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Scope: Annals of the Five Emperors Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "聰以知遠明以察微" Matched:1.
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五帝本紀 - Annals of the Five Emperors

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9 五帝本紀:
Annals of the Five...:
Being born a genius Gaoxin spoke from babyhood. He distributed his benefits everywhere, regardless of self. Intelligent enough to understand things far off, and clever enough to search into minutiae, he followed Heaven's laws, and knew the people's needs. Humane yet dignified, kind yet truthful; he practised self-culture and all men submitted to him. He secured the revenue of the land, and spent it economically. He governed and instructed all his subjects, and they profited by the instruction. He made a calendar of the days and months past as well as future. He knew all about spirits, and worshipped them respectfully. His appearance was elegant, and his virtue eminent. His movements were well-timed, and his dress gentlemanly. Emperor Ku was thoroughly impartial all over his empire. There was no one on whom the sun and moon shone, or on whom the rain and wind blew, who was not devoted to him.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.