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Scope: Annals of the Five Emperors Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "堯又曰嗟四嶽湯湯洪水滔天浩浩懷山襄陵下民其憂有能使治者" Matched:1.
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五帝本纪 - Annals of the Five Emperors

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13 五帝本纪:
Annals of the Five...:
Yao said, 'Who can obediently manage these matters?' Fangqi said, 'There is your adopted son Danzhu, who is developing his intelligence.' Yao said, 'Oh! he is unscrupulous and wicked; I cannot employ him.' He said again, 'Who will do it?' Huandou said, 'The minister of works, who is generally popular, and has displayed merit, could be employed.' Yao said, 'The minister of works is talkative; if he is employed, his depravities, although he is apparently respectful, would overspread the heavens, he will not do.' He said further, 'Alas! O president of the four mountains, the waters of the flood rise up to heaven, and in their vast expanse encompass the mountains, and overtop the hills; the common people are troubled about it. Is there a capable man whom I could set to deal with the matter?' They all said, 'Gun might do it.' Yao said, 'Gun disobeys orders, and ruins his companions. He will not do.' The President said, 'Ah! well! try him, and if he is found useless, have done with him.' Whereupon Yao adopting his suggestion, employed Gun for nine years, but his work was not completed.

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