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Scope: Within the Borders Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "爵自二級以上有刑罪則貶" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

境內 - Within the Borders

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《境內》 Library Resources
4 境內:
Within the Borders:
When three heads are captured in battle, they are exposed for three days; the general confers, in the cases where there is no doubt that it is deserved, the titles of shi and da-fu in reward. When the heads have been hanging for three days and no titles of shi or da-fu have been conferred on any one in reward, then they are removed. The four wei of a district are under the critical supervision of a cheng-wei. If he succeeds in capturing the head of a man of rank, he receives one qing of land and nine mu of estate, apart from the conferment of one degree of rank and a bodyguard for each rank, and he is allowed to enter amongst the military officers. In case of transgression of the law, then those of higher rank criticize those of lower rank and degree. If a man of high rank has been cashiered, he may not be given as servant to a man of rank. Those holding rank from the second degree upwards, in case of an offence, are degraded; those holding rank not higher than the first degree, when guilty of an offence, lose it. At the death of a xiao-fu up to a da-fu, coffins should be of a different kind for each degree, and the number of trees on the graves should be one for each degree in rank.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.