you can." "You are not being beguiled by the woman, are you?" said Li Ru. Dong Zhuo colored, saying, "Would you like to give your wife to some body else? Do not talk about this any further. It would be better not to!" Li Ru left the chamber. When he got outside, he cast his eyes up to heaven, saying, "We are dead people —-slain by the hand of this girl!" When a scholar of history reached this episode he wrote a verse or two: | |
司徒妙算托紅裙,不用干戈不用兵。三戰虎牢徒費力,凱歌卻奏鳳儀亭。 | ||
Just introduce a woman, Conspiracies succeed; Of soldiers, or their weapons, There really is no need. They fought their bloody battles, And doughty deeds were done; But in a garden summer house The victory was won. | ||
4 | 除暴兇呂... : | 董卓即日下令還郿塢,百官俱拜送。貂蟬在車上,遙見呂布於稠人之內,眼望車中。貂蟬虛掩其面,如痛哭之狀。車已去遠,布緩轡於土岡之上,眼望車塵,歎惜痛恨。忽聞背後一人問曰:「溫侯何不從太師去,乃在此遙望而發歎?」布視之,乃司徒王允也。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
The order was given to journey to Meiwu, and the whole body of officers assembled to add luster to the start. Diao Chan, from her carriage, saw Lu Bu among the crowd. She at once dropped her eyes and assumed an appearance of deepest melancholy. After the cavalcade started and when her carriage had almost disappeared in the distance, the disappointed lover reined in his steed on a mount whence he could watch the dust that rose around it. Unutterable sadness filled his heart. Suddenly a voice said, "Why do you not accompany the Prime Minister, General, instead of standing here and sighing?" It was Wang Yun. | |
5 | 除暴兇呂... : | 相見畢,允曰:「老夫日來因染微恙,閉門不出,故久未得與將軍一見。今日太師駕歸郿塢,只得扶病出送,卻喜得晤將軍。請問將軍,為何在此長歎?」布曰:「正為公女耳。」允佯驚曰:「許多時尚未與將軍耶?」布曰:「老賊自寵幸久矣!」允佯大驚曰:「不信有此事!」布將前事一一告允。允仰面跌足,半晌不語;良久,乃言曰:「不意太師作此禽獸之行!」因挽布手曰:「且到寒舍商議。」布隨允歸。允延入密室,置酒款待。布又將鳳儀亭相遇之事,細說一遍。允曰:「太師淫吾之女,奪將軍之妻,誠為天下恥笑--非笑太師,笑允與將軍耳!然允老邁無能之輩,不足為道;可惜將軍蓋世英雄,亦受此汙辱也!」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
"I have been confined to the house by illness these few days," continued he, "so I have not seen you. But I had to struggle out today to see the Prime Minister set off. This meeting is most fortunate. But why were you sighing?" "Just on account of that daughter of yours," said Lu Bu. Feigning great astonishment, Wang Yun said, "So long a time and yet not given to you!" "The old ruffian has fallen in love with her himself!" "Surely this cannot be true." Lu Bu related the whole story while Wang Yun listened, silent, but stamping on the ground as with irritation and perplexity. After a long time Wang Yun said, "I did not think he was such a beast!" Taking Lu Bu by the hand, Wang Yun said, "Come to my house, and we will talk it over." So they went away together to the house and retired to a secret room. After some refreshments, Lu Bu told the whole story of the episode in Phoenix Pavilion just as it happened. Wang Yun said, "He seems to have corrupted my little girl and has stolen your wife. He will be an object of shame and ridicule to the whole world. And those who do not laugh at him will laugh at you and me. Alas! I am old and powerless and can do nothing. More pitied than blamed! But you, General, you are a warrior, the greatest hero in the world. Yet you have been put to this shame and exposed to this contempt!" | |
6 | 除暴兇呂... : | 布怒氣沖天,拍案大叫。允急曰:「老夫失語,將軍息怒。」布曰:「誓當殺此老賊,以雪吾恥!」允急掩其口曰:「將軍勿言,恐累及老夫。」布曰:「大丈夫生居天地間,豈能鬱鬱久居人下!」允曰:「以將軍之才,誠非董太師所可限制。」布曰:「吾欲殺此老賊,奈是父子之情,恐惹後人議論。」允微笑曰:「將軍自姓呂,太師自姓董。擲戟之時,豈有父子情耶?」布奮然曰:「非司徒言,布幾自誤!」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
A wave of fierce wrath rolled up in Lu Bu. Banging the table he shouted and roared. His host ostentatiously tried to calm him, saying, "I forgot myself. I should not have spoken like that. Do not be so angry, I pray!" "I will kill the wretch, I swear it! In no other way can I wash away my shame." "No, no! Do not say such a thing," said Wang Yun, putting his hand over the other's mouth. "You will bring trouble on poor me and my family!" "When one is born great, one cannot be patient for long under another person's domination!" said Lu Bu. "It needs someone greater than the Prime Minister to limit the scope of such talents as yours." Lu Bu said, "I would not mind killing the old wretch were it not for the relation in which we stand. I fear to provoke the hostile criticism of posterity." Wang Yun shook his head, saying, "Your name is Lu Bu; his is Dong Zhuo. Where was the paternal feeling when he threw the halberd at you?" "I would have been misled, had you not said that!" said Lu Bu hotly. | |
