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Scope: Tribute of Yu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "厥貢璆鐵銀鏤砮磬熊羆狐狸織皮西傾因桓是來浮于潛逾于沔入于渭亂于河" Matched:1.
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禹貢 - Tribute of Yu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《禹貢》 Library Resources
9 禹貢:
Tribute of Yu:
The south of (mount) Hua and the Blackwater, were (the boundaries of) Liang Zhou. The (hills) Min and Bo were made capable of cultivation. The Tuo and Qian streams were conducted by their proper channels. Sacrifices were offered to (the hills) Cai and Meng on the regulation (of the country about them). (The country of) the wild tribes about the He was successfully operated on. The soil of this province was greenish and light. Its fields were the highest of the lowest class; and its contribution of revenue was the average of the lowest class, with proportions of the rates immediately above and below. Its articles of tribute, were - the best gold, iron, silver, steel, flint stones to make arrow-heads, and sounding-stones; with the skins of bears, foxes, and jackals, and (nets) woven of their hair. From (the hill of) Xi-qing they came by the course of the Huan; floated along the Qian, and then crossed (the country) to the Mian; passed to the Wei, and (finally) ferried across the He.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.