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Related entity data for '胡炳文': ctext:924700(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text.《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text.《欽定四庫全書》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text.《欽定四庫全書》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text.(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《欽定四庫全書》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《乾隆御覽四庫全書薈要》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《欽定四庫全書》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《四書通大學》(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《欽定四庫全書》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《欽定四庫全書》本(元)胡炳文
Wiki section - community edited text. This resource was created automatically using OCR and contains uncorrected errors.《雲峰胡先生文集》(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《欽定四庫全書》本。本書8卷,拆分成2冊。 影印古籍 欽定四庫全書·集部五·别集類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《欽定四庫全書》本。本書3卷,拆分成2冊。 影印古籍 欽定四庫全書·經部八·四書類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《欽定四庫全書》本。本書10卷,拆分成8冊。 影印古籍 欽定四庫全書·經部八·四書類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《欽定四庫全書》本。本書14卷,拆分成7冊。 影印古籍 欽定四庫全書·經部八·四書類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《欽定四庫全書》本。本書12卷,拆分成5冊。 影印古籍 欽定四庫全書·經部一·易類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要》本。本書14卷,其中卷13、卷14缺少,拆分成8冊。 影印古籍 摛澡堂四庫全書薈要·经部·易類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要》本。本書28卷,拆分成19冊。 影印古籍 欽定四庫全書會要·經部·四書類(元)胡炳文
Photographic reproduction. 《乾隆御覽四庫全書薈要》本。本書12卷,拆分成8冊。 影印古籍 乾隆御覽本四庫全書薈要·經部
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