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Scope: Order to Cultivate Waste Lands Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "送糧者不私輕惰之民不游軍市則農民不淫國粟不勞則草必墾矣" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

墾令 - Order to Cultivate Waste Lands

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《墾令》 Library Resources
15 墾令:
Order to Cultivate Waste...:
Women should not be permitted on the market-place of the army, but orders to be there should be given to merchants. Men should be commanded to provide themselves with cuirass and arms, to make the army appear in fine condition. Also if heed is given that there can be no private transport of grain on the army market-place, then there will be no opportunity to hatch corrupt schemes. If those who transport grain dishonestly, cannot, from selfish motives, be negligent, frivolous and lazy people will not loiter about the army market-place; and if those who steal grain have no opportunity of selling, and those who send grain can make no private profit, and if frivolous and lazy people do not loiter about the army market-place, then farmers will not be licentious, (if they are not licentious) the government's grain need not be resorted to, and (this being the case) it is certain waste lands will be brought under cultivation.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.