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Scope: Establishing Laws Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "烏獲舉千鈞之重而不能以多力易人" Matched:1.
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錯法 - Establishing Laws

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
4 錯法:
Establishing Laws:
Therefore, in general, an intelligent prince in his administration relies on force and not on virtue, and thus, without his being anxious or fatigued, merit will be established. When measures and figures have been instituted, law can be followed. Therefore, it is necessary that a ruler of men should pay attention to himself. Indeed, Li Zhu saw an autumn's hair at a distance of more than a hundred paces, but he could not transfer his sharp vision to others; Wu Huo was able to lift a weight of a thousand chun, but could not transfer his great strength to others; and indeed sages cannot transfer to others the personality and nature that is inherent in them. But that whereby success may be attained - that is the law.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.