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Scope: Annals of the Five Emperors Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "舜曰天也夫而後之中國踐天子位焉是為帝舜" Matched:1.
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五帝本紀 - Annals of the Five Emperors

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17 五帝本紀:
Annals of the Five...:
Yao had sat on the throne seventy years, when he secured Shun's services for twenty years; then, being old, he directed that Shun should be associated with him in the government of the empire, and presented him to Heaven. Yao had abdicated the throne twenty-eight years when he died, and the people mourned for him as for a parent, no music being played for three years throughout the empire, for which reason he was remembered. Yao knew that his son Danzhu was a worthless fellow, who was not fit to reign, and so the authority was conferred on Shun. As it was conferred on Shun, the empire got the advantage and Danzhu was injured. If it had been conferred on Danzhu, the empire would have been injured, and Danzhu gained the advantage. Yao said, 'We certainly cannot cause the empire to suffer loss, and the advantage go to an individual.' In the end the empire was given over to Shun. After the death of Yao, when the three years' mourning was over, Shun gave way to Danzhu, and retired to the south of the southern river. When the princes went to an audience at court, they did not present themselves before Danzhu, but before Shun; litigants did not go before Danzhu, but Shun; and the singers did not sing in praise of Danzhu, but of Shun. Shun said, 'It is from Heaven.' Afterwards he went to the capital, sat on the Imperial throne, and was styled Emperor Shun.

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