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Scope: Interdicts and Encouragements Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "得勢之至不參官而潔陳數而物當" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

禁使 - Interdicts and Encouragements

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
2 禁使:
Interdicts and Encouragements:...:
Therefore, the early kings did not rely on their strength but on their power (shi); they did not rely on their belief but on their figures. Now, for example, a floating seed of the p'eng plant, meeting a whirlwind, may be carried a thousand li, because it rides on the power (shi) of the wind. If, in measuring an abyss, you know that it is a thousand fathoms deep, it is owing to the figures which you find by dropping a string. So by depending on the power (shi) of a thing, you will reach a point, however distant it may be, and by keeping the proper figures, you will find out the depth, however deep it may be. Now, for example, in the darkness of the night, even a Li Lou cannot see a great mountain forest, but in the clear morning light, with the brilliant sun, he can distinguish the flying birds above, and below he can see an autumn hair, for the vision of the eye is dependent on the power of the sun. When the highest condition of power (shi) is reached, things are arranged without a multitude of officials and are made fitting by expounding the system. But nowadays, reliance is placed on a multitude of offices and a host of civil servants, and in the official bureaux assistants and controllers are appointed. Now, the idea of appointing these assistants and controllers is indeed to prevent men from making profit, but these assistants and controllers themselves also desire to make profit. How then can they prevent others from doing so! Therefore, if one relies on assistants and controllers for one's administration, then will it be an administration that can barely maintain itself. It is not thus, if one understands "system"; one separates their power (shi) and puts checks on their conduct. Therefore is it said: 'If the conditions of power (shi) are such that it is difficult to conceal anything, then even a man like Zhi does no wrong. Therefore, the early kings prized power (shi).

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.