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Scope: Discussion about the People Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "亂有贊則行淫佚有徵則用過有母則生姦有鼠則不止" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

说民 - Discussion about the People

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
1 说民:
Discussion about the People:...:
Sophistry and cleverness are an aid to lawlessness; rites and music are symptoms of dissipations and licence; kindness and benevolence are the foster-mother of transgressions; employment and promotion are opportunities for the rapacity of the wicked. If lawlessness is aided, it becomes current; if there are symptoms of dissipation and licence, they will become the practice; if there is a foster-mother for transgressions, they will arise; if there are opportunities for the rapacity of the wicked, they will never cease. If these eight things come together, the people will be stronger than the government; but if these eight things are non-existent in a state, the government will be stronger than the people. If the people are stronger than the government, the state is weak; if the government is stronger than the people, the army is strong. For if these eight things exist, the ruler has no one to use for defence and war, with the result that the state will be dismembered and will come to ruin; but if there are not these eight things, the ruler has the wherewithal for defence and war, with the result that the state will flourish and attain supremacy.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.