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Scope: Tribute of Yu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "桑土既蠶是降丘宅土" Matched:1.
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禹貢 - Tribute of Yu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《禹貢》 Library Resources
3 禹貢:
Tribute of Yu:
Between the Ji and the He was Yan Zhou. The nine branches of the He were made to keep their proper channels. Lei-xia was made a marsh, in which (the waters of) the Yong and the Ju were united. The mulberry grounds were made fit for silkworms, and then (the people) came down from the heights, and occupied the grounds (below). The soil of this province was blackish and rich; the grass in it was luxuriant, and the trees grew high. Its fields were the lowest of the middle class. Its contribution of revenue was fixed at what would just be deemed the correct amount; but it was not required from it, as from the other provinces, till after it had been cultivated for thirteen years. Its articles of tribute were varnish and silk, and, in baskets, woven ornamental fabrics. They floated along the Ji and Ta, and so reached the He.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.