7 | 除暴兇呂... : | 允見其意已決,便說之曰:「將軍若扶漢室,乃忠臣也,青史傳名,流芳百世;將軍若助董卓,乃反臣也,載之史筆,遺臭萬年。」布避席下拜曰:「布意已決,司徒勿疑。」允曰:「但恐事或不成,反招大禍。」布拔帶刀,剌臂出血為誓。允跪謝曰:「漢祀不斬,皆出將軍之賜也。切勿洩漏!臨期有計,自當相報。」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Wang Yun saw the effect of his words and continued, "It would be a loyal deed to restore the House of Han, and history would hand down your name to posterity perpetually fragrant. If you lend your aid to Dong Zhuo, you will be a traitor and your name will be tainted through all ages." Lu Bu rose from his place and bowed to Wang Yun. "I have decided," said he. "You need not fear, Sir." "But yet you may fail and bring upon yourself misfortune," said Wang Yun. Lu Bu drew his dagger, pricking his arm, and swearing by the blood that flowed. Wang Yun fell on his knees and thanked him. "Then the Han sacrifices will not be cut off, and you will be their savior. But this must remain a secret, and I will tell you how the plot shall be worked out." | |
8 | 除暴兇呂... : | 布慨諾而去。允即請僕射士孫瑞、司隸校尉黃琬商議。瑞曰:「方今主上有疾新愈,可遣一能言之人,往郿塢請卓議事;一面以天子密詔付呂布,使伏甲兵於朝門之內,引卓入誅之:此上策也。」琬曰:「何人敢去?」瑞曰:「呂布同郡騎都尉李肅,以董卓不遷其官,甚是懷怨。若令此人去,卓必不疑。」允曰:「善。」請呂布共議。布曰:「昔日勸吾殺丁建陽,亦此人也。今若不去,吾先斬之。」使人密請肅至。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Lu Bu took leave with great emotion. Wang Yun took into his confidence two colleagues, Court Administrator Shisun Rui and Imperial Commander Huang Wan. Shisun Rui said, "The moment is favorable. The Emperor has just recovered from his illness, and we can dispatch an able talker to Meiwu to persuade Dong Zhuo to come here to discuss affairs. Meanwhile we will obtain a secret decree as authority for Lu Bu to lay an ambush just inside the Palace gates to kill Dong Zhuo as he enters. This is the best plan to adopt." "But who would dare to go?" said Huang Wan. "Li Su, General of the Imperial Tiger Army, would go. He belongs to the same region as Lu Bu and is very angry with the Prime Minister for not advancing him. His going would assure us the plan would be completed." "Good," said Wang Yun. "Let us see what Lu Bu thinks of it." When Lu Bu was consulted, he told them that this Li Su's persuasion had led him to kill Ding Yuan, his former benefactor. "If Li Su refuses this mission, I will kill him," said Lu Bu. So they sent for Li Su. | |
9 | 除暴兇呂... : | 布曰:「昔日公說布,使殺丁建陽而投董卓;今卓上欺天子,下虐生靈,罪惡貫盈,人神共憤。公可傳天子詔往郿塢,宣卓入朝,伏兵誅之,力扶漢室,共作忠臣。尊意若何?」肅曰:「我亦欲除此賊久矣,恨無同心者耳。今將軍若此,是天賜也,肅豈敢有二心?」遂折箭為誓,允曰:「公若能幹此事,何患不得顯官?」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
When Li Su arrived, Lu Bu said, "Formerly you talked me into killing Ding Yuan and going over to Dong Zhuo. Now we find Dong Zhuo means evil for the Emperor and is an oppressor of the people. His iniquities are many, and he is hated by gods and humans. You go to Meiwu, say you have a command from the Emperor to summon the Prime Minister to the Palace. He will come, and he will be put to death. You will have the credit of being loyal and restoring the Hans. Will you undertake this?" "I also wish to slay him," was the reply. "But I could not find anyone to assist me. How can I hesitate? Your intervention is directly from Heaven!" And Li Su snapped an arrow in twain as register of his oath. "If this succeeds, what glorious rank will be yours!" said Wang Yun. | |
