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Scope: Romance of the Three Kingdoms Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "劉安" Matched:4.
Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

三國演義 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms

[Ming] 1350-1400

下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 - Cao Cao Makes Flood In Xiapi; Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower

4 下邳城曹... :
Cao Cao Makes Flood...:
One day they sought shelter at a house whence a youth came out and made a low obeisance. They asked his name and he gave it as Liu An, of a well known family of hunters. Hearing who the visitor was, the hunter wished to lay before him a dish of game, but though he sought for a long time, nothing could be found for the table. So Liu An came home, killed his wife and prepared a portion for his guest.
While eating Liu Bei asked, "What flesh is it?"
Liu An told him: "Wolf."
Liu Bei knew no better and ate his fill. Next day at daylight, just as Liu Bei was leaving, he went to the stables in the rear to get his horse and passing through the kitchen; he saw the dead body of a woman lying on the table. The flesh of one arm had been cut away. Quite startled he asked what this meant, and then he knew what he had eaten the night before. He was deeply sorry at this proof of his host's regard and the tears rained down as he mounted his steed at the gate.
"I wish I could go with you," said Liu An, "but as my mother still lives, I cannot go so far from home."

5 下邳城曹... :
Cao Cao Makes Flood...:
Liu Bei thanked him and went his way. The party took the road by Liangcheng, and as they were going out, they saw not far off a thick cloud of dust. When the troop came nearer, they found the troops were of Cao Cao's army, and with them they traveled to the main camp where they found Cao Cao himself. Cao Cao shed tears at the sad story of Liu Bei's distress, the loss of the city, his brothers and wives and children. When Liu Bei told him of the hunter who had sacrificed his wife to feed them, Cao Cao sent the hunter a present of a hundred ounces of silver as a reward.

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.