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譯文對照:[不顯示] [英文翻譯]


英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?]
提到《商書》的書籍 電子圖書館
 湯誓 - Speech of Tang
 仲虺之誥 - Announcement of Zhong-hui
 湯誥 - Announcement of Tang
 伊訓 - Instructions of Yi
 太甲上 - Tai Jia I
 太甲中 - Tai Jia II
 太甲下 - Tai Jia III

 咸有一德 - Common Possession of Pure Virtue
 盤庚上 - Pan Geng I

 盤庚中 - Pan Geng II
 盤庚下 - Pan Geng III
 說命上 - Charge to Yue I
 說命中 - Charge to Yue II
 說命下 - Charge to Yue III
 高宗肜日 - Day of the Supplementary Sacrifice to Gao Zong
 西伯戡黎 - Chief of the west's Conquest of Li
 微子 - Count of Wei
URN: ctp:shang-shu/shang-shu