10 | 除暴兇呂... : | 次日,李肅引十數騎,前到郿塢。人報天子有詔,卓叫喚入。李肅入拜。卓曰:「天子有何詔?」肅曰:「天子病體新痊,欲會文武於未央殿,議將禪位於太師,故有此詔。」卓曰:「王允之意若何?」肅曰:「王司徒已命人築『受禪臺』,只等主公來。」卓大喜曰:「吾夜夢一龍罩身,今果得此喜信。時哉不可失!」便命心腹將李傕,郭汜,張濟,樊稠,四人領飛熊軍三千守郿塢,自己即日排駕回京;顧謂李肅曰:「吾為帝,汝當為執金吾。」肅拜謝稱臣。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Next day Li Su, with a small escort, set out for Meiwu and announced himself as bearer of a decree. He was conducted into Dong Zhuo's presence. After he had made his obeisance, Dong Zhuo asked what the decree was. "His Majesty has recovered and wishes his ministers to meet him in the Palace to consider the question of his abdication in your favor. That is what this summons means." "What does Wang Yun think of the scheme?" "Wang Yun has already begun the construction of the Terrace of Abdication and only awaits my lord's arrival." "Last night I dreamed a dragon coiled round my body," said Dong Zhuo greatly pleased, "and now I get this happy tidings! I must not neglect the opportunity." So Dong Zhuo gave instructions to his four trusted generals for the safekeeping of his city. Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji were to guard Meiwu with three thousand troops of the Flying Bear Army. Then Dong Zhuo announced his intention of starting on the morrow. "When I am Emperor, you shall be Commander of Capital District," said he. "Your minister thanks you," said Li Su. | |
11 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卓入辭其母。母時年九十餘矣,問曰:「吾兒何往?」卓曰:「兒將往受漢禪,母親早晚為太后也!」母曰:「吾近日肉顫心驚,恐非吉兆。」卓曰:「將為國母,豈不預有驚報!」遂辭母而行。臨行謂貂蟬曰:「吾為天子,當立汝為貴妃。」貂蟬已明知就裏,假作歡喜拜謝。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Dong Zhuo went to bid farewell to his ninety-year-old mother. "Whither are you going, my son?" asked she. "I go to receive the abdication of Han; soon you will be the Empress Dowager!" "I have been feeling nervous and creepy these few days. It is a bad sign." "Anyone about to become the Mother of the State must have premonitions," said her son. He left her with these words. Just before starting, he said to Diao Chan, "When I am Emperor, you shall be Lady of the Palace." She bowed low thanking him, but she knew and inwardly rejoiced. | |
12 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卓出塢上車,前遮後擁,望長安來。行不到三十里,所乘之車,忽折一輪,卓下車乘馬。又行不到十里,那馬咆哮嘶喊,掣斷轡頭。卓問肅曰:「車折輪,馬斷轡,其兆若何?」肅曰:「乃太師應受漢禪,棄舊換新,將乘玉輦金鞍之兆也。」卓喜而信其言。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Dong Zhuo went out, mounted his carriage, and began his journey to Capital Changan with an imposing escort. Less than ten miles the wheel of his carriage broke. He left it and mounted a horse. Another ten miles the horse snorted and neighed, threw up his head and snapped the reins. Dong Zhuo turned to Li Su and asked what these things portended. "It means that you are going to receive the abdication of the Hans, which is to renew all things: To mount the jeweled chariot and sit in the golden saddle." And Dong Zhuo was pleased and convinced with this answer. | |
13 | 除暴兇呂... : | 次日,正行間,忽然狂風驟起,昏霧蔽天。卓問肅曰:「此何祥也?」肅曰:「主公登龍位,必有紅光紫霧,以壯天威耳。」卓又喜而不疑。即至城外,百官俱出迎接。只有李儒抱病在家,不能出迎。卓進至相府,呂布入賀。卓曰:「吾登九五,汝當總督天下兵馬。」布拜謝,就帳前歇宿。是夜有十數小兒於郊外作歌,風吹歌聲入帳。歌曰:「千里草,何青青!十日上,不得生!」歌聲悲切。卓問李肅曰:「童謠主何吉凶?」肅曰:「亦只是言劉氏滅,董氏興之意。」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
During the second day's journey a violent gale sprang up, and the sky became covered with a thick mist. "What does this mean?" said Dong Zhuo. The wily Li Su had an interpretation for this also, saying, "You are ascending to the place of the dragon: There must be bright light and lurid vapor to dignify your majestic approach." Dong Zhuo had no more doubts. He presently arrived and found many officials waiting without the city gate to receive him, all but Li Ru who was ill and unable to leave his chamber. He entered and proceeded to his own palace, where Lu Bu came to congratulate him. "When I sit on the throne, you shall command the whole armies of the empire, horse and foot," said Dong Zhuo. That night Dong Zhuo slept in the midst of his escort. In the suburbs that evening some children at play were singing a little ditty, and the words drifted into the bedchamber on the wind. "The grass in the meadow looks fresh now and green, Yet wait but ten days, not a blade will be seen." The song sounded ominous, but Li Su was again prepared with a happy interpretation: "It only means that the Lius are about to disappear, and the Dongs to be exalted!" | |
