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Scope: Charge to Yue I Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "若歲大旱用汝作霖雨" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

說命上 - Charge to Yue I

Library Resources
3 說命上:
Charge to Yue I:
He charged him, saying, 'Morning and evening present your instructions to aid my virtue. Suppose me a weapon of steel; I will use you for a whetstone. Suppose me crossing a great stream; I will use you for a boat with its oars. Suppose me in a year of great drought; I will use you as a copious rain. Open your mind, and enrich my mind. (Be you) like medicine, which must distress the patient, in order to cure his sickness. (Think of we) as one walking barefoot, whose feet are sure to be wounded, if he do not see the ground. Do you and your companions all cherish the same mind to assist your sovereign, that I may follow my royal predecessors, and tread in the steps of my high ancestor, to give repose to the millions of the people. Oh! respect this charge of mine; so shall you bring your work to a (good) end.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.