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Scope: Timber of the Rottlera Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "若作室家既勤垣墉惟其塗塈茨" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

梓材 - Timber of the Rottlera

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《梓材》 Library Resources
2 梓材:
Timber of the Rottlera:...:
'When sovereigns appointed overseers (of states), they did so in order to the government of the people, and said to them, "Do not give way to violence or oppression, but go on to show reverent regard for the friendless, and find helping connexions for (destitute) women." Deal with all according to this method, and cherish them. And when sovereigns gave their injunctions to the rulers of states, and their managers of affairs, what was their charge? It was that they should lead (the people) to the enjoyment of plenty and peace. Such was the way of the kings from of old. An overseer is to eschew the use of punishments.' (The king) says, 'As in the management of a field, when the soil has been all laboriously turned up, they have to proceed by orderly arrangements to make its boundaries and water-courses; as in building a house, after all the toil on its walls. they have to plaster and thatch it; as in working with the wood of the rottlera, when the toil of the coarser and finer operations has been completed, they have to apply the paint of red and other colours; (so do you finish for me the work which I have begun in the state of Wei.)'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.