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Scope: Attention to Law Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: References "且孝子不顺情以危亲,忠臣不兆奸以陷君" Matched:1.
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慎法 - Attention to Law

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
4 慎法:
Attention to Law:
A country of a thousand chariots is able to preserve itself by defence, and a country of ten thousand chariots is able to round itself off by fighting - even (a bad ruler like) Jie would not be able to twist one word of this statement in order to subdue his enemies; and if, abroad, one is incapable of waging war, and at home one is incapable of defence, then even (a good ruler like) Yao could not pacify, for any misbehaviour, a country that (normally) would be no match. Looking at it from this point of view, that through which the country is important and that through which the ruler is honoured is force. Force being the basis of both, how is it then that no ruler on earth succeeds in developing force? Bring about a condition where people find it bitter not to till, and where they find it dangerous not to fight. These are two things which filial sons, though they dislike them, do for their fathers' sake, and loyal ministers, though they dislike them, do for their sovereign's sake. Nowadays, if you wish to stimulate the multitude of people to make them do what even filial sons and loyal ministers dislike doing, I think it is useless unless you compel them by means of punishments, and stimulate them by means of rewards.

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