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Scope: Annals of the Xia Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "華陽黑水惟梁州汶嶓既藝沱涔既道蔡蒙旅平和夷厎績" Matched:1.
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夏本纪 - Annals of the Xia

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13 夏本纪:
Annals of the Xia:
The south of Mount Hua and the Blackwater formed the boundaries of Liangzhou. The Min and Bo hills were cultivated. The Tuo and Qian rivers flowed in their channels, sacrifices were offered to the hills Cai and Meng on the plateaux, and the wild tribes on the He river were successfully managed. The soil of the province was bluish black. Its fields were the highest of the lowest class; its contribution of revenue was the average of the lowest class, with proportions of the rates above and below. Its tribute consisted of the best gold, iron, silver, steel, stone arrow-heads, musical stones, and nets woven from the hair of bears and foxes. From Xiqing you come along the river Huan, float down the Qian, cross over to the Mian, enter the Wei, and ferry across the Yellow river.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.