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Scope: Military Defence Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "四戰之國好舉興兵以距四鄰者國危" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

兵守 - Military Defence

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《兵守》 Library Resources
1 兵守:
Military Defence:
A state that has to fight on four fronts values defence, and a state that rests against the sea values attack. For, if a state that fights on four fronts is fond of raising soldiers, it will be in a dangerous position, as it has to resist four neighbours. As soon as a country with four neighbours begins hostilities, four countries mobilize armies; therefore is it said that the country is in a dangerous position. If a state that has to fight on four fronts is unable to raise, from a city of ten thousand houses, an army of more than ten thousand men, then the state will be in a dangerous position. Therefore is it said: 'A state that has to fight on four fronts should concern itself with defensive warfare.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.