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Scope: Successful Completion of the War Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "越翼日癸巳王朝步自周于征伐商" Matched:1.
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武成 - Successful Completion of the War

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《武成》 Library Resources
1 武成:
Successful Completion of the...:
In the first month, the day Ren-chen immediately followed the end of the moon's waning. The next day was Gui-ji, when the king, in the morning, marched from Zhou to attack and punish Shang.
In the fourth month, at the first appearance of the moon, the king came from Shang to Feng, when he hushed all the movements of war, and proceeded to cultivate the arts of peace. He sent back his horses to the south of mount Hua, and let loose his oxen in the open country of Tao-lin, showing to all under heaven that he would not use them (again).
On the day Ding-Wei, he sacrificed in the ancestral temple of Zhou, when (the princes) of the royal domain, and of the Dian, Hou, and Wei domains, all hurried about, carrying the dishes." The third day after was Geng-xu, when he presented a burnt-offering to Heaven, and worshipped towards the hills and rivers, solemnly announcing the successful completion of the war.
After the moon began to wane, the hereditary princes of the various states, and all the officers, received their appointments from Zhou.

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