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Scope: Annals of the Five Emperors Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "舜舉八愷使主后土以揆百事莫不時序" Matched:1.
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五帝本紀 - Annals of the Five Emperors

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22 五帝本紀:
Annals of the Five...:
In former days the Emperor Gaoyang had eight talented sons; the world benefited by them, and they were called the eight benevolent ones. The Emperor Gaoxin had also eight talented sons, and men called them the eight virtuous ones. Of these sixteen men after ages have acknowledged the excellence, and not let their names fall to the ground. In the time of Yao he was not able to raise them to office, but Shun raised the eight benevolent ones to office, and made them superintend the land department and direct all matters, arranging them according to their seasons. He also raised the right virtuous ones to office, employing them to spread throughout the country a knowledge of the duties pertaining to the five social relationships, for fathers became just, mothers loving, elder brothers sociable, younger ones respectful, and children dutiful; within the empire there was peace, and beyond it submission.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.