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-> 大清律例

《大清律例》[View] [Edit] [History]

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The Great Qing Legal Code (or Great Ching Legal Code), also known as the Qing Code (Ching Code) or, in Hong Kong law, as the Ta Tsing Leu Lee (大清律例), was the legal code of the Qing empire (1644–1912). The code was based on the Ming legal code, the Great Ming Code, which was kept largely intact. Compared to the Ming code which had no more than several hundred statutes and sub-statutes, the Qing code contained 1,907 statutes from over 30 times of revisions between 1644 and 1912. One of the first of these revisions was in 1660, completed by Wei Zhouzuo and Bahana.

The Qing code was the last legal code of imperial China. By the end of Qing dynasty, it had been the only legal code enforced in China for nearly 270 years. Even with the fall of imperial Qing in 1912, the Confucian philosophy of social control enshrined in the Qing code remain influential in the German-based system of the Republic of China, and later, the Soviet-based system of the People's Republic of China. Part of the Qing code were used in British Hong Kong until 1971.

The code was the end result of a complex legal culture and occupied the central position of the Qing legal system. It showed a high level of continuity with the Tang Legal Code which indicated that there was an active legal tradition at the highest level of Imperial Chinese bureaucracy that had existed for at least a thousand years.


1. 世祖章皇帝御制大清律原序
2. 圣祖仁皇帝上谕
3. 世宗宪皇帝御制大清律集解序
4. 世宗宪皇帝上谕
5. 御制序
6. 奏摺一
7. 奏摺二
8. 奏摺三
9. 奏摺四
10. 奏摺五
11. 奏摺六
12. 奏摺七
13. 奏摺八
14. 奏摺九
15. 奏摺十
16. 奏摺十一
18. 职名
19. 凡例
20. 总目
21. 卷一
22. 卷二
23. 卷三
24. 卷四目录
25. 卷四
26. 卷五目录
27. 卷五
28. 卷六目录
29. 卷六
30. 卷七目录
31. 卷七
32. 卷八目录
33. 卷八
34. 卷九目录
35. 卷九
36. 卷十目录
37. 卷十
38. 卷十一目录
39. 卷十一
40. 卷十二目录
41. 卷十二
42. 卷十三目录
43. 卷十三
44. 卷十四目录
45. 卷十四
46. 卷十五目录
47. 卷十五
48. 卷十六目录
49. 卷十六
50. 卷十七目录
51. 卷十七
52. 卷十八目录
53. 卷十八
54. 卷十九目录
55. 卷十九
56. 卷二十目录
57. 卷二十
58. 卷二十一目录
59. 卷二十一
60. 卷二十二目录
61. 卷二十二
62. 卷二十三目录
63. 卷二十三
64. 卷二十四目录
65. 卷二十四
66. 卷二十五目录
67. 卷二十五
68. 卷二十六目录
69. 卷二十六
70. 卷二十七目录
71. 卷二十七
72. 卷二十八目录
73. 卷二十八
74. 卷二十九目录
75. 卷二十九
76. 卷三十目录
77. 卷三十
78. 卷三十一目录
79. 卷三十一
80. 卷三十二目录
81. 卷三十二
82. 卷三十三目録
83. 卷三十三
84. 卷三十四目録
85. 卷三十四
86. 卷三十五目录
87. 卷三十五
88. 卷三十六目録
89. 卷三十六
90. 卷三十七目录
91. 卷三十七
92. 卷三十八目录
93. 卷三十八
94. 卷三十九目録
95. 卷三十九
96. 总类目录
97. 卷四十目録
98. 卷四十
99. 卷四十一目录
100. 卷四十一
101. 卷四十二目录
102. 卷四十二
103. 卷四十三目录
104. 卷四十三
105. 卷四十四目録
106. 卷四十四
107. 卷四十五目录
108. 卷四十五
109. 卷四十六目录
110. 卷四十六
111. 卷四十七目録
112. 卷四十七
[Versions of this work (3)]
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