14 | 除暴兇呂... : | 次日侵晨,董卓擺列儀從入朝,忽見一道人,青袍白巾,手執長竿,上縳布一丈,兩頭各書一「口」字。卓問肅曰:「此道人何意?」肅曰:「乃心恙之人也。」呼將士驅去。卓進朝,群臣各具朝服,迎謁於道。李肅手執寶劍扶車而行。到北掖門,軍兵盡擋在門外,獨有御車二十餘人同入。董卓遙見王允等各執寶劍立於殿門,驚問肅曰:「持劍是何意?」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Next morning at the first streak of dawn, Dong Zhuo prepared for his appearance at court. On the way he saw a Daoist, dressed in a black robe and wearing a white turban, who carried in his hand a tall staff with a long strip of white cloth attached. At each end of the cloth was drawn a mouth. "What is the meaning of this?" said Dong Zhuo. "He is a madman," said Li Su, and he told the guards to drive the fellow away. Dong Zhuo went in and found all the officials in court dress lining the road. Li Su walked beside his carriage, a sword in his hand. When Li Su reached the north gate of the Forbidden City, he found the soldiers of Dong Zhuo drawn up outside and only the pushers of the Palace carriage, a twenty or so, were allowed to proceed further. When Dong Zhuo arrived near the Reception Hall, he saw that Wang Yun and all the other officials standing at the door were armed. "Why are they all armed?" said Dong Zhuo to Li Su. | |
15 | 除暴兇呂... : | 肅不應,推車直入。王允大呼曰:「反賊至此,武何在?」兩旁轉出百餘人,持戟挺槊刺之。卓裹甲不入,傷臂墮車,大呼曰:「吾兒奉先何在?」呂布從車後厲聲出曰:「有詔討賊!」一戟直刺咽喉,李肅早割頭在手。呂布左手持戟,右手懷中取詔,大呼曰:「奉詔討賊臣董卓,其餘不問!」將吏皆呼萬歲。後人有詩歎董卓曰: |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Li Su was silent as he helped push the carriage forward swiftly to the entrance. Suddenly Wang Yun shouted, "The rebel is here! Where are the executioners?" At this call sprang from both sides soldiers armed with halberds and spears who attacked Dong Zhuo. But the breastplate he usually wore protected him, and spears could not penetrate it. He sank down in the carriage, wounded in the arms, calling loudly for his son, "Where is Lu Bu?" "Here, and with a decree to deal with a rebel!" said Lu Bu, as he appeared in front of his "father". Thereupon he thrust his trident halberd through the victim's throat. Then Li Su hacked off the head and held it up. Lu Bu, his left hand holding his halberd, thrust his right hand into his bosom whence he drew the decree, crying, "The decree was to slay the rebel Dong Zhuo —-no other!" The whole assembly shouted, "Wan shui! Live forever! O Emperor!" A sympathetic poet has written a few lines in pity: | |
伯業成時為帝不,不成且作富家郎。誰知天意無私,郿塢方成已滅亡。 | ||
Await the time, O noble, and be king, Or failing, reap the solace riches bring; Heaven never is partial, but severely just, Meiwu stood strong, yet now it lies in dust. | ||
16 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卻說當下呂布大呼曰:「助卓為虐者,皆李儒也!誰可擒之?」李肅應聲願往。忽聽朝門外發喊,人報李儒家奴已將李儒綁縳來獻。王允命縳赴市曹斬之;又將董卓屍首,號令通衢。卓屍肥胖,看屍軍士以火置其臍中為燈,膏油滿地。百姓過者,莫不手擲其頭,足踐其屍。王允又命呂布同皇甫嵩、李肅領兵五萬,至郿塢抄籍董卓家產人口。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
The lust of blood awakened, Lu Bu urged further slaughter, crying, "Li Ru has been the main initiator for Dong Zhuo in many crimes! Who shall go and kill him?" Li Su volunteered to go in search of him. But just then a shouting was heard at the gates, and it was told them that a household servant had brought Li Ru in bonds. Wang Yun ordered his immediate execution in the market place. Dong Zhuo's head was exposed in a crowded thoroughfare (AD 192). He was very fat, and the guards made torches by sticking splints into the body, spilling the corpse's grease over the ground. The passers-by pelted the head and spurned the body with their feet. Wang Yun ordered a force of fifty thousand under Lu Bu, Huangfu Song, and Li Su to destroy Meiwu. | |
