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Scope: Within the Borders Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "國尉短兵千人" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

境内 - Within the Borders

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《境内》 Library Resources
2 境内:
Within the Borders:
The military ranks from the first degree down to the small prefects are called xiao, tu, cao, shi; the public ranks from the second degree upwards to the degree of bu-geng are called military officials, zu. In battle five men are organized into a squad; if one of them is killed, the other four are beheaded. If a man can capture one head then he is exempted from taxes. For every five men is there a corporal, tun-chang, and for every hundred men a centurion, chiang. If in a battle the centurions and corporals are unsuccessful, they are beheaded; if they are successful, thirty-three heads or more are accounted ample, and to the centurions and corporals one degree in rank is given. An officer of 500 men has 50 swordsmen with short weapons; an officer of twice 500 men, in commanding them has 100 swordsmen; a prefect with an income of 1,000 piculs of grain has 100 swordsmen; a prefect with an income of 800 piculs of grain has 80 swordsmen; one with 700 piculs has 70 swordsmen; one with 600 piculs has 60 swordsmen; the guo-wei has 1,000 swordsmen, and the general has 4,000 swordsmen. If in a battle, it comes so far that he is killed, then the swordsmen are beheaded. If a man can capture one head, he is exempted from taxes.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.