17 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卻說李傕,郭汜,張濟,樊稠聞董卓已死,呂布將至,便引了飛熊軍連夜奔涼州去了。呂布至郿塢,先取了紹蟬。皇甫嵩命將塢中所藏良家子女,盡行釋放。但係董卓親屬,不分老幼,悉皆誅戮。卓母亦被殺。卓弟董旻、姪董璜皆斬首號令。收籍塢中所蓄黃金數十萬,綺羅、珠寶、器皿、糧食不計其數,回報王允。允乃大犒軍士,設宴於都堂,召集眾官,酌酒稱慶。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Learning the news of their master, Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji fled west swiftly through the night with their Flying Bear Army to Liangzhou Region. When arriving Meiwu, Lu Bu's first deed was to take Diao Chan into his charge. Then they slew every member of the Dong family, sparing none, not even Dong Zhuo's aged mother. The heads of Dong Zhuo's brother Dong Min and his nephew Dong Huang were publicly displayed in the market place. In Meiwu were hidden many young ladies of good families. These were set free. All properties were confiscated. The wealth was enormous —-several hundred thousand ounces of gold, millions of silver coins, pearls, gems, silks, velvets, furs, grain stores. When they returned to report success, Wang Yun rewarded and feasted the soldiers. Banquets were held in the Ministry Hall to which all the officials were invited. They drank and congratulated each other. | |
18 | 除暴兇呂... : | 正飲宴間,忽人報曰:「董卓暴屍於市,忽有一人伏其屍而大哭。」允怒曰:「董卓伏誅,士民莫不稱賀;此何人,敢哭耶?」遂喚武士:「與吾擒來!」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
While the feasting was in progress it was announced that someone had come and was wailing over Dong Zhuo's corpse exposed in the market place. "Dong Zhuo has been put to death," said Wang Yun, angrily. "Every body is glad to be rid of him, and yet one is found to lament over him. Who is this?" So Wang Yun gave orders to arrest the mourner and bring him in. | |
19 | 除暴兇呂... : | 須臾擒至。眾官見之,無不驚駭:原來那人不是別人,乃待中蔡邕也。允叱曰:「董卓逆賊,今日伏誅,國之大幸。汝為漢臣,乃不為國慶,反為賊哭,何也?」邕伏罪曰:「邕雖不才,亦知大義,豈肯背國而向卓?只因一時知遇之感,不覺為之一哭,自知罪大。願公見原:倘得黥首刖足,使續成漢史,以贖其辜,邕之幸也。」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Soon he was brought in, and when they saw him all were startled. For he was no other than Court Counselor Cai Yong. Wang Yun spoke to Cai Yong angrily, "Dong Zhuo has been put to death as a rebel, and all the land rejoices. You, a Han minister, instead of rejoicing, weep for him. Why?" Cai Yong confessed his fault, saying, "I am without talent, yet know what is right. I am not the man who turns my back on the dynasty and toward Dong Zhuo. Yet once I experienced his kindness, and I could not help mourning for him. I know my fault is grave, but I pray you regard the reasons. If you will leave my head and only cut off my feet, you may use me to continue the History of Han, whereby I may have the good fortune to be allowed to expiate my fault." | |
20 | 除暴兇呂... : | 眾官惜邕之才,皆力救之。太傅馬日磾亦密謂允曰:「伯喈曠世逸才,若使續成漢史,誠為盛事。且其孝行素著,若遽殺之,恐失人望。」允曰:「昔孝武不殺司馬遷,後使作史,遂致謗書流於後世。方今國運衰微,朝政錯亂,不可令佞臣執筆於幼主左右,使吾等蒙其訕議也。」日磾無言而退,私謂眾官曰:「王允其無後乎!善人,國之紀也;制作,國之典也。滅紀廢典,豈能久乎?」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
All were sorry for Cai Yong, for he was a man of great talents, and they begged that he might be spared. The Imperial Guardian, Ma Midi, secretly interceded for him, saying, "Cai Yong is famous as a scholar, and he can write glorious history, and it is inadvisable to put to death a man renowned for rectitude without consideration." But in vain, for the High Minister was now strong and obdurate. Wang Yun said, "Centuries ago, Emperor Wu spared Sima Qian and employed him on the annals, with the result that many slanderous stories have been handed down to us. This is a trying period of great perplexity, and we dare not let a specious fellow like this wield his pen in criticism of those about the court of a youthful prince and abuse us as he will." Remonstrance and appeal being vain, Ma Midi retired. But he said to his colleagues, "Is Wang Yun then careless of the future? Worthy people are the mainstay of the state; laws are the canons of action. To destroy the mainstay and nullify the laws is to hasten destruction!" | |
21 | 除暴兇呂... : | 當下王允不聽馬日磾之言,命將蔡邕下獄中縊死。一時士大夫聞者,盡為流涕。後人論蔡邕之哭董卓,固自不是;允之殺邕,亦為已甚。有詩歎曰: |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: | As was just said Wang Yun was obdurate. Cai Yong whose offense was an expression of gratitude was thrown into prison and there strangled. The people of that day wept for Cai Yong, for they refused to see any offense in what he had done, and death was a harsh punishment. | |
董卓專權肆不仁,侍中何自竟亡身?當時諸葛隆中臥,安肯輕身事亂臣? | ||
Dong Zhuo, the dictator, Tyrannized the state, Fell and his sole mourner Shared his direful fate. Zhuge Liang in seclusion Was content to dream, Felt his worth and never Helped a traitor's scheme. | ||
22 | 除暴兇呂... : | 且說李傕,郭汜,張濟,樊稠逃居陝西,使人至長安上表求赦。王允曰:「卓之跋扈,皆此四人助之;今雖大赦天下,獨不赦此四人。」使者回報李傕。傕曰:「求赦不得,各自逃生可也。」謀士賈詡曰:「諸君若棄軍單行,則一亭長能縛君矣。不若誘集陝人,并本部軍馬,殺入長安,與董卓報讎。事濟,奉朝廷以正天下;若其不勝,走亦未遲。」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Those generals —-Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji —-whom Dong Zhuo had left to guard Meiwu fled when their master was slain and went west into the county of Shanxi in Liangzhou Region. Thence they sent in a memorial entreating amnesty. But Wang Yun would not hear of it. "Four of them were the chief instruments of Dong Zhuo's aggressions. Now though a general amnesty were proclaimed, these men should be excluded from its benefit," said Wang Yun. The messenger returned and told the four there was no hope of pardon and they could only flee. Then their adviser, Jia Xu, said, "If we throw away our arms and flee singly, then we shall fall easy victims to any village magistrate who may seize us. Rather let us cajole the people of Shanxi to throw in their lot with us and make a sudden onslaught on the capital and so avenge Dong Zhuo. If we succeed, we control the court and the empire. There will be enough time to run away if we fail." | |
23 | 除暴兇呂... : | 傕等然其說,遂流言於西涼州曰:「王允將欲洗蕩此方之人矣。」眾皆驚惶。乃復揚言曰:「徒死無益,能從我反乎?」眾皆願從。於是聚眾十餘萬,分作四路,殺奔長安來。路逢董卓女婿中郎將牛輔,引軍五千人,欲去與丈人報讎,李傕便與合兵,使為前驅,四人陸續進發。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
The plan was adopted, and they spread abroad the story that Wang Yun intended to massacre the region. Having thus thrown the people into a state of terror, they went a step farther and said, "There is no advantage in dying for nothing. Revolt and join us!" So they cajoled the people into joining them and gathered a host equal to one hundred thousand. This horde was divided into four parts, and they all set out to raid Capital Changan. On the way they fell in with a son-in-law of their late chief, Imperial Commander Niu Fu, who marched five thousand troops from Xiliang. Niu Fu had set out to avenge his father-in-law, and he became the Van Leader of the horde. | |
24 | 除暴兇呂... : | 王允聽知西涼兵來,與呂布商議。布曰:「司徒放心。量此鼠輩,何足數也!」遂引李肅將兵出敵。肅當先迎戰,正與牛輔相遇,大殺一陣。牛輔抵敵不過,敗陣而去。不想是夜二更,牛輔乘肅不備,竟來劫寨。肅軍亂竄,敗走三十餘里,折軍大半,來見呂布。布大怒曰:「汝何挫石銳氣!」遂斬李肅,懸頭軍門。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
As the Liangzhou troops advanced, the news came to Wang Yun, and he consulted Lu Bu. "They are a lot of rats!" said Lu Bu. "Never mind how many there are of them. Be not in the least anxious!" So Lu Bu and Li Su went to oppose them. The latter was in advance and met Niu Fu. They fought. Niu Fu was outmatched and retired after suffering a slaughter. But unexpectedly Niu Fu returned in a night attack, found Li Su quite unprepared and drove Li Su's force some ten miles, slaying many. Li Su reported the defeat, and Lu Bu raged at him, saying, "You have sullied my reputation as a warrior and destroyed our fighting spirit!" And Lu Bu put Li Su to death, exposing his head at the camp gate. | |
25 | 除暴兇呂... : | 次日,呂布進兵與牛輔對敵。牛輔如何敵得呂布,仍復大敗而走。是夜牛輔喚心腹人胡赤兒商議曰:「呂布驍勇,萬不能敵;不如瞞了李傕等四人,暗藏金珠,與親隨三五人棄軍而去。」胡赤兒應允。是夜收拾金珠,棄營而走,隨行者三四人。將渡一河,赤兒欲謀取金珠,竟殺死牛輔,將頭來獻呂布。布問起情由,從人出首:「胡赤兒謀殺牛輔,奪其金寶。」布怒,即將赤兒誅殺。領軍前進,正迎著李傕軍馬。呂布不等他列陣,便挺戟躍馬,麾軍直衝過來。傕軍不能抵當,退走五十餘里,依山下寨,請郭汜,張濟,樊稠共議,曰:「呂布雖勇,然而無謀,不足為慮。我引軍守任谷口,每日誘他廝殺。郭將軍可領軍抄擊其後,效彭越撓楚之法,鳴金進兵,擂鼓收兵。張、樊二公,卻分兵兩路,逕取長安。彼首尾不能救應,必然大敗。」眾用其計。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Next day Lu Bu advanced his own force and engaged Niu Fu. He overwhelmed Niu Fu and drove him off. That night Niu Fu called in his most trusted man, Hu Chier, to advise him. Hu Chier said, "Lu Bu is too doughty a fighter for us to hope to overcome him. Our case is hopeless. Our best course is to desert these four generals, secrete their valuables, and leave the army with just a few of our followers." The plan of Hu Chier was adopted, and the two traitors and some others that very night packed up and made their way out of camp. They were only half a dozen. They came to a river and, while crossing, Hu Chier, tempted by the lust of wealth, slew his companion. Then he went to offer the head of Niu Fu to Lu Bu. Lu Bu inquired into the matter, and when a follower told him the truth, he put the double traitor Hu Chier to death. Then Lu Bu advanced against the rebels and fell in with Li Jue's force. Without giving them time to form in battle, Lu Bu attacked. Horses curvetting and spears set, the army dashed in irresistibly, and Li Jue, making no stand, fell back a long way. Li Jue took up a position under a hill fifteen miles away and thence sent to call his fellows to council. Li Jue said, "Lu Bu though brave in battle is no strategist and so not really formidable. I will lead my troops to hold the mouth of the gorge, and every day I will incite him to attack; and when he comes toward me, General Guo Si can smite his rear, after the manner of Peng Yue when he fought against Chu. While thus I am alternating attack and retreat, Generals Fan Chou and Zhang Ji will march off in different directions toward Changan. Such an attack at two points must end both Wang Yun and Lu Bu." They set themselves to carry out this scheme. | |
26 | 除暴兇呂... : | 卻說呂布勒兵到山下,李傕引軍搦戰。布忿怒衝殺過去,傕退走上山。山上矢石如雨,布軍不能進。忽報郭汜在陣後殺來,布急回戰。只聞鼓聲大震,汜軍已退。布方欲收軍,鑼聲響處,傕軍又來。未及對敵,背後郭汜又領軍殺到。及至呂布來時,卻又擂鼓收軍去了,激得呂布怒氣填胸。一連如此幾日,欲戰不得,欲止不得。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
As soon as Lu Bu reached the hills, a force of Li Jue came out to attack him. Lu Bu made an angry dash toward the enemy who retired up the hills, whence they shot arrows and hurled stones like rain. Lu Bu's troops halted. At this moment the report came that the rear was being attacked and there appeared Guo Si. At once Lu Bu wheeled toward the new enemy, but immediately the rolling drums gave the signal to retire, and Lu Bu could not come to blows with them. As he called in his army, the gongs clanged on the other side and his former opponent Li Jue came to attack his front. But before Lu Bu could join battle, his rear was again assaulted by Guo Si, who in his turn drew off immediately. Thus Lu Bu was baited till his bosom was near bursting with rage. The same tactics continued for several days. He could neither strike his enemies nor escape them. His troops had no rest. | |
27 | 除暴兇呂... : | 正在惱怒,忽然飛馬報來,說張濟、樊稠兩路軍馬,竟犯長安,京城危急。布急領軍回,背後李傕、郭汜殺來。布無心戀戰,只顧奔走,折了好些人馬。比及到長安城下,賊兵雲屯雨集,圍定城池,布軍與戰不利。軍士畏呂布暴厲,多有降賊者,布心甚憂。 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
In the midst of these distracting maneuver, a messenger rode up in hot haste to report: "The capital is in imminent danger from a double attack of Fan Chou and Zhang Ji!" Lu Bu at once ordered a march to save the capital, which became a rout when both his opponents Li Jue and Guo Si came in pursuit. His loss was heavy. He soon reached Changan and found the rebels there in enormous numbers and the city quite surrounded. Lu Bu's attack had but little effect, and as his temper became more savage under defeat, many of his soldiers went over to the rebels. He fell into deep melancholy. | |
28 | 除暴兇呂... : | 數日之後,董卓餘黨李蒙、王方在城中為賊內應,偷開城門,四路賊軍一齊擁入。呂布左衝右突,攔擋不住,引數百騎往青瑣門外,呼王允曰:「勢急矣!請司徒上馬,同出關去,別圖良策。」允曰:「若蒙社稷之靈,得安國家,吾之願也;若不獲已,則允奉身以死。臨難苟免,吾不為也。為吾謝關東諸公,努力以國家為念!」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Some days later, a remnant of Dong Zhuo's adherents still in the city, led by Li Meng and Wang Fang, began to lend aid to the attackers; they secretly opened the city gate and the besiegers poured in. Lu Bu exerted himself to the utmost but could not stem the tide. At the head of some hundred horse, he dashed over to the Black Lock Gate and called out to Wang Yun, who was on the other side. "The case is desperate now. Ride with me to a place of safety!" Wang Yun replied, "If I am gifted with the spirit of the state, I shall succeed in restoring the tranquillity which I desire. But if I have it not, then I offer my body as a sacrifice. I will not quail before dangers. Send my thanks to the noble supporters beyond the Pass for their efforts, and bid them remember their country!" | |
29 | 除暴兇呂... : | 呂布再三相勸,王允只是不肯去。不一時,各門火燄竟天,呂布只得棄卻家小,引百餘騎飛奔出關,投袁術去了。李傕、郭汜縱兵大掠,太常卿种拂,太僕魯馗,大鴻臚周奐,城門校尉崔烈,越騎校尉王頎皆死於國難。賊兵圍繞內庭至急,侍臣請天子上宣平門止亂。李傕等望見黃蓋,約住軍士,口呼萬歲。獻帝倚樓問曰:「卿不候奏請,輒入長安,意欲何為?」李傕、郭汜仰面奏曰:「董太師乃陛下社稷之臣,無端被王允謀殺,臣等特來報讎,非敢造反。但見王允,臣便退兵。」 |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Lu Bu urged Wang Yun again and again, but Wang Yun would not leave. Soon flames started up all over the city, and Lu Bu had to leave, abandoning his family to their fate. He fled to seek refuge with Yuan Shu. Li Jue, Guo Si, and his fellow leaders gave full license to their ruffians, who robbed and murdered their fill. Many high officers perished. Ministers Chong Fu, Lu Kui, and Zhou Huan, Imperial Commanders Cui Lie and Wang Qin all died in the fighting. In time the rebels penetrated to the inner part of the Palace, and the courtiers begged the Emperor to proceed to the Gate of Pervading Peace to try to quell the rioting. At sight of the yellow umbrella, Li Jue and Fan Chou checked their armies, and they all shouted, "Wan shui! Long life! O Emperor!" The Emperor stood by the tower and addressed them, "Nobles, what means it that you enter the capital in this unruly manner and without my summons?" The two leaders looked up and said, "Dong Zhuo, Your Majesty's Prime Minister, has been slain by Wang Yun, and we are here to avenge him. We are no rebels, Sire. Let us only have Wang Yun, and we draw off our troops." | |
30 | 除暴兇呂... : | 王允時在帝側,聞知此言,奏曰:「臣本為社稷計。事已至此,陛下不可惜臣,以誤國家。臣請下見二賊。」帝徘徊不忍。允自宣平門樓上跳下樓去,大呼曰:「王允在此!」李傕、郭汜拔劍叱曰:「董太師何罪而見殺?」允曰:「董賊之罪,彌天亙地,不可勝言。受誅之日,長安士民,皆相慶賀,汝獨不聞乎?」傕、汜曰:「太師有罪;我等何罪,不肯相赦?」王允大罵:「逆賊何必多言!我王允今日有死而已!」二賊手起,把王允殺於樓下。史官有詩讚曰: |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Wang Yun was actually among the courtiers and at the Emperor's side. Hearing this demand, Wang Yun said, "The plan was made for the benefit of the Throne. But as this evil has grown therefrom, Your Majesty will not grudge losing me. I have brought about evil, and I will go down to these rebels." The Emperor was torn with sorrow and wavered. But the faithful minister leaped from the wall, crying, "Wang Yun is here!" The two leaders drew their swords, crying, "For what crime was our master slain?" "His crimes filled the heavens and covered the earth: No tongue can tell them. The day he died was a day of rejoicing in the whole city as you well know," said Wang Yun. "And if he was guilty of some crime, what had we done not to be forgiven?" "Seditious rebels, why bandy words? I am ready to die." | |
王允運機謀,奸臣董卓休。心懷國家恨,眉鎖廟堂憂。英氣連霄漢,忠心貫斗牛。至今魂與魄,猶遶鳳凰樓。 | ||
And Wang Yun was slain at the foot of the tower. Moved by the people's sufferings, Vexed at his prince's grief, Wang Yun compassed the traitor's death, That they might find relief. Everyone knows him a hero, Leal to the state always: Living he guarded the princely towers, His soul keeps guard today. | ||
31 | 除暴兇呂... : | 眾賊殺了王允,一面又差人將王允宗族老幼,盡行殺害。士民無不下淚。當下李傕、郭汜尋思曰:「既到這裡,不殺天子謀大事,更待何時?」便持劍大呼,殺入內來。正是: |
Lu Bu Kills Dong...: |
Having done the loyal minister to death at the Emperor's feet, they proceeded to exterminate also his whole family. Everyone mourned. Then said the ruffians to each other, "Having gone so far, what could be better than to make away with the Emperor and complete our scheme?" | |
臣魁伏罪災方息,從賊縱橫禍又來。未知獻帝性命如何,且聽下文分解。 | ||
The traitor condoned his crime, Rebellion ought to cease; But his licentious followers Disturb the empire's peace. The fate of the Emperor will be disclosed in the next chapter. |
URN: ctp:sanguo-yanyi